HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270611_REGULAR242 3 President S.H.Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 7:30 P.M. All members answered rsll call. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. fres.Strong reported for the Road Committee that the roads were generally good, the committee had hoke& over the Centaral Ave.& 4th Street proposition in MendelssClhn, and that some of it would require considerable grading and about 65 feet of culver%. The Committee also looked over the Garrison road opening and decided it-Eould have to wait to see if there would be sufficent funds to do the mork,also they had investigated Lots I9,20,& 21, Block I5 Fairfax Add. for gravel and found sufficient gravel to warrant huying the lots. At this time the regular order was suppended to hear those in s;ai ting . A letter from Allen A.l?hillips of the Country Club Dist,uas read, asking for the appointment of 4 special cons.tables for that Dist. The nemas presented vere ,L.R.Blackburn,4505 Casco Ave, M,R.Bass, 4610 Casco Ave. H.R.3lcCle'lland~45IO Mooreland Axre,& ?Y.B.Legler, 4503 Casco Ave. The matter of bonds mere taken up and as cons- table 's bonds 'tiere $IO,OO each private bonds were agreed to, and blanks furnished.. President Strong made the appointments and on motion the appofnt- ments were verified and approved as read. Mr.John Hjort said the nioad mas being filled by dirt mashing * down the bank by his place in Mendelssohn,and asked to have the the dirt removed so he could construct steps down to the street, On motiorf the request vas granted. The Clerk vas instructed to notify the County Commissioners of as to the condition of the bridge over hfinnehecha Creek on France Ave . John Koore vas present asking for a vacat9on of 2JCf.5 feet on the North end of Laura Ave,as Wunk Highway No 5 is located so close .by it would never be used for a road. After discussion Trustee Rnudsen offered th'e folloviling resolution, property in Brookside ,Edina, Hennepin County,Minnesota ,and be used for 8 streeft on account of the location of State Highmay e ?ihereas,the Trunk Highvar No 5,running thru the John Moore IYhereas,the said Rorth 211.5 feet of Laura Ave.vri11 never no 5, now therefore. BE IT*RESOLVED,that the said North 211.5 feet of Laura Ave. by 40 feet in. Viidth be the same and is hereby vacated. Trustee Prescott seconded the foregoing resolution,vote taken with 4 ayes and no nays,therefore the said 2Zf.5 .of Laura hve.fs declared vac ate d . Mr.J,E.Coval on Foaddale Ave. between 54 '3e 55 Streets said the viater was draining off the Avenue to his property and asked for a ditch and a culvert to relieve the situation,The matter was referred to the Road Commfttee. Trustee %illson reported for the Committee on openeing ?est 49th Street as having seen Mr.Thorpe about opening of the Street thru the tier of lots to Arden Ave. M~;r.said the .lots vere sold and me wo&d have to deal with the omner, 0 ~~r.~~.Kell,~~r.Ejorkman,~:r..E,Suard % others from Yest 49th Street were present and they agreed to a60 fQOt o%FeG8 in qidth,It was moved by Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee GXllson that Atty Kingsleg be instructeri to Country Club Dist. to France Ave.25 feet each side of the center ('. line and prepare the deeds there for, and see what he could do ge6 the:right of way East from the \ 243 about getting the right of way thru to Arden Ave. carried . Mr,J@hn Holleen 3549 Eest Fuller Street asked to have the hill cut at the fntersectfon of Drew Ave. 3: Fuller-Street and the dirt moved to low places on the StreetsJ Motion hFs request was ref- erred to Road Committee. H,L.Sshaeffer asked for a ditch to be made along his road to drain a low spot,in order to drain both sides of the road a culvert would be necessary,he was told something would be done. The Clerks bond overlooked at the last meeting was presented and motion vas accepted and ordyered filed. The entire Council was appointed delegates to the League Conven- tion June I4,I5 ?k I6,to be held in Minneapolis, It mas moved and carried that the President and Clerk sign the release of the Gabriel Martin note as it had been settled by Attorney G.S.Grimes. Geo.Mil1e.m presented a petition signed by the majority of the property owners on France Ave. to complete the sidewalk from 49th to 50th Street,on motion the petition was accepted and the work to be done later when funds were