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The meeting was called to order by President S.K,Strong in
the Grange Hall at 7:30 P,V. With all @embers present,
The minutes of the July Meeting were read and approved.
The Clerk reported having seen Attorney Kingsley about 49th Street rfght of way thru Lot I7,to Arden Ave. Mr.Kingsleg
regrettsd.he was Wable to be present to the meeting and asked
if as many of .the Council could,to meet him in his office,
therefore the Clerk Trustee Prescott 8 Trustee %illson were.
made the committee,to meet him in a few days.
The Clerk also presented the contract for the purchase of Lots
19-204 Z1,block 15,Fairfax Add.for the grave1,for the sum of
$687.00 and by paying cash there is a discount of 10% and aith
the $30.00 already paid will leave $588.30 to be paid.
On motion the contract was accepted and the President author-
ized to sign the contract.
Enrs .Forrester asked to have Interlachen road near Mirror Lake
graded and oiled. Was told it was impossible to grade the road
when it vqs so dry,but vmuld grade after it had rained,and she
was advised to see if the Interlachen Club would ask the County
to oil it as they had in the past. .
Trustee WJfllson reported he had seen who said‘she wouldngive the right of way North from 62nd to the Sundquist place unless
Mr.Haeg would give his half, Mr,Willson had also seen Mr,Haeg
who was unwilling to give the right of way.Possibly an outlet
for Mr.Sundquist to the North on 58 or 59 Street thru the
Haltfax Addition,the matter was to be looked:’ into.,
Mr,Frank Garrison asked for the use of the tractor to finnish
moving a building to his place,was told the Council did not
feel at liberty to let the tractor out for private use,there-
fore his request was denied.
Pr,Chanee,Mr.Adams 2~ others were present with a petition for
widening and graveling Halifax Ave .and grading sidewalk bebches
On motion the petition was referred to the Road Committee for
consideration,and the Village Surveyor to give an estimate of
cost 6
As that portion of Halifax was never declared a legal street
from 50th to 52nd Stx-eet the following resolutlon was ,adopted.
Tihereas ,a certain Street named Halifax Avenue having
been opened by the Village of Edina from 50th to 52nd Street,and
bhereas,I4 deeds have been given to and accepted b$ the
Village for a street 60 feet in width,and
Yrhereas,s_aid 14 deeds have been duly recorded in the
offfce of Register of Deeds of Hennepin County,and
Thereas the center line of said Halifax Avenue begins at
a point on Yes:$ 50th Street 30 feet East of Lot 1,Block I,
Stevens First Addition to Minneapolis in said Village of Edina, according to the Plat thereof and of record in the Office of
Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County,Minnesota,said
centes? Line produced South to 32-nd Street and jofnes Halifax
Avenue in South Harriet Park,noPrr therefore Be It Resolved that said Halifax Avenue as described
above be the same and is,hereby dealared a legal Street.
Trlfstee Knudsen offered the foregoing resolution and Trustee
Tillson seconded, on vote there were 4 ayes and no nays,and the president then declared the Street legal,
Elp$, 7A.4- not
Moved by Trustee Knudsen and seconded by Trustee Ellson the Clerk
be authorized to publish a notice of hearing to property owners
on France Ave.for the unfinnished portion of sidewalk between 49th
and 50th Streets as petitioned for by Geo.Millam and Bthers,earrled.
wI4.00 plumbing permits were turned over to the Treasurer.
248 \
Report of the June settlement received from the County Treas- .
urer is as Eollorrs,sas read.
$413.46 Sidewalk a total of $10,2f1.85 less advance of $3.506.00 leaving $6,711.85
Special Assessments of Fairway Section Curb Q Gutter $14.15
Sanitary Seaer 27.66,Stcrrm Sewer $28.30 total$?O.II
$24.83 for grading and $9 773.56 taxpaking
After duly auditing the road and other bills it was moved hg Trustee Killson and seconded by Trustee Prescott thaf ba=alLowed,
Bi 11s
f; ,SoJoy St .Corn.
Frank Roberts
Harry Jens en
John Tracy
John Costello
Jerry C oliins Harry Vanatta
30 days and sharpening plov $ 152.25
240 216.00
team 232 hrs at 904 8 208.60 n
m 240 , 216 e00
56 50*40
labor 240 hrs at 454 . I08 .OO
240 - 108.00
240 X08 .OO
'Henry Slavin 224 loads of gravel 56.00
Joseph Collins 8 hrs at 60$ tractor man 4 *80.
Clam Johnson 40 yards gravel .IO . 00
S,K,Stror?g $resident's salary for August.% - . -
E ,T ,Eds on
C . F . Pre sc o t t
Geo A,V€llson
Trn BLasec 30 yds gravel . 7.50
Zrn H,Ziegler CO. gasket and IOO# D,A,lubricant 20.60
one day on tjoard of review 40,OO .
Blerks salary,Bd of review .% sup. 65.50 Trustee s salary for August 25.00
25 e00
25 e00
It rn
It n
Art Petersen Constable's salary ro .oo
Standard Oil CO. I10 gal.gas !e tank and pump 44.30
J,D.Adarns SC Co. plow share 7..50 ,
Bren Bros. repairs for mower IO e85 H.S,Vind HdE ordered by road crew 3.30 Thompson Lbr .GO. railing for Xillam bridge 3 080 0 Mpls General Electric street lights for July . 49.71 Rary Mewberg 1st half for rental for shed room 37.50
Harriet State Bank,premium on 3,B,Legler 3 L,R:Blackburn
bonds 10.00
Alexander 3~ Bradley centerline on i'i.49th St.% Lot 17. I2 . 00
Hennepin County Fair Association donation IO0 .oo Xack Petersen movind dirt from road 1405 k 39 3 .50
total for month clt 1,739.31
A letter vas read,and a telephone call reported by the Clerk,
farom Benedict S..Deinard oyner of Lots 4 - 5 % 6,Elock 4,xe~xes Ave.
Seele+'4Fiiwt kd'b2tion %*o havlthore ?ark,Edina, requesting the
Village Conncil to lay ti sidewalk in front of said Lots,ond
assess the 'cost thereof in the usual manner,
After c3nsidcraZion the following resolution fvas adopted on
motion of Triistec Prescott seconded Trustee Kriiids,en.
X3E€Xh3,Fenedlct C.Deinard,ovmer of Lots 4 - 5 I 6,ElocB Foixr'
(4) on Xerxe's kva.in Seeleys Firsi Adciition ta Kasvthorn Fa&
lias requested the Village Council af the Village ?f &ina to
lag a s5derrtllk abutting on above Lots and assess cost thereof to said Lots,the request bf: granted,and BE IT FEXLVED,thnPI the
