HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270514_REGULAR.. Msiinutes of the ApMl meeting were read' and approved.
and Miss %wberg-vras epppoved and ordered- signed . . ,
AGREEMENT,made this- 21st day of April I927 by and &tween the
duly elected officers of the Village of Edlna,Hennep€n County,
minnesota,and Miss Mary Nevberg,
PEhereas it is necessary to move the tool house belonging to the
Village and more shed POO~ is necessary to house thk snow fence
and other material,and I'ihereas PAiss.NePJberg expressed her vdllir&iess to rea% shed room
and space for the Village Ptool kouse,as designated by her,and mereas, the Village of Edina agrees to keep the tool house in
good repair and tools housed in proper manner,vith as little-
dfsturbance as possible,and it beirig further agreed that the
Village shall have the right to move the tool house amay at any
any time,rent being pa€d,the tool house shall be congidered the
property of the Village at all times. ,.
* NO3 TEEREFORE,for the above named benefits the Viilage of Edina
agrees to pay Miss.Nembe,rg the sum of $75.00 per year,pagable.
semi annually,about Mag and DecembeP of each gear.
On motion the following agreemen< between the Village of Edina m-
TMs agreement ahall remain in effect until1 terminated by 30 dags notice by either party
Signed. S.K,Strong,President.
E. T .Edson, Recorder
Ma~y Newberg. a ana.
President Strong reported the mass meeting held at the School-.
house on April 22,-27,about 55 persons were presentsand MP. Anderson of the University of iklinnesota and Mr,Harvey Balker
of' the League of Municipalities were present.
Mr.Anderson explained the advantages of a Home Rule Chart& and answered questions Mr, Valker spoke of the limited povers. of the Council ander the present statutes,and also answered questions Every one seemed in favor of adopting a home rule chapter and
motions mere made and petitions circulated to that effect.and
committees were named to canvass the Village for signers.
Trustee Rillson reported on trying to see Miss Elsie Hankw about securing the right of mag across her property in the
intepest of the Sundquist petition and found her avay,but the
people said they would mite to her.
Mr.H,H.Lavarre & Mr.Empanger and okhers were present about grading
4th Street 86 petitioned some time ago,rrere told me Would tky to
do some grading when it was possible.
A petition was presented for 4 lights one on Nelson Ave & John
Street,one on John Street and Seth Ave, one on Seth Ave. dz
Grove Street and one on Seth Ave. and Little Street,all in fiendelssohn Add, On motion it was referred to the road Corn.
for cons1 de rati on
Mr,F,Garrison and others requested that a road be opened an the
the Bush Lake Road,on motion the request xas accepted and refer-
red to the Road Com,foP investigation.
Mrs .B.A,McCaughey petittoned the COuncLl to lay sidewalk and curb
a& her property at,. %"Jest 44th Street and Browndale A;ve.and assess
costa also remove dip$ to lay the walk,on motion %Z:was accepted
and the work ordered done,
. South line of the North half of Section 8.running Yes% from
3 241
The petition of Mrs,W.F,KUrtz for the vacatlm of a part of
Yancey Street along Block 7, !Pingdale Bros ;Br,aokside plat , xn view of the fact the County Highway had taken most of the street her petition was granted and final action would be taken when a legal-descr!iption was presented at the next meeting,
The matter of the acceptance of the Catterpillar wep8 discussed,
$t, Bas ademed satisfactory but as the agreement calls for 30 days after acceptance it 18s moved by Trustee Pres.cott,seconded by
Trustee hudsen tfie tractor be accepted and paid for at the next
meeting , carrled
*- 0
The p.ef;ition of the road crew. for the wages bo be 506 for men and
$I,peq how for man and .team was presented,on consideration it
was moved the present wage scale be 'continued,carried.
The matter of John koShaffer turni-rig over the maps.books and data
asked for a88 dlscussed the Cleck was twthorized to have the
Village Attome-y w$te &=.Shaffer to turn over to the Village or
its representative the things asked for,
On motfon the Village Treasurer %as authorized to arrange for
Government bonds in'liew of a surety bond given by the Harriet
The pettiton of the Mpla Gen Electric Co to set 20 poles on
Nendelssohn Road South to 50th Street and Interlaahen Blvd'was
presented and on motion there were txvo ayes and two nayes,one
The following amounts were turned over to the Treasurer.
Plumbers permi ta
2 Fireworks licenses
After duly auditing, the bill of HoS.Tind,Hdw,Lt was allowed on
a8 corrected by the Clerk,
On motion the road and miscellaneous bills were allonedo
hoad bills %,S.Jo$ Et.Comd 28; days - at 5.00 $ I42;50
222 a Frank Roberts
2 06 185.40 n John Traceg
John Costello
" 220 I98 io0
n 28 25020 Harry Jensen
m 8 7 020 E.Hansen labor 231 hrs at 45$ IO3095
224 ZOO .80 A . 14 ebb er
Jerry Collins Harry Vanatta n 228 IO2060
Joseph Marr fl 1713 garnishee- 17.26 59 ;92
JohnT .Rohvredder Marr garnishee I7 a26 Thomas Ryan I40 yds gravel at 256 35 ;OO
Thompson Lumber CO. lumber for tool house 93.10
N.H,Sundquist 63 hrs at 954carpentar on tool house 59 085
H,S.Rind Hdw hardware for toal house 8c etc 31.82
Voorhees 021 Co. f4lr.00
21 086
I .75 Standard Oil CO,
Caantry Club Garage I grease' for tractor Russell Grader Mfg Co englm pole and repalxra for grader83.17 National Tea COO groceries for McCulloch family 8.49 Henn ,C ountg Enterprise publishing 8x0
60.00 S.E.Strang
25 . 00 E,T ,Eds on
25 00 H, J .Knudsen
25 e00 G,F,Prescott Geo A,Billson
S. J .Roberts
Joseph Collins
' State Banksfor security of the Village funds.
-member refusing to vote,and =as declared a tie vote.
50 00 $i 92,OO V,N.Adams payment on sidewalk -
' 207.90
I99 e80 team 231 hrs 9ops
Ea) CoStellQ
Mpls Gen Electric Co. street lights, April 49.71
50 gal Hyvis tractor oil at 754 and
I 5% drum at 7g!
Ym.H.Ziegler Go. lubricating oil as per invoice 2734, gasoleme and grease for tractor
President salary for May 55.00
W 1I
U 11
1t W m
19 tt ft
Trustee 0
Art Petersen Bonstable *' 11 10,oo
UrsoMable R YIhipple advance rent for Mrs C.Brown 5.00 tractor man 90; hrs at 60$ 54 30
n 893 53.80
Geo.D,Alexander surveying Browndale Zc 44th 25000
John E,Lilja blacksmith work 5 a25
Security Nat. Bank Treasurer's bond I8 e83
Lawrence T,Newell Brugger's sidewalk & curb 258.61
~~~,k--./dc~. %Iota1 for month $2,405.17