HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260710_REGULAR104316 219 T.:'Ij1','TTTEc_; DF THL PROCLEDINGS OF 71LL,,.GE GOTTN'JIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGTILAR 77ETING THEREOF HELD ON THL 1,0-t,-,hDAY OF JULY 9 2 6 the meetir., to dxider In V ie* Roll: ti�oRs­called";,jith 0.11 ivjrmf,:-�7 of thf�_- 16s-t -ire! z6r,�_- �ead'And :7 Ppprcor�-_ The order of busine-,:!!s­v,,8s, slispende'd to take - care of those 1 S G t v�ei-e present-, asking, for nformat.iox? as I- t the rn_kine of nev i street in South Harriet, Pac1T oE "i France Ave. and Halifax Ave. told that Thorpe Bros.vTould like to open a street there but on action vias tRken.1v.,'1Ps SRrgent for a chance to protest in ease art,,r action token. I,Tr A. .Grate*o has present about the Arden Ave. T_`e ­3't tc, connect zditn ti.le 1P 1-ocb Feirier is about 18 feet, deep Talrdi Estate ,-,nd said Yr Thorpe ti1,as h(=! h.,4d considered lt.,and advised Xlr me--c-ting. rippinFoe of Z70tr-, from storm, sever alread.r laid.The at the Soi_).theast corner of the favorable to the proji c aft EP .Graber to be present at tl-ils lclrs LX.�-vady 1,1,as present askirg if there iAas any to n-�,t :� street (-Ilt, th-01) from 50til, to 52nd betmeen France Ave ard Halifax Ave. said ;?he had a petition but failed to brirg 'Y I-mt. would sei)d it to M-iz- Clerk ire day Or tV10. It r,as moved by Tru stee Prescott. and S e granting street, ctorded bi, ; Trustee 7nillsor th question of grar a s t r"-- , t k e tql�en lip later 5 carried. !,j�'rjeouresp, �, Fjork were asking to get Drew Ave .opened to 58tri cityr-et v, as f C) U in for '1�nat tl-�e-,T vianted grid it. rould be , told to cet �--) petition referred to the road com.mlitt,c-e.to look over. of V.'r,.Adams 'others for a sidevialk on the Fortb -side of :lOth Street from France Ave. to v.'ooddale Pve.-7127 , j or, r, -otior -v-,is c,rarted and the Clerk inst.mctc-r-1 to plll[�llszh ',a 1-000perty ovine-ro vith the hearing to be beld on the 14t,r, day of Aiicri).�t 1-2-th. TLe gay crd 1 rance having been acce r)t.F.-d by the Cras On- . -1 t. i-,-4s orri-r- as adopted. Tier 7' G_-nevq.l Electric -v,a.s granted permissloi-� to Set one pole On street and France Ave. patine of cai--celatlon of ErE;1nPf_z!r bord for th,� sw,v,_r *v.,a,- read.,no action taken. On -,ia.s f- . 17 0 r 1-7ed to notify 8•.LoT)T.,7 Par'< to oil 44 Fitre e t f Porii Glen 'lace to Cooll dge Ave, . as. reque,,z te 0 r, N'T Pr•on6r`t,y oi,neos in that viclruitv. 7 u-55 nd A r,1-­ctk or' 1,r.T.C.Errinrer of j,r68. to thF Vllla&c- for making their drivev,pys licerRe -Ii7,0.00 and 4.50 plumbers permits ov-r 1•0 treasurer. A F.L.Shaeffer of 4,48.00 IT �-nd P,!>: PI -e- irorks total �38I-0-5 viqs t7 -)rn(-zd After dnl-T ai)diting tbF ­Oad and miscellaneous bills on mot on napye for bills. 220 ;: ?Rad 4 i 11 Fr,arjx Rob,_rts team 207 tars vt 84 1,35. PO R•_r?. er .a '� 139 I51.20 El Cos te11 o tr I80 114.00 A.rt J-nsen I80 144. 00 A." e: per labor I89 40Y 75.60 Je -eru Cold i. r: ,: IRO 75.60 Harry Vanatta " 208 83.20 Wt. :5,jl 1y '1t Corn.) 23 . dp-ys 115. 