available. Moved that the bill of L.T.Newell for 72.08 for sidewalk on the mens lot next to Mr.Bruggers on 'piest 44th Street be laid on the As Mrs.Eingsley,wife of the Village Attorney has passed away it seemed fitting that an expression of sympathy be extended to Vr,H€ngsley by the Counci1.Therefore Trustee Prescott offered of Geo A.fLingsley to the great beyond,and ting at this time that the Village Council should offer their sympathy and condolence,now therefore to Mr.Kingsley in the hour of his affliction by handing him a copy of this resolution and that it be spread on the minutes. Trustee Ftnudsen seconded the foregoing resolution and was passed unanimouii ' table as the work was not authorized,carried. ' the following resolution. Thereas,The Creator has seen fit to take the beloved wife &hereas Mr,Kingsley is the Village Attorney and it 5s fit- BE IT RESOLVED,that we do extend our sympathy and condolence . . The matter of vacating part of Yancy Street that was laid over until1 this meeting: was taken up and the following resolution vas passed on motion by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Qillson. ".Jhereas,the County Highway in grading the cut off from Tru.nk IIighvay No 5,to Arden Avenue and having left a portion of Yancey Street on the North side of and adjoining Lots I % 17 Block 7 T'irrgdale Bros.Brookside flat in the Village of Edfna, Hennepfn County,Minnesota,and Nhereas that portion left is not suitable for Village use ,now therefore Yancey Street be vacated. Lot, 17,Block 7,thence northerly a distance of seventeen (17) feet; thence ea,c+.erly a distance of 2wO hundred seventy (270) feet; southerly twenty-three (23) feet to the Northeast corner of Lot I, Block 7,thcnce westerly along the North line of Lots I"% I7 to the point 7f be'g€nning.accgrding to Tingdale Bros .'G;EoOkside Plat, 8.nd of record in the Gounty Register of Deeds Office,Hennepin County ,Mirine s o ta . On motion the purchase of lots 19.20 di 21,Block I5 Fairfax Add. Bias spproved and a warrant drawn for the sum of $30.00 to apply on purchase price,the Clerk to hold check and find out If the Village would be permitted to take the gravel. An advance of $3500.00 from the County Treasurer r>f bhe June settlement vias received,and the following amounts v~ere turned over to the Treasurer Plumbing permits $5.00.Fireworks permits $20.00, Dance permit $2.00 total $27.00 BE IT RESOLVED,that the following described portion of said Commencing at the fiorthvJest corner Of 244 \ The folloning bills were audited and on motion allowed, Road bills E.S.Joy, St.Com Frank Roberts team Harry Jens en John Tracy John Cos tello A.?ebber Jerry Collins Harry Vanatt a S.J.Roberts Standard Oil Go. - T~OMELS Ryan Em .Mas ec Claus Johnson P,JICaroline, fumigators i;,F.Garvey Hdw Mpls General Electric S.K,.Strong E .T .Eds on 5. J .Knuds e n c .F*Prescott Geo A.?iillson Art Petersen Jan;es Blake M.D. Lavirence T .Hemell Tm H,Z&egler CO t!8 n tt labor tt u ft Joseph Collins n 223 days 2e plankipoats $114~50 I76 hrs at 90d road wk. I58,40 I76 176. I76 I76 hrs at 454 I7 6 176 17I$ hrs at 60p! tractor 1655 P < gas,grease % etc IO0 yards gravel 0 pa 50 70 . ordered by Dr.Blake nails pick & jug straet lights ,May, president salary. June clerks salary SC bond trustee 's salary, June fir R constable's quarantines 3c releases Mrs McCaLghey's sidewalk tractor and equipment Alexander k Eradleg ?V.F.Garvey,kgent running center line ,Cent.Ave pyt on lots in Fairfax I58 40 I58 -40 158.40 79.20 79 e20 79.20 IO2 e90 99 sa0 33.47 25.90 12 .so I7 *SO I e80 I e60 49.71 35.00 62.50 25.00 25 . 00 25.00 IO. 00 178 00 254. I3 2485 a00 10.00 . 30 .OO Total for month $ 4,469.II .&?&kk. No fin4,her business meeting adjourned Recorder Minutes of the Board of Review meeting held on the 27th of June in the grange Hall. President S.K.Strong,Clerk E.T ,Edson 3 Assessor G.F.McGuire were present at 9: A,iV*and remained in session till 7 ?.X, k the Clerk and Assessor untfll 9: P,N. The assessrrent &-personal property was gone over thoroughly and very fev; changes ;Fiere made. It was found that there veTe according to the assessor's figures $135,440 new bulidings in the Country Club Dist. and$30,030 a totzl of $60,470 nes buildings since last assessment. After vTeriing the assessment the Board 'c'as satisfied it 58s as fair as could be and the books were signed and the -meetfng in the rest of Edlna making adjourned. ZdZ&- Recorder.