HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270108_REGULAR\ 231 Road bills snow work. Frank Roberts E .Hansen Ed Costello Art Jensen J,Costello - Henry Slavin A ,?ie bber Jerry Collins Harry Vanatta L,Day €earn 207 hrs at 806 207 17X Q tl tt 12- dargging road labor 207 40d tt I932 I53 (I I4 fl $ 165.60 X36.80 97.20 IO .80 9.60 82.80 77.40 61.20 5.60 165.60 joy St. Corn 23 days 5.00 115 e00 John Lilja blacksmith work 7.65 Thos Ryan 1722 yds gravel 254 43 .I2 Thompson Lumber CO. lumber,snow fence 22.25 Lmwrence T .Newell Cons Co. sidewalk,Browndale 301.48 groceries for F.IVJ.Day family 5.30 H .S .3'iind Hdw Nat Tea Co. E ,TI .Eds on 3 mos clerk salary ?C con.star 182.07 ?Vm.H.Ziegler Co. - 500.feet snow fence k IO posts 48.40 P. J ,Caroline fixnigators ordered by Dr .Blake 2.70 Village of St-Louix Park oiling 1i!.44t'ri St 56.40 hardware ord.by Joy 7.8'5 Upls Gen Electric Co. street lights Nov. 49.71 Total for month I, 634 55 - Ordered between meetings a Complaknts were received of snow drifting the road in a fevr places and it was thought best to have the Clerk order 500 feet ncwe of the Ziegler people,before the next meeting, P.P -,ve had some posts there were only IO ordered at th5s timeo Y No further bixsi,ness meeting adjourned. Re c orde P . P'i?es;dent Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at, 2: P&. Roll call found all members present but Trus'tee Hnudsen. The minutes of the last meeting were rend p.nd approved. The special meeting to hear the attitude of the people in regard to the m-ll&i%ing proposition set for as some members of the Council could not be present. Dec.18th vias not held The PPesident reported that the Committee of Strong,Edson L ;f;j.llson to see the County Commissioners to get a0aLstance for gpaveifng 'vest 50th Street;and for some snoifr fence from the County 'The Comrr!issianers were out of the City,but made en appointment idp. iiabbot and I\l;r,-7eieBegard of the I\.;pls Gen Electric were present and offered the same plan pf lighting the Village which was not v~t,ed upon at the last meeting because the .nhole Council vms not ppe~?nt, they .~lso presented a resolution. aftqe+r some discllssion Trustee Prescott moved the adoption of - the folloning resolution. Resolved that the Village Council of the Village of Edina,Hennepin County,F'inn, hereby approve the action of the President and Recorder of the Village in avfarding a contract to the Kpls.Gen. Electric CO for the installation and maineshance of 26,125 candle pornrep (1250 lWen) lamps,II,400 candle pmer (4000 lurnen) lamps,all in the Village of Edina,and hereby appro-rao r.11 rate,tepms,condi- ''ions ~nd specifications Contained in said contrac$t, for IfODday Jane27g2rl. 7 located and said Preskdent of the Vjlllage Council and Recorder of said Village are hereby authorized to execute the afore said contract fox=. and in the name of the Village and to affix the corporate thereof to &aid instrunent,slJbject to the approvs.1 of the Village Attorney.Trustee Geo A*7illson seconded the foregoing resoultion,which upon vote taken IE.S declared car- rfed r7ith the Clerk voting Bo. The Village Council favored the Zoning bill and on motfon duly made and seconded ths folloiving. resolution $9ds adopted BE IT RE;SULV€D,that the Council of the Village-$r) the Village of Zdina ,Hennepin County il;innJ approves lsgifiation advocated by the League of Ginneso&a Xunicipali ties which would amend the prssent zoning law applyhg to first class cities in order to permit all other c;ities and vlllages to pass zoning ordin- .antes. The deed to the Village of EdSna by Thorpe Eras ta several little parks in the streets in the Country Club Dist,vRs dis- cussed and upon assurance by Thorpe Bros for the maintence of said parks,r:as taken from the table on motioxi duly macle and seconded,and carried,and was accepted on motLon and the Clerk instructed to have it placed on record. As Thorpe Bros.havc agreed to pay to the Village of Edfna the amount of bonds and interest due each gear on the special assess- ments, the follorclng resolution was a.dopted and seconded. !XiEREM,Thorpe Bros ,having agreed to pay to the Village of Edina the amount of Eonds and interest due each year in the Faim-a;T Section,Coun%ry Club Dist .excepting that part assessed to the Sarah G.Raird Estate thereby relieving the Village of any advance the ft, &lght be required to make by reason of the un-equal anounts in certain years ,now therefore BE IT RESOLVED,that the agreement as offered by Thorpe Eros. be accepted and 8 varrant dram in their favor for any surpluss due them from the assessment pafd in the year I926,~:hich sum is :18,34 Xary-Frances , P3aughte-r of J.T .Delaney havhg passed amy the f 01- loving resolution vas adopted on motion duly wade and seconded. * on notion duly made <__ TiTXEiEdS the all 7:dse Creator,in HIS great aiadon! haF Peen fit Lo take to her heavenly home ,Kary-Frmc&e ,daughter of 9'r .k 3"rs. J ,T Delaney. 1.1- Delaneg having served many yeare 8s an able council Ean and president, therefore BE IT RZSOLXED,that the Village Council of the VSllege of Cdfna do offer their Fsncere condolence to the bereeved f~ptly of >;re Delaney in the LOPS of their daughter md sister. EE'IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that this resolution be spread on th,e I . minutes end R copy be handed to Kr.Delaney. The fo1lor:ing reeolut~onsaae adopted irk due form and sent to the League of krimiclpali ties FXSOLVEE'thh.".t the Village Council of the Village OS Zdfna ,FTennepin Coi-xnty f:inn. do hereby favor my 1e.gislati.c.s act %hereby each tovm and frifl-age shall receive from the qtate Hi@way a just portion of the motor pnd gas tax as paid xearly by each mxnicipplity for the impravemrnts of mum9cipal roads and E tree ts IiO.2. Resolve: Chqt the VilLaGe Covmil of tbq Village of' E?lva.Hennepfn Gounit~r l"inn,request the League of hiunicipslities to sponsor a Leg- :, islative act mpking ft compulsory for physScans attending coatage- ous diseREes t.13 put lip ann" take dorm qtl.ar*antine notSceP,as required by la?:, thus releivirig the mun9cipalitLes of the needles burden. 233 Frank, R0bert.s team E.Hansen Ed Gostello John Costello A ,,TPiebber Jerry Collins Joseph Collins Ti.S,Jof St Corn Harry Vanatta labor LJag George Laarence D.XcCullough Joh-a Hargas Joseph IY.n G .Ackermr.n George Benswn Fred Tli 11s on Grant Collier Andro Hom2,mgk Ypls Gen Electric Co Henn County Enterprise H,S,'hind Kdv Fat Tea Co 11 tI tt labor tr 1) 11 I1 It. tt tl tt Ecwin %pan 11 H tI It IP YOuilg Fuel CO I29 hrs at 806 3 I2 hrs at 406 108.00 I33 I17 85 I61 144 I40 20 days 86 hrs IO0 95 79 70 72 54 - 30 8 3 3 13, E hrs at40$,7 hrs at 35& street lights,Dec 3 monthly reports hardware ordered by Joy groceriera for F,M .Day farn3ly I ton coal for F.I\t":.Dag family 111 b20 93.60 68.00 64 -43 57 e BO 56.00 IO0 .oo 34 . 40 40 *00 59 400 31.60 28.00 28.80 21 . 60 12.00 3m60 I e29 1.20 49.71 7.20 4.58 23.53 IO 50 4 bs5 Art Petersen' J .Howard 2 month's constable sa1Rry Dec % Jan 20.0C 6 hrs shoveling snow 2 e40 I .20 Tm Ziegler CO freight on snow fence etc 2.40 Chrfs B'lx? black smith work 2 e50 E,T,Edson registering 4 deeds for Vihge 4.75 Ray Rgbbins 3 1t lV,El,Lanibie Secg of League 6.00 Total for month 1038.72 Received from County Treasurer,Nov.Settlement The folloaing amounts were recelved and tuimed over to the VI 1Ls ge Tr3s.s ure r $ 7,069 .e7 Flunbe rJ P Gr-imes and lfamell,settlernent of note 20.35 + 42.35 pe m i ts ;j: 22m00 No further business meeting adjourned. Recorder.