00 13 3 -4 yds gravel. at. 1-5 ;..4 g57.e4 Tv'pls Gee) F1 <3ctric Co strEet• llgrhtss.1„ iie 4.ag 5 Lyle C}.iver��u N° Rd Fgi)ipment Co Culverts 117.51 ,.T.FLiTo ' Apr.:,_ay x June.3 coos Clem. salary 180.00 J.L.Rutledg-r Judge of primary election 7.501 Z . J.. Rote its M It 7.50 TI.Fa -, en clerk 7.50 C 7. 1r0 F . J . F r s.r' 1 c o,ns s �. t+7 P '' tt 0 ;� . , r0 John E.LiI ja Elackswith 1�;or_� 7,.00 3.R.�tro, r, Corr r,ork of revier.�speci ?l rePti �� 54.I3 F.T.Edson.Jvidf -e- ..Pd of prY elf:ction�bd rv.r,,uom cork et�r,80.33 H.J.Fr idsen com ,ork� spec. 1eett1rjs�� t(, 15.00 C >F.Fre- 3cot.t I4.00 treo A, q 11.son It n Ic,.00 L.Z.Stronc sssessin,g VlllaF-e lr I9` 8 423.q0 L.F.Strong clerk nire or Assessor's books C -5.00 Lt.J.rugean camvork Pn6 trans.to Virginia &- expen. 27.80 T.� etzold',, rTdv, dynarrrite. fuse �ca.ps,2ysiiovels ^.2+ Dotal for month 2101,E 1 .63 T_o furthFr bus L r,es s me6tirag a d jo�rred. ne-corder. LiTTi,tTTES OF THE PROC.E.7D1 Y OF THE VILLAGE COMYCIL OF TkIE VII,T,RGE OF EDINA AT A S?F+CIAL ii "ZZTIINTG THEREOF FIELD ON TIM 36to Pa-'s.Y OF JULY I 0 2 3 � pEcial rrE= -ting of to u.o„ro71 called to considev Hi�h.,,)y Dapt plan s for T;iF_h. #ay :'3.15 thru Edirl-a fro., Lurd4lads *•o �_-t.Louis Fss_zk line. 1'eetirg3 called to •at+der by president Strop C,.Roll call foond Trustees F'rescot.t. 4i`d ;iillson pl'+�swht•�;"]�,'1 the Cleir-k 91 ?rj Trustee r.t , nodse n sl e,1ty1rustEe rjllson Tq),poInted clew- tem.. As the members present. 'a ad been ta,-.en over the proposed bi- ;hrTayr by ;-,)Cireers _.`Ahver and rraewer� a resalut on for trie acceptance r;ac per ser_t �n �', "cy.T. "ot.hv. n vas asked ;+h ,3t . ;ould bd fhl ? result if the s t•her a P, a -z# i d. �Y,e i d i Ta -t E r t.1i-,z iafl Y�A.ppvnr� they ant. vi ha a.1•�:�.d arq 'ray. 1'r. xr ?ezer agreed to Tip =e a list of streets zihere tl�e prest- rnt. Lrade ��1.oiild be affected.. the ni_hTjay Dept.is to grade the approaches of ',rESe to rr!ateh the h1 fiJ'ay. Ili- :7 t.hv ?i siwpcested .2.--".r_- f:w on 71:).7 to be asses,t d to abvtti_n" _'Cperty from rt.T.ouiA Pat':S lire. thru Grand V'F' hPL€I_tc��ft, -" Consi�a�i'.bls� !1 ri)c4ir�ii ,-�,-,, ,red- The r:e pt . is to bride e 44 1 but Ln ' 4r_tli' tr et con- - rsectior with Nn-Z< to be orv-, black north of 4i_1-t elfriln.ate a hair rir, turri such as 1 =_xists _ t 44U) and Proo' <Gi•?: rva . S_ • The following resolution adopted but not turned over to the Clerk • untill sometime later, ,. + ? c. d T._r. ":,e�sti�Jer, ?sc�= 3 1 f t t. ' *�c'a`�7 -� �e .- �+s�l.;,l� to �.h� Coi]r�C? 1 t0 is-- card try . +,00dr-n trid -e gat i::cCrea+�y'G vhen No.5 Is co gplete +7sbnt• the Council did riot agree to 'hl .q.Tt. Unp Nigh; ^_.y Dep.`o Q.he d ,'.ith t'i� plans for connections c,etzeen No.5 tai , +i s -nj :3 '`4t soma datr of all t-be objectoz'c * o ozr�,r this '�rork r;it1,- the idea t.h-it the,,* .m.i _In .it:n- dra'r; tham1 1ons, .1%7r Graezer promisP(3 t-) do sorratr.1n- atoLIt file dust: on Trill rill lxrre6j.?ttely. On ?Ti�t,��r ir. ;jfiV ��? joiir?1F s t7,A. +illsor ?�i :•iii'? cic- r:c. 4.