HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270709_REGULARPresident Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 7:30 P.M, All Members present.
Minutes of the June meeting and Board of Review were read
and approved .
Trustee O'jillson reported he had keen the Coval property and
thought there should be a culvert at 55th ,% Booddale Ave as
requested,after discussPon it was granted. Trustee R.fTLlson .
also reported having been interviewed by Browndale park.' people
about scarifying and oiling Fest 44th Street from Glen Place to Coolidge Ave. and told them he thought the Councll would be willing but it would have to be referred to theme
The Clerk reported on the purchase of the' Lots in Fairfax 19-20 ZG 21,Block 15,and read a letter written by 1dr.Dodge to Agent 7J,F,Garvey,that he could see no reason why he could not sell the
lots to the Village with the understanding that the Village could
remove the gravel to grade Bnd respread the black dirt . On motion.by Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee Willson the report
was accepted and the check of $30.00 held over from last meeting
be turned over to Mr.Garvey,who would have the contract prepared.
Xr,Henry Haeg, 62nd 3 b7ooddale Ave.Pias present and asked for a culvert onl Booddale, after talking over the matter,on mo'tion
the request was -granted.
Mr*Clapk of Grandview Heights was present protesting the condition of their street (Summit Ave.) made so by the State Highway,and asked if there was an~r;,th€ng the Village could do. It was moved
by Trustee Knudsen seconded by seconded by Trustee Willson the
Clerk be instructed' to arrange a meeting with Clyde L,Methven of
the State Highway and the Village Council at @rand View Heights
to view the situation and see what could be done,carried.
President Strong reported that Mr,Graber had asked that Art
Petereen be retained as %pecial donstable for the Country Club
Di.st. ,to which there vas no objection made.
The Clerk reported that all the deeds Xor rightof waypn 49th Street from lot I7,Block Ig,to France Ave.were signed except Mr.E,J,Pelkey who -Has willing to sign,and Mrs Moreau who wantd pay for the right of wag and the Bull HeirstHowever Mr.D.?Ya
Vallace signed his deed with the understanding that the Street
would go thru to Arden Ave.othemise he did not wish to give the
right of way for a stub street, Mr.Kingsley was of the opinion that the Bull Heirs has lost their
equity in their property as i.t had been used for a road so long
and read a part of Chapter I6,Road and Bridge divission 3499 to
that effect.
On.motion the Clerk was instpucted to find out what Attorney
Kingsley had done about Lot I7,Block II,inthe Country Club for right of way and what he thought about condemnation proceedings
The deed to a rod of land for road purposes along Jim Anderson's
South line,in Cahil1,was presented by the Clerk,frorn Frank Garrison to the Village and on motion was laid on the table on account of an objecionable clause there in.
The following amounts were tuned over to the Treasurer. Phxmbing permit, Gust Hoglund I3 fixtures $3.25
Standard Oil refund 5.66
V,H,Adams cutting street I*O0
Gust Soderberg,Leo McClelland ,Archie Buck and Ruth Payne,fireworks licenses at $10.00 each 40 00
4+otal $ 49.91
Bills on following page.
After duly auditing the road bills they were on motion
The miscellaneous bills mere taken up and on motion al-
lowed as audited.
.Road and other bills as follorJs.
Harry Jensen John Tracey John Costello Harry Vanatta Jerry Collins
PI,S.Joy St.Com -22 days $IIO.OO Frank Roberts teem I63 hrs at 906 I46 *70
. 163 I46 670
I7 I '- .) 153.90
I23 IIOe70
labor 76 hrs at 456 34 80
17 1 '76 e95
I55 69 075
S,J,Roherts,tractor 8~ 20 & I47 hrs at 606 97 s20
- Joseph Collins I22 hrs tractor " 73*20
Kin .Masec I20 yards gravel 30 boo tt Claus Johnson 30 president's salary,july35.00
60 00
25 .OO
E,T,Edson c lerk ' 8
C .F,Prescott
Geo Aa:7illson
Art Pekerscn cons table ' s
Russell Grader Mfg Co. * . repairs for grader 27.60
J,D.Adams % Co 2 drag scrapers . I9 40
Berger Mfg cob 214 feet of culvert at IL2 leseI0~215.21 Y;F,Garvey Hdm hardmare ordered by road crew 8.35
Standarc% Oil Go, gas for tractor 22.75
Npls General Electric street lights for June 49.71
D,F,VcGufre Assessing Village B making adjust- 353,50
Chris Koe trac-bor beam repair 2.50
P 0
Hennepin County Enterprise, pubdfay 'Jc June repor% ? b20
Total for month $ r,944.52
h'o further business meeting adjourned s