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President S.R,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange
Hall at 7:30 P.M.
All members present Minutes af the last regula13 and special meetings read and approved,
Those in waiting vere heard. A delegation from Bromdalc Park Mr.
J",T,Jones being spokesman,their mission was to get the hill at
E~oolcs Ave.k Kest 44th Street cut and B,44th Street put to grade from Coolidge to Riiackey A-fe.Sc the cost of work taken from the
general fund,biit was told it was customary to assess 8-11 streets
pu-t to grade, Mr.McNau@;ht was not in.favor of mch of a cut at
Brooks 6~ 44th.a~ his property lies highpas was also Mr.Girth 3e
others, After discussion it was referred to the road committee.
Dr. Murry ofE.44th and Brpwndale ask the Council to cooperate with
Saint Louis Park In oiling %est 44th Street from B-rowndale East 9s
far 8.8 the Village goes on 44tS,the Council was invited to meet with
the Bro$tndale Park Uens Club on next Tuesday Eve.at which time it would be discussed at 1ength;and the property owners mere villing to bear the expense,were told we did not approve of oiling unless the
street vias scarified and then oiled and rolled,r":h.ich was satisfactory.
Mr. V,H,Adanis presented a petition for a side&-alk on the north side
of Test 50th Street from France Ave to Vooddale kve.Er.Adams thought
they ul..ould be willing to have the curb included,but the petition was
e.ccepted,on rnotion,and held over till it was known what the County
Highviay'z gurgeg and grades would be.
I~7r,H.k,Psuleon and others were present in the fnterest of regulating
traaffic in the Country Club Districtyes there was 8 tendency of
motorist to drive too fast over the paved streets,Pr,Paulson nas asked
50 mnke R. Su@@eStiOII,he thought it might help if they vdere posted
Speed Limit or fabz?DfGd Roed,Mr,Paulson said he would set' if the
3herlf.f V~OUI~ send a deputy out at the time of day when it iriD1l!.d do
the moEt goodethe matter ivas let stand,
A petition vms presented by Otto Cermak,signed by 47 residents. to gmde 4th Street S3uth from Central Ave to 4th Ave East 3 4th Ave
Eqet to 3rd Ave 2outh,on motion hy Trustee Wescott seconded by Tr~st~ee Rmd~en ita was accepted for consideration,
P.J,Thielen presented a,petftion signed by property owners on "hielon
Ave.ProQkslde,for 8 cement sidewalk on both sides of Thielen P.ve .3c
Rlong Lots IO k 11 on Yest 44th Street,on motlon of Trustce Xnudsen
seconded by Trmtee Prescott petition 1w.s granted and the Clerk to pnbl-Ish the notice to property owners and advertise for bids when
ready3thE cost to be assessed to abutttng property in three payments.
Deeds frsm Patrick H.Slavin and Anna Slavin,his zife far the Erringer right of ?:ay and frox Emma Forreeter,B ,L,Shaffer,Ruth Shaffer hie
vilfe' and !$.E.E'ord 3 Edith E.Ford his wife for right of wag on the
Sliaffer qnci Donahue road in Mendelssohn viere received and motion nepe accepted if Jdrs Forrester kl a1 vjould correct 8.11 objectionable clRuse in their deed,the Clerk to take the matter up vuitk.. them.
The CDrnui t.tsee on ?;he B&nton Ave..Eridge reported there was another
hearing t.0 be held June 3r.d I926,at the Railrogd tc 5are-house Com-
miasion office .ir, Saint. Vaixl ,The- Village Attorney seemed uncertafn
abollt t.he rjght of the Village to force a bridge there at this tirm,
F':r,krchPE: Eixk r4equested the Villa.ge Council to lay sidewalk oil
France Ave xlong Lot 8,Block 4,Ivanda.le Pawk 8nd assess cost to his property on rfiotion the request was granted and the Clerk was instru-
cted to have the work done and the Village Engineer to set %he stekes,
&!r,ISIO~~~,~f Thorp@ Bros ,made a request that the streets irl Sollt,h
He.rriett Park be put in good shape,as the street,s v.ere sodded over it. l'.,O*.lld be quite B.n elrpense a.nd could not be done at thj-s time,birt
the Chdman K.;E(E instructed to have sox@ Jiiork done.
A letter C~E i.6e.d fro@ ;W.PJ.PLE~dge offering to give $i03.00
toytare the opening of Tfooddale Ave if xe di6 not ssk for It. all
at one time the Clerk v.as instructed to witc BIAP p.ppr+ecintXon
of his lrindiy offer 2nd that he could ppy a~ cinvenient, Also
E letter T~RP reed frsrr i&.k.G.?tPi&t regarding the rSght. of v:ay
on Yooddale kvt? ELCPOES his property,hc said he had referred it io
hie l?eale:tnte Ran snd could advise us of hie decission.
On motion the band 3f 25000.00 of the IIawrTet State EaaB a~d the Eecorder's bond of $500.00 from The Fidelity Guamntg Co.and the
renewel of Ls;Bessor'E bond of $500.snd the personal bond of Justice
o& pe2.c~ Fred K.Villson( $500.OO)by Trustee frescottseconded by
Trustee Kriudseen.
Yne mRttr=r of se1ecthg 8 Street Gomdss€oner and the RBCOP~~P'S
sslgry laia OV~P from last meting ~as taken up. Tvo applicants
for strset co~missioner,S,S.Joy 5: Arthur Petersen,an the Vnird
ballot !".S.Joy received 3 votes and vias declared duly elected for
the ensiieing y~ar. After discussion the Lecorder'a salary ms set
at $60.00 pEr month for the ensueing year on motion of Trustee Ppescott seconded by Trustee Rnudsen.
After duly auditing the road and other bills the follming uepe
al1ov:ed on motion.
Road Eills--
Frank Eoberte E,Hansen
Ed Gostello
Art Jemen
A ,"'rettrer
Jerry Collins
Harry VRne tta
'7 ,S, Joy
st corn
2II$ hrs at 80#
148; 406
24 days $5.00
I30 03
59 a40
59 .40
Ot'ner bills total 809 b 40
Upls Gen Elertric Co street li@Its for April 45 *96
J.D.Arlsms eo. 2-K0.2 i.iheelers 3F, grader bl%de 164.02
H , S . !Xnd Hdr- hRr'dwRre ordered by Jog for road crew 6.60 Sorrth Town Sevlt,inel publishing ordinances 193 a88
L ,E . Strong assessor's bond 2 e50
total 412 a96
?'otel for month 1222.36
Received the. V€llage Treasurer's receipt to County TPZSlSlJyPP
warrant No 44679 for $1996.82 Tom tax.
$8.50 plumber's permits ;liere turned over to the Treasurer.
FJ. crA-"y TJo further bu-siness the meeting adjourned
Frecoi-Ger. .