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Ppsident S,K.Strong called the meeting to order at 2: P,M. in the Grange Hall. All members present,
Minutes of t,he last meeting mere read and approve&
The Clerk reported that Miss Mary Newberg was villing to accept
$75. per gear and signed to pen&'-shed room and space for the Vil-
lage tool house.
It was reported that Nirs.Brown mas moved from the Soilerberg home to 2544 Aldrich Ave.S. and $2,00 was advanced for groceries and
the Clerk was authorized to biL1L the City for all expences in-
cured in Mrs .Brovin's behalf.
BAr,Hibbs of the Bm.H,Ziegler Co.was present on the tractor pro-
position,said they mere willing to send out the tractor on appro-
val and the Village Council to be the sole judges of its desirability -
aC etc. It mas moved by Trustee C.F.Prescott and seconded by Trustee
H,J.Hnudsen the President to sign the contract under these conditions#
motion prevailed.
Mr.Mabbot and Mr Tiestergard of the Minneapolis General Electric Co.
viere present with the same lighting proposition that was laid on
the table,they were told that steps were being taken to adopt a home
rule charter and a mass meeting was called for April 22,%27,and the matter might be taken up at that time to ascertain the attitude of of the people if the attendance warranted and there was time.
Cornplait being made to some members of the Council of ILr Chris Moe
doing blacxsmith work on sunday in his shop at 5040 France AveS.
thereby disturbing the peace of near by residentc,on motion the Clerk instructed to notify MrLMoe that the Village ordinance pro-
hibited such disturbances on Sunday:
Trustee C .F,Prescott offered the folloming resolutiorl.
BHEEIEAS,the laws of the State of Minnesota governing villages of
the 4th class found in Section 79,Article 4,Of the Village Code
provides- that villagen having both a population of not .less than
6903~qd38n assessed valuation not less than I.50O,O0O1 that the salary of the president be fixed ~35.00 per rnon$h and the salary of each trustee 25.00 per month,and
Tibereas,the Village of Edina had $n the gear of i920 a population
of I833,and $926 assessed valuation is well above 1,500,000 as required,non therefore
BE IT RESOLVED,that the President receive a salary of G35.per month
and each Trustee receive $25.per month beginning April 1927. Trustee Geo A. Billson seconded the foregoing resoLbfion,on motion
there were 4 ayes and no nays,and it was declared adopted.
Mr. VI,! Hell,hW.Bjorkman Fere present in the interest of openfng E.49th Street,mere told the Committee were unable to see !fir, Thorpe
buk mould keep on trying.
A letter from the State Tax Commission was read stating they would
hold a meeting here early in May regarding the assessing real estate
this year. Surety The &sesgcT'sAbond of D,F.McGuire to the Village vas presented and
on motion accepted.
On motion the. time of the Council meetings vas changed from 2: Ph, to 7130 P,M.beginnfng with the Mag meeting.
@r.N,L.Clark was present asking if the Village would fix his ppi- vate road,about 400 feet if he-vould pay for it,was told we Eere
very busy with Vfllage roads at present but could perhaps do it
about August or later,which was satisfactory to him.
Nr.A,%ebber was present with wage 6cales from different places,
thought the men should have more aages,After discussion it vas
moved Trustee Rillson seconded by Trustee Prescott the scale be
set at 454 per hour for men and 90$ for man and team,and 8 hours per day, carried. 0
A letter was read from the Hennepin County Fair Association asking for a donation to their new building,After discussion on motion $100, was appropriated,payable at the May meeting or later.
A petition was presented by N.H.Sundquist to open a road on Concord
Avenue from 60th to 62nd Street,on motion the petition was acceptd
and referred to the head Committee.
On motion John V.Shafferts appointment for Village engineer was reconsidered. Alexander & Bradley's application for Village Engineer
was considered and on motion they were appointd Village EnGineerE;.
On motion they were asked to get al1,notes and data belonging to
The following bills were audited and on motion were allowed.
Road bills
rlJ.S.Jog, St Corn 23; days at 5,OO per day $ lL107.50
I60 I28 00 Frank Roberts
E .Hans en
Ed Costello
John Costello John Tracey
Jerry Collins
A.Webber Joseph Mare
Louis Stalzman 'Harry Vanatta
team I60 hrs at 806 " I28 000 It
I28 102.40 n
n 96 76 "80
I24 99.20
64 00 160
I12 44.80
60 .. 24.00
36 14-40
Thomas Ryan I15 yds gravel at 254 28 075
labor 152 hrs at 4opl tt
Mpls Gen Electric 60 Street lights for &arch 49 071
Thomps on Lumber C 0 Planks for walk at Borrkside & In%. 44.25
Daniel D,FhillZpa Guard rail on Browndale aC Millpond 73.75
J.D.Adarns & Co 2 grader blades 13.10
H 3 ,Find hdw 9 lbs nails dc 2 shovels 3.35
National Tea Coo griceries for McCulloch family 5 008
Miller-Davis Co. village warrants 8G verified acct 15.50
Art Petersen Gddstable's salary for April 10.00
Mrs.Gust Soderberg 5 days board of Mrs.Brown 3c 2 children I5 00
S.K.8trong president's salary for April 35 000 60.00 clerk's *I
trustee s 1t trustee's 11
E .T .Eds on
H.J .Knudsen trus teet s 0 25.00
25.00 C.F.Prescott
Geo A.Fillson H.S.Vrind hauling Mrs.Brown's trunks and adv for paca 4.00
T 2.50
Harriet State Bank assessor's bond t. * 9 ~-,
Total for month # 1,284.89
geceived and turned over to Treasurer
Edwin Gilbert
Caunty Treasurer March Settlement # 1,933.66
plumbigg permit, 7 fixtures 1.75
3.50 ,.5;025 II bust Mwlund I4
Grading 66.46 bdewal k 37.50 $2037.47
No further business meeting adjourned