HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260913_SPECIAL224 \ Road bills-- - team 214 hrs at 804 171.20 Frank Roberts E,Hansen 214 171.20 Ed Costello It Art Jensen labb 214 _I at 406 85a60 A.?iebber Harry Vanakta Jerry Collins ;:',S.Joy St Corn 24 days at 5.30 120.00 Russell Grader Co repairs for g-rader 13.19 214 I71 a20 PT 209 I67 a20 I1 2092 83 e80 224 85 60 tt rm Kpls Gen Electric Co street lights kug 45.96 E ,T ,Eds on 3 mos.clerk sala-ry 180.00 Xaetzold' s Hdrr dynamite,fuse 2 caps I6 * 50 H,S ,Xnd Hd-J.; mater can 0 65 blacksmith work 5.50 940.84 Thompson Lumber Co plank for crossing . ao J Chris Roe Frank Jabot n a- on Eenton Ave bridge Total for month. $ 2.258.89 -c-L/. 6- 0- ltp further business meeting adjourned. Recorder, NIKUTIiS CP THE PROCEEDINGS r3F THE VILLAGE C3TVNCIL OF THE VILLAGE 3F EDIN4 AT A SPECIAL MEETING TFIREOF HELD ON THE 13th DAY OF SEPTEMEER I9 2 6 :..."-:5."-:C:r *. .. ., " .. ., .. ., .. " " " ,, ,, ., ,, .. ,, ,, t, ., ,. " ., .. .* ., \. ,, ,. .. .. ., ,.U .* ,. "., " " ,. ..,, -,;-&;;..,--#<': .,-**,-;,- :if;< -u--,r',.. n ., .. I. ,, .: .:-.c n- *,,-;: -,,--,< .; .;',,*-,,.i~;,-.,,--,f-~-.~-.*,- *\' ; ,; -~--,:-,b-*,b--fi* ,:if.,< President StrDng called tha meeting to order in the Grange Hall ?t 7:30 P.i.!a Roll call fouxd President Strong,Clerk Zdson an8 Trustee Tillson present,:2ith Trustees Wescott 2 Bnudsen absent. , The President announced that this vas the tin;e advetisEd for iqeiving bids for grading 50th Street fron Arden to France Aves. the sme type of grading as done by the County, Only one biB mas received that of Erickson k Johnson, The bid q.ns ticcofdins ts SpeCif~CatfohS 'and unit prices by Highmy Engineer Graez€r.rhiGh was the same as the County pays for the other ,gvding.Zt "r~s to be 40 ,foDt road bed and sidesmlk Benches, ~nr! at the iinitQ price After sme disc?xsefan Tpstee Villson did not cape to rn&e the motlon for Rcceptlngt the bid and President moved and Cle~k Ef~cn seconded th2.t. the bid of Ericksan % Johmo,n, be mczpted and 3 contrec'l; entered into,it m.s carried by two ayes 2nd one nay. 0 I [- 1 \ - the 1514 c. feet< of eradine is $5,898,86. *