HomeMy WebLinkAbout19261113_REGULARPresident Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 7:30 P.N, All members present. Minutes of the Trustee Knudsen reported on the snom fence,that 'after some talking the Ziegler People made a very favorable price and delivered 4000 feet of picket fence and 400 posts,a roll of annealed wire for $499.40 . President Strong reported there had been complaints made about motorists parking on the wrong side of the street and in front of hydrants and workman blocking up the street viith their cars in the Country Club District,after some discusston it was moved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Knudsen that Arthur Petersen be made special constable for that district at a salary of $10.00 per month carrfed. The Clerk had procured I star but was requested to return it have a new one made at a cost of about On motion of Trustee TJillson seconded by Trustee Knudsen,Grant Collier was appointed constable in place of Frank Kraml,Fvho had moved out of the Village. The Newell ConstructiOn CO'S bond was offered and read and on motion vias accepted. The action of the President and Clerk of paying $IOOO.on the 50th street sidevalk was approved and the balance of 559.38 was alloned on azr8sDlution offered by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Knudsen. 'IrSHEREAS' the Newel1 Construction Co, have completed their contract for laying a cement sidewalk and driveways along the North slde of Tilest 50th Street fkom France to Wooddale Aves.nccording to plans PJHEREAS,the job appears to be satisfactory to the property owners, now THEEG3FORE BEIT =SDLVED,that the side walk be accepted and the balance of the contra paid. adopted. The deed of part of 2e f t 45th Street along the portable school site in Fairway SectLon mas presented and examined and seemingly did not check with the blue print submitted the Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with Mr.Graber and have it corrected. last regular meeting read and approved as read. 0 to the village $2 . and specifications,and d -The agreement between the Village of Edina and the School Board of District I7,was offere&. The School District and the Village each to pay one half of the up keep of the 400 C.P.light in the street at the corner of Tooddale and 'Jest 50th Street,was offered and on motion it was approved and ox-dered filed. Mr,Testegard 2 B,r Mabbott of the General electric Co were present riith the plan of enlarging the Stilights from France Ave. to !'food- dale Ave,regardlng uniform size and distance apart,and re-arreanging the lights in other parts of the Village with increased Cap. in most of the Village where there are lights noT.r,It mas impossible to @ve time at thb meeting but the Council as a yfhole aould meet 272th them and talk it over some time later, A delegation from Grand View Heights ,consisting of rJr HaxBinson,Kr Cr&k othem Tiere present,protesting the change the State EIigh- Q:%? -+vas making in thcir street grade,as not the one agreed to,the Council agreed t.9 rsndsr any assistance possible to get the grade satisfactory Lo t.ham,they also asked the use of' the VIllage A'ctg. and it nas granted. A letter vas read from Xttornys-Grimes and IKaxaell reprdhg a. note placed -irith EiIr .Grimes fhr collection xhiiLe he was Village Attorney. The clepk Eas instructed to confer irith the Attorneys as to fees and settlement. The Rorthern State Power Co.mas granted permission to set, one pole at the intersection of hoddale Hve and ?est 60th Street. 229 A letter vas read from N.P,Dodge Go. regarding taxes in Fair- fnx Addition, as being excessive on the unsalable lots,but no ac,tion was taken at this tfme, 8n motion the membership dues of $30. to the Xllinnesota. League of PJunicipalities was allowed, The time of Council meetings was changed to 2: P.Y* from 7:30 P.Y. on motion. After duly auditing all the bills they were allowed on motion of Trustee Tillson seconded by Trustee Prescott $ 8.75 plumber's permits and $250.00 from N.P',Dodge for opening 'Yooddale was turned over to the Treasurer. . Road bi 11s team -,270 hrs At 806 $ 216~00 270 216,OO Frank Roberts 2 34 I87 020 ErHansen 2 34 I87 a20 Art Jensen Ed Costello labor 270 at 406 I08 .00 ff 270 , IO8 00 A .TebbeP Jerry Collins Harry Vanatta CE 2652 106.20 re m It 'V,S.Joy St. Com 30, days at 5.00 150.00 Thomas Ryan . 828 yds gravel 11 25 k Red fling Sewer Pipc Co .tile for culverts 18.00 H .. S .Tind Hdvr hardware ordered by Joy 3.35 Henn .Co .Enterprise pub.Sept report and printing 7.53 20. E3 IO.0Q '7m Mmec 40 Chris Moe blacksmith work 8 075 Tm Ziegler Co 4000 ft snow fence 400 posts,vrire 499.40 Newel1 Construction Cos advance on 50ih St .sidewalk 1000.03 Mpls Gen Electric Co street lights, Oct 45.96 XTewell Construction Go balance on 50th St .sidewalk 559.38 R .K .Strong K . J .Knudsen J . J .Duggan E .T .Edson J .L .R~itledg:e Chris ISanFen G .I4 ,.Sas.hf, A,J,Olinge?? Harry Hansen Geo.Yil1a.m Sr. Harript, State Bank lL,B8L8mbie Ex Secy G€! 0 A 8v;% 11s on Judge of Wmr election fl I? n t? ' Ib C le rk dlerk Counting Judge '* and etc I& 1) It fb .. It *' Clerk 'I 11 It tt It Constable bond for sidewalk of Newell Cons. membership dues to League Total for month I 6.00 6.00 I7 35 - 3000 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.08 shoo 3.00 30.00 $ 3,551s80 Recorder