HomeMy WebLinkAbout19261009_REGULARswtd the notice to contractors did riot call for a bond,but he PAS rrilling to gfve a bond If the Village :qrould pay _Tor* Zt it T:as decided the crJst wolild have been added to the bfd,and 1% agreed to agd the cost ~trlcled to the walk. ?,?r,Ticklund and X.r.Bjorkrnan vere present about opening of Test 49th Street fron France Avenue to Arden Ave.Yr SQdergi-er? %as also present nith 9 plan of opening a street 50 feet vide run- - ning P'arth from 50th Street to the Korth line of his proprty, . 49th S+,reet Kp 7lcklund vjas asked if he would give the balance of the right bf nay to 49th St,and he KPnted to be asswed that - 49th mould be opened before he would give it. &"r."iicklmd sa5d he had talked v:itl? Thorpe Bros.about open9ng 49th thru their tier of lots to their 49th St, and they xere unfavorable to the plan,after discussion it was moved that the chair appoint a Com mittee of trzo,to xait on Thorpe Bros.regarding the matter. President Strong and Trustee Yillson was made the committee. Trustee Tl.rillson V:RS also asked to confer with C.P,Eull about @sing the right of nay on 49th St.mhich they used to claim. hie prope_rttg does not go all the way thru to the proposed The matter as to Iyhen our next Village election rould occur was discussed,as our valuation is aell above !7SO;OQ-P@r capity on notion the Glerk ~8s instructed to get the Att!mney'Generaf.'s ruling in the matter. There belng no further business on motion meeting adjourned. Recorder IXLNUTES OF THE mOCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILUGE OF EDINA AT A REGTEAR I\3:EETIrTG TQe Clerk called the meeting to order in the absence of President Stpong,Trustee Prescoit was asked to take the chair. All members present but President S.K4Strong, .'" 1:Cinutes of the last regular gfidi special meetings aepe read' and waiting. Viss Hayes r:as present asking if any thing could be done about securing the Eortheast 40 acres of the Baird Estate for park purposes, She had talked with the City Park Bonrd,and rhile t@y It, an ideal place for a pakk they had no funde nov to help nnd they were bonded as much RS could be at this tlme. The Village of Norningside ;)as .rrilling to go in on it but they had no funds and could not do so nom. Xiss. Hays vas told Edina could not con- sider the project at this time with out a bond issue ar-d that wo1lld be hard to float now,so the matter would have to rest. . approved. - The regular order TELS dispensed aith to take cape of those in Trustee Wilson reported that C.PP,Bull said he vas willing to talk about any thing else but the 49th Street right of riay,lmt to see his attorney Geo D.8lack in the matter, The Clerk reported that the School-board mas willing to share in the expense of maintaining a 400 C,?. Rt ''JooddDle and 53th Street and signed an agreement to tinat effect. Also the Villqe Attorne advised Eot to post the bridge over the Dan Patch on the Interlac en road at this time. The Northern State Co.-was granted permission to srt one pole on Thielen Ave, Q - Ir 227 On motloi? bpTrus tee Knudsen proposed change of West 46th over until1 next meeting for seconded by Trustee Tillson the Street in Fairway Section be laid investigation,carried . A letter was read from H,D,Brugger asking for a sidevalk and curb along hiE property on Bromdale Ave .and a curb on Test 44th Street in front of his property,and requested Construction Co. do the work,and to assess the cost in the usua.1 manner,on motion the Clerk was instructed to have the WOP~ done and to try and get Ur Jos.Hertogs,who omnes 8. lot and IO feet of which is in Edina,to consent to lay the walk and curb to connect P!lr Brugger' s valk xi th St .Louis Park walk . that the Newel1 After discussing the Snow fence si.tq.tatiai5;the chn31f.r was authorized to appoint Trustee Enudsen to see about bu ing 4000 feet, 0f.picket fence and 425 posts,and not to spend over $500. with power to acto g940.84,the second half of the Frank Chabot contract of' the Benton Ave .bridge was confirmed on motion of Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee Tills on. The firdt estimate .of Erickson Q Johnson of $1278.40 for grading 'Vest 50th Street from Arden to France Aves.nas alloved or, motion of Trustee Knudsen seconded by Clerk Edson, On the miscellaneous bills mre allowed. The road bills rere duly audited'and allowed on motion,but, John Lilja's and that to be returned to the Sbreef; Commissioner for correction. The f~llovi~~ mounts were turned over to the Treasurer, From the Mpls Brjrtkifield Se Southern RyeBenton Ave brfdge #2,000.00 Plumbers permits 3.75 Also the June Settlement was reported from County Pneasurer 4491.61 and 63.32 for sewers, 17.25 for curb and gu&t,er?. Road bills Frank Roberts team It *-%I E .Hansen It tt Ed' Costello Art Sens E n Andrew Webber I.Iar1-y Vana t t a Jerry Collins !"J,S,Joy St .Corn "Im Masec Chris Moe J.D,Adams Co. ' Kpls Gen Electric Co h?illsr-Daisis co Naetzold' E: Edw labor 11 IC 209 hrs at 804 208 205 205 210 at 404 209 209 24 days at 5.00 542 yds gravel 254 blacksmith work I No.2 wheeler street lights, Eept blanks and supplies dynamite and fuse $$ 16'7.20 164.00 166.40 164.00 84.00 83.60 85.60 I20.00 I2 081 7.75 73.15 45 e96 2.05 8 .ou Hennepln County Enterprise p;b. Aug. report 2.70 Albert. Graber engineer on Benton Ave bridge 35.00 Erickson L Johason estimate. grading 50th Street 12'78.40 Frank Cha.bo t second haif of Benton Ave.bridge cont. 940.84 Total for month $3, 460.81 ThompEon Lumber Go. planks used st Benton Ave bridge 6.35 D .U.Colliras week,'s care of Xilre.Taglor poor 15.00 / L/-- f ,G /-? c- I ' , (r O,t-o+ P?o further business meeting adjourned. 0 Rec orde r .