HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260612_REGULAR215 Ppesidens", S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 7:30 P.Ib, All members answered roll call but Trustee H,J.Rnudsen. Minutes of the Kay meeting read and approved, Commfttee report on the Benton Ave bridge,resd a letter from the Railroed and 'hare-house Commission that the hearing vias continlied till. June 18th. Attorney Kingsley prepared an agreement betaeen the Village of Edina and the iLEnneapbEis Northfield SS Southern whereby the Villa.@ of Edins. Ss to pay the costa above #2000.00 after consideration and d8scussion the President and Clerk signed the agreement and khe plans of a So0 Line bridge 134s subnitted nhich was approved by the Railroad & Tiare-house Commission which cost $1900.00 but w3.s a 4 larger one than xas needed on Benton Ave. Engineer A,'ii',Grs.ker mas asked to redraft the plans and help the Village to secure the bridge on motion and the -- President and Clerk's action tias approved. The meeting of the Erovindale Klens Club and the ma.tter of oiling and scaraifying \$est 44th Street vias discussed but no definite action vias taken at this time. Mr.E,Rermanson vias present asking for the .opening of 4th Ave.I\Torth from the Cernetary road to the Street Car line in ?!est Mpls Heights a part of said nork to be apetitioned at Nay Keeting,it was left to the Road Committee to look over. Mr,H.A.Paulson,of Thorpe Bros.was present with a petition and blue print for the opening of a driveway beta-een Edina and Morningside in Elock I,the petition was accepted for consideration and Ivlr Paulson took the petition to get more signers.and also asked to have two nem streets opened in South Harriet Park.after discussion Mr Paulron zs.s asked to get legal advice from Mr.J,E,Dorsey and ho-fi to proceed. ltrs.Arine 'CIRS present in the absence of Nir,Arine,in the interest of a street between the Arine Se Thorpe Bros.property,the old Bull place. nov? being platted.Nrs Arine said thry were willing to give half oT a street but not a11,She was asked tb get in tmch with Thorpe's and untfll then there would be no action taken by the Council. e Rl~,;:,~Y,Rand of tKe Mpls Gas Co,and h9s Attornky IVIr,HoZt were present proposing to lay gas mains in the Country Club District and sub- mitted 9. proposed franchisepa special meeting vias set for June I9 to take the matter up with the Village Attorney, As this ;:as the time for the hewing and opening of bids on the Thie- 1eD Avenue sfdemalk. The hearfng as taken up and the president asked for objections to the sidemalk and cost assessed to abutting property rind none were made in mitfng or othervise and therefore it VJRS ordered la$d and the follor.iing resolution was adopted on Totion ~f' Trwtee C ,F,Prescoit seconded by Trustee Tillson. 2HSFJ3AS.a vajority of the Ovmers of the property fronting 0x1 Thfe- 1Bd Averme, frcrri Tk.44St,.Nor&h- to- Villdge .li:&*ft& the Village of Edina Hennepin County,Aflirmesota,have petitioned %he Vlllage Coiincil of' said VllLage to order a cement sidewalk laid on -t:Mth-sides" of -ale- Ien Avenue from %est 4.2 ST.. lo Wlla LimTts' ' 1. ?*--.n-nd requested tqht aaoptioii of the necessary resolut4on to glve effect thereto, accord5.W to 1av;therefore be it QESOLVEI2,by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,that A eemnt. sfdeiialk 4 feet in viidth be laid on E&th Sides-'o-f Thielen !Aye. froM k 44St Worth Lo V21;IiwordTng to plans and specifica%tons on tile vlitrl c.il0 Vill2ge Clei?k,and the Clerk to assess the cost to abutting peoporty in 3 equal annual payments and those mishing to pay cagh may do so. %calk to be completed by ~4ugush first 1926. Two bide =ere received,Newell ConstrwctZon Co-for $1.10 per square yard i,fth certified check accomnanying bid and Fred Johnson for $1.10 per squase yard and no check,therefore the bid of the Newell Construction Co.nas accepted,and the Clerk to have the contract a on motion of Trustee Prescott,secmded by Trus.1Qillson The folloaing :.;ere named delegates to the Xunicipal League convention at Virginia,Mnn E ,T .Edson. J , J . Duggan and Geo .Aa Fillson cith S.K,Strong,B.J.Rnudsen and C ,F.Prescott as alter- nstes. In the matter of grading ?Jotor Street the Street Car Co,asked that a resolution be adopted and they aould move their fence and alfov the Tillage $0 grade Motor Street a part of vhich mag be on the Street Car Go's right of mag,therefore the fo1lo:ving resolution vas adopted On motion of Trustee Prescoit seconded By Trus,Villson BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of .the Village ~f Edina that nefther the taking dom nor the removal of the.fence along the s3utherly line of the right-of-way of the Kinneapolis and S;t.Paul Surburban Railrmd Company from the westerly side ' of Idlain Avenue 8.1011 the Northerly side of Motor Street to a point tno hondred ' (2007 feet,more or .less,westerlg of Rutledge Avenue,fn the Village of Edfna,nor the grading,occupation and use of any portion of the tlinneapolis aad St .Paul SuBurban Railroad Company's right-of-Kay at the above loc'ation for street OE? o.ther purposes shall operate to give the Village of Edina any legal title to said Railroad Company's land so granted and used,nor shall the removal and re- location of said fence or the consent of said Railroad Company to the grading and use of part of Its rrght-of-say by the Villa@ OP Edina be in any manner considered or held to be a surrender of its legal title to the strip of land hereinabove referred to, !?'he Gutgesell deed for right of way on the Shaffer road in llendels- ~ohn to the Village of Edina was offered and on motion aas accepted. The -4ssessor asked for a clerk at the Village expense,and said the expense vrrruld not be over 50 or $60.'i)CI After discussion it {.as moved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Rillson that the Assessor be allowed to hire a clerk and send the bill to the Council, c arrie d . The matter of buying culverts was discussed and az there '+vas need of some culverts,onmOtkxi of Trustee Prescott seconded by Trimtee Villsan tte Clerk rms instructed to arreange to buy approximately IO0 feet of I2 inch culvwte, As there -Tias complaints of people making a dumping ground of the road side of France Avenue near the Jewish Cemtary,the Clerk mas instructed to virlte and ssk the County Commissioneers to post Vae road at that place,and also ask the County to oil France Avenue past the smd pit. A bill of Dr.Blake's for $195.00 mostly for quarantines and releases ms held over and the Clerk to ask the County to pay one half of i%, as advised by the League. Naetzold's bill for dynamite \sas held over because of irregularities in prices. On motion the road and other bills {'#ere alloxed as auditled. Road bf 11s E .Hansen 252 201 60 Ed Costello Art Jensen 106.20 LO€iOZ?O Jerry Colline I1 265~ 261 I04 40 3 .S, Joy St Corn. 30' days $5 00 I50 e 00 ltipls Gen ElectrGc Co street lffhts Eay 45.96 Frank Roberts team 266 hrs at 806 . $2IZ.80 ' S65; 212 e 40 %5?> 209 *20 A !S'ebbert labor 265~ 4QO Harry Vanatta lt 17111 Wasec 375 yds gravel E5# 93 *75 H .S .Tdnd Hdrf Axe 2.5; handle E;Og,shovel 2.45 4.45 First Nat Eank,Hopkins premium on bond 2 '50 i;inn.League of Lh.micipalities tax rate book 1-00 Henn .County Enterprise publications in by 9.90 I~iller-Davis CO set legal blmks, Justice of Peace 4.10 Clarence Knudsen Distrwbiting ordinances 22.50 Total for rilaiith 2 15iI.96 11 n st a security 1;at Lank,Eopkfns ?reasurera's bond 25 SO0 e ' If ;;.?.Dodge's check,sid in opning Yo3dd-le Ave $8y,o:, Plumbers perxit2 for month IO-i5? , &. (, J&j?C- Turned ovsr to Treasurer :2x? .50 - 4l <.-e / KO further biisiness meeting 8djOiirned. Kecwdep