HomeMy WebLinkAbout19261211_REGULAR238 Meeting called. to order by President Strong at 2: EJJm in the Grange Hall. All members present but Trustee C ,F.%reSCOtt. The minutes of the meeting held Wov.13th read and approved. 0 The report of the Council meeting rrlth the h!pls General Electric 430 C,P, .lights on ;Test 50th Street from Yooddale to Franc9 Aves. and other places in the Village., After &%Gcussion at some length the Company was asked to get out a plan for relighting and submit it io the Council at the next regular meeting,vrhich would be at this time,and was agreed to. The Clerk had been asked to look into the report that F.K.Dag family were in need,and to render temporary aid if necessary. which was ordered, Mr.Day was given to understand that any aid given rrould be only temporary,and that he must look for rrork. The Clerk was instructed to look into the needs of the Newberg family and to give aid if they cared to have it,as Miss Nevrberg was sick and unable to work. Mr.Mabbott 8nd Bestegard of the 1:pl.s General Electric Co were with the blue print of the changes in the street Ifghtfng as snggested by them.To install 6, 400 C.P, lights V.50th Street,. I, at each Bro~~~dals,Braokside,Interlachen Blvd % Highmay l?o 5, lblendelssohn Street Car crossing and Kirror Lake,and change 26, 40 COP lights to I25 CsPe and place some on cross arms which would increase the electric light biU from@58?.50 to</fI97. according to their figures per year,after some discussion it was agrbed'to have a special meeting next, Saturday after noon to give the people a chance to express as to the change. 1 ComNov.29th,26. is as follows; the Company wanted to install - The Clerk reported the family was out of groceries and coal Thorpe Bros.ofYered a plat of the portable school site recently acquired by them from Distrfct No.I?.In order to take the ciirve out of Best 45th Street at that place a deed was offered for 8 strip of land along the Bouth side of the school site and they asked for a vacation for 8 part of the street on the other siae between Bruce and Arden Aves.The plat and deed was accepted on Trustee Willson offered the folLoviing resolution. ~',lIEREAS,Thorpe Bros are straightenlng '?est 45thStreet along the poptable School site in Fairway Section,Comtry Club Dist.more fully described on the plat thereof,and THE~AS,Thorpe Bros,have given a deed to the lands as use6,therefore BE IT RESOLVED,that the portion of the old street as shovin on plat in lots 9 3e I0 adjoining Block 3,Fairmay Sectlon,be and the same is hereby Vacak. Trustee Knudsen seconded the foregoing resolution,and upon vote taken there were 4 ages and no nays,and the President declared it vacated. mOt%Qn* A deed to the Village of Edina offered by Fred Sampson and Tife to the Tiest 30 feet of their property on Halifax Ave.as taken by the . Village. for road purposes,vras on motion accepted, $82.50 was received from the County for quarantines and rezeaees 3.50 plmbers perrnits,total $86.00 was turned over to the Treasurer The bflls belng duly audited ?:ere allowd on motion of Trustee e Y€lI,son seconded by Trustee Knudsen, Villa e of Edina. ILINUTES OF SP%I& MEETING.OF VILEGE (=OQljCIL. Presi % ent S,K.Strong Galled the meeting to order persuant to ~l notice duly published in the Kennepfn County Enterpi-ise for a hearing to b? held on the 26th day of I)e~.I925~ at the Grange Hall. 7 : P.M, :",~-ya.c&teI.8ha~i.part.of &:._street fully described in the a- bove resolution. As there was no objection either in writing or other- wise to vacating said part of street,Trustee C.F.Prescott noeed the adoption and Trustee G,A.?iillson seconded the motion of adoption,all present voting in favor and none agalnst,the street as called for in the resolut'jton was then and there declared vacated. No further business the meeting adjou-med. ,K ,Strong spesident of coimcil/ E. T ,Ed S on Recorder. \ 231 Road bills snow work. Frank Roberts E .Hansen Ed Costello Art Jensen J,Costello - Henry Slavin A ,?ie bber Jerry Collins Harry Vanatta L,Day €earn 207 hrs at 806 207 17X Q tl tt 12- dargging road labor 207 40d tt I932 I53 (I I4 fl $ 165.60 X36.80 97.20 IO .80 9.60 82.80 77.40 61.20 5.60 165.60 joy St. Corn 23 days 5.00 115 e00 John Lilja blacksmith work 7.65 Thos Ryan 1722 yds gravel 254 43 .I2 Thompson Lumber CO. lumber,snow fence 22.25 Lmwrence T .Newell Cons Co. sidewalk,Browndale 301.48 groceries for F.IVJ.Day family 5.30 H .S .3'iind Hdw Nat Tea Co. E ,TI .Eds on 3 mos clerk salary ?C con.star 182.07 ?Vm.H.Ziegler Co. - 500.feet snow fence k IO posts 48.40 P. J ,Caroline fixnigators ordered by Dr .Blake 2.70 Village of St-Louix Park oiling 1i!.44t'ri St 56.40 hardware ord.by Joy 7.8'5 Upls Gen Electric Co. street lights Nov. 49.71 Total for month I, 634 55 - Ordered between meetings a Complaknts were received of snow drifting the road in a fevr places and it was thought best to have the Clerk order 500 feet ncwe of the Ziegler people,before the next meeting, P.P -,ve had some posts there were only IO ordered at th5s timeo Y No further bixsi,ness meeting adjourned. Re c orde P . P'i?es;dent Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at, 2: P&. Roll call found all members present but Trus'tee Hnudsen. The minutes of the last meeting were rend p.nd approved. The special meeting to hear the attitude of the people in regard to the m-ll&i%ing proposition set for as some members of the Council could not be present. Dec.18th vias not held The PPesident reported that the Committee of Strong,Edson L ;f;j.llson to see the County Commissioners to get a0aLstance for gpaveifng 'vest 50th Street;and for some snoifr fence from the County 'The Comrr!issianers were out of the City,but made en appointment idp. iiabbot and I\l;r,-7eieBegard of the I\.;pls Gen Electric were present and offered the same plan pf lighting the Village which was not v~t,ed upon at the last meeting because the .nhole Council vms not ppe~?nt, they .~lso presented a resolution. aftqe+r some discllssion Trustee Prescott moved the adoption of - the folloning resolution. Resolved that the Village Council of the Village of Edina,Hennepin County,F'inn, hereby approve the action of the President and Recorder of the Village in avfarding a contract to the Kpls.Gen. Electric CO for the installation and maineshance of 26,125 candle pornrep (1250 lWen) lamps,II,400 candle pmer (4000 lurnen) lamps,all in the Village of Edina,and hereby appro-rao r.11 rate,tepms,condi- ''ions ~nd specifications Contained in said contrac$t, for IfODday Jane27g2rl. 7 located