HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270212_REGULARMeeting called to Drder in the Grange Hall by President Strong at 2; PA. All members present, The minutes of the last meeting qre read and approved. The Committee to see the County Commissioners reported having * seen i$r,Broderick,chaLr man of the County Road 8 Bridge Corn. nho said they irfould gravel 50th Street from the Club house to France Ave. as per agreement with them late last fall,and sug- gested v:e vmfte them a letter for the graveling and calling their attention to the agreement,were upon the Clerk xas instructed to wite the letter. President Strong read figures submitted by the Winnenpolis General Electric Co.sighting instances showing the coat to pmperty ov.rn- ers in regard to the proposed change in street lighting. After - some discussion it 1'58s laid over until1 later in the meeting. Xr.BFcklund 1 EP Bjorkman vere present asking infomation as to the opening of Test 49th Street from France Ave.to Arden Ave. The Committee said they fiould take the matter up xith Thorpe Bros againg and report at the next meeting. Trustee Knudsan said complaints had been made to him of garbge being dmped on the Edim side in the vicinity of 54th to 56th Streets near Xerxes Ave, Richfield having posted'N0 Dumping' signs on their side and people were coming on our side to dump. A motion made seconded and carried that we post the places of complaints and have some street mriykers and also a bill board for Cahill made. The road Committee vras instructed to take any action necessary. \ The regisnation of L,E,Strong,VilXage Assessor vias read and on motion was accepted,The appointment of 'an assessor ivas then taken h!r E.~,Harris,D,F,~~cGuZre and Ghas .Empanger were suggested,a fopmal ballot cas taken Nr HarrZs receiving 2 votes,Kr KcGuire received 3 votes,it was moved and carried the vote be made ffnal and C'lr XcGuire vas declared appointe'd assessor for the balance of the unexpired term of L,E.Strong,which is to December 3Ist 1927. The nfatter of the street lighting was taken up and upon farther discussion,Trustee :';illson moved that the street lighting be dfscontinued,there being no second the motion vqs lost. It was then meved by Trustee Wlhnn,seconded by Trustee Prescott that w-rpons9der.. thk. prbpbsea. cbntyact with the Kpls General Electric motion ras carried. It mas moved by Trustee Knudsen,sezonded by Trustee Prescott that the proposed contract be tabled,carried, It was moved by Trrrstee Prescott,seconded by Trustee Tillson and carried,that the Clerk be instructed to write' Engineer Shaffer to turn over the following,Tracing and negatives fora the Atlas; Tracings and negatives for the mall map, Tracing and negatives for the Topographical survey Tracing of street grades,the two Piall maps,all fie d notes,the old atlas and nhat ever else belongs to the Village. As the Council feels that these things are the property of the Viflige nad should be on file here, The final estimate of $788.02 to Erickeon 9 Johnson for grading Test, 50th Street from Arden to France Aves .I":~s presented,after due-,-consideration on motion vas allovred . i a The bills for snoPi removal and miscellaneous bill viere audited and on rrotion were allowed, .* A refund frm IiTe?:ell Construction Co of $12.58 and 7.75 plumbei.l's permits vere turned over! to the Treasurer,(.$20.29) fills: on folfoaing page - 1 Frank Roberts team IO9 hrs k 47 hrs labor $106 .OO I09 47 106.00 5 .Hqnsen 49 39.20 49 . 39.20 Ed Costello John Costello A, 7ie bber labor I44 at 404 57 e 60 I52 60.80 Jerry Collins I44 57.60 I55 54.00 Joseph Collfns Harry Vanatta 95 38 .00 Joseph Ua-rr 76 30 ..to 76 30 040 Ge Drge Lawrence 76 $1 .retained fsr groc, 29.40 ‘7 2 28 080 L,Day L.Sasone 68 27,20 It 60 24.00 George VcGullough John HFhae 56 22 e40 Edwin 17gman 44 17.60 Louis Stn.1zrm.n 8 3.20 Roger Eore 3 I .20 G .Ackeman 1UTP.t Tea Co. groceries for Z..Gay,the 1.01 retained 1.00 Young Fuel Co 1,ton coal for MccCullo~~gh 10.50 H .S .3ind Hdw 3 scoop shovels 6.00 n 11 1, sq tc P II lt 1% 11 n - Ed Port * in t? t. 11 11 ?.S*JO~ St Con. 22 days at 5,03 I10 .oo P . J .Caroline fumigators 9.00 Henn County Enterprise Jan. report 2.40 Ypls Gen Electric Co street lights, January 49 *71 SJlmStrwng 1 y~ salarpom.fJork k spec meetings etc. 28 .oo Charles Roberts hauling coal to RicCoullough 2 .OQ J .J .Duggan treasuore’s salary for yr.% supplies 155.00 E.T.Edson 3 mos clerk salary,com swk,spec meet etc 189.00 fI,J .Rnudsen I yrs salary,com work,spec meet.etc 16,OO C .F,€’rescott I yrs salarg,com work,spec meet .etc I8 .OO 22.00 Geo k,i;illson I y~s Geo U,illsrr Sir.Trea~ .Grange,Kall rent for year 51 .OQ IO eo0 Ericksori !C Johnson, final estimate,grading V,50th St. 788.02 11 1) It Arb Petersen constable’s salary $or Feb. Ray. Jensen team I5 hrs SGW~J removal 12.00 Total. for month # 2,252.63 ALL Pregident Strdong calied the meeting to order at the h9me of the GE6rk fo-r the purpose of axtditing the books of the Clerk and Tres~urer,aith all members present but Trustee H,J,Rnudsen. with 8 ’nulance of 75,539.90 in the treasurery, It ms moved by Trqstee Prescott stid seconded by Trustee Sillson that the report be nppr-oved and the report signed and ordered publiehed,carried. 1 After going over and compareing the b3oks they were found to agree a , ~,jl;der ‘she neq/ law the next Village election will occur December 6th 1927,according to the Attorney General’s rul#ingJand the fiswl yeer :vlll be chamged to January 1st. I?To flirther business WB.S taken up and the meeting adjourned on wotdon, Recopder