HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270312_REGULAR236 Fr Hnrveg '',alkr' ?f' the League of MunicipalPties to explsin the matter of adopting a home rule charter and the matter :*.as taken up,after f<r Talker hac! made a brief outline of the advgntages of taking care of farm and platted districts as to tsxcs and improv- rnents after much discussion the President asked evsry one present hoE they felt about it and every one expressed them selves in favor of the change and the following resolution mas adopted on motion duly made and seconded. Shereas,the charter of this Village is not adequet to meet the changing conditions and gro'tith of the Village, and ?&ereas,the Village of Edina has enjoyed a steady gronth in pop- ulation and valii%tion,bringing nert problems xhich impose nevi .and adiitional burdens on the Village Government ,and Thereas sixty-eight cities In. Minnesota have Pound it advantageous to adopt home rule chartere,to facilitate the solutton of their pmblem, 2nd Vhemas,Te the Village Council of Edina believe thRt the time has cwe ;:hen OUT Village has grown to be a city and ive ~hould be Therzfors ?e It Flesolvecl by the Village Councilof the Village of Edfna,that ~'ie favor the appofntmnt of a Bhaeter Commission in and for the Village of Ed;-na to frame a. charter for the pvt?rrmPnf, of the Villnge as 8 city for submission to the voters as proTrid5d by lap., 8.nd Re It Further Resolved,that a mass meeting bf thk'citizens be called to rrieet at the School auditorium Aplt.il 22,1927,at 8: P,l.:. for the purposa of discussing the advamtages of '~i hom rule charter for Qur Village and if thought deeirable,to take steps to request District Court of Hennepin County; to appoint a chs.rtep commission a.s provid&d blT lna Passed the Villsee Council this 12th day of March 1927,dulg signed by the President and Trust&es,attested by the Clerk,the Clerk ms instructed to publish the resolution. L"ir.E.A P~.ulson and others from the Country Club Disl.rint,,also IIr Bore,rihb cresented the following resolution. ?hereas,the le.?s of the Stste af Yinnesota p-rov3.de fop wqessment of real estate in L1-t~ VTllage of Edfns, in evm nulr.Fered ye~rsonlg, T%eress,the agsessrrent of res.1 eetate mede in sgid Vlllsp in the year of TXG htls been sho7.m to be on uneqvnl md unfair assessment, and has creoted R burden to a large nimber of tax pqers in thi.s, Villace, Tsx Cori,iL1;sion to order E re-aesessnent of 311 rtt'3.1'estFt-F in th%s IJilJ%ge to be tiy the TJillaZe &sF-s8or In I927,9i?d ab12 to govern our om affairs J aria, m lhepefope Fe It kesolvzd, that this Goiincil request the i'lnneso%a ,237 The bond of cE;rickson % Johnson was preFented and accepted orr inotlon, and their check be retiirned when a fea changes were made in the bond, A 1ett.e-c was read was read inviting the Village Coimcll f7 a tractor demonstration pit on by the Ford People of Hop'xii?-; ,Tednesday Narch 16th 1927,the invitatfon ?as accepted and all wk.0 could would gttenS. After BOVC discussion of the needs of a "crsctor for the ViILage,i% 'vms mov-e? by Tru.s.Lae Kiiudsen secomkd by T~iistee 7Zllson the Council 85: 2i Jv"rh018 a'ct as .a commktte to purchase atractor fop road pupposes, the comrriittee to Investigate several makes and sizes.. The f'ollawigg amounts were turned 0ve.r to the Treasumr. Plimbf.ng permits $2O.5OyCigarette license 24.00,Jos .Hertogsf sidewalk on Rrovnfiale Ave 12.63,Thorpe Bros.sidewalk on Dest 50th Street 353.20 Capt Peacock cutting street I,OO,total $411.33 Afte-r duly auditing, the following- bills vrere .allowed an rnokion. 2;;,3,Joy,SL Corn 62- days at ,LOO, . $ 32.50 35.20 38 . 40 E.Hanaen " 48 I2 .oo t\ ..I5 23.60 Ed Costella 46 A .Tebber 3 ' 3,20 ' - Jerry Collins Joseph Collins - Edwin Yymnn t1 3 3.20 '~L~MJ Rennepin Coi~lntg Enterprise p.rxbl€shing financtal sY;AL, G7 .IO e EOad IcmTllS. Frank Robe~ts team 44 hrs 804 labor 59 40G 13 .40 tf n bills Miller-Dav3s CO office supplies .95 hlpls General ELectric street lights ,February 49.71 T3taL for lrionth $ 297'.i@ National TSR CO grocepies for McCu-lloch 3.36 Art Petersen I c 011s table E: 8.1 ~1-y for Mwch Tc) . :IO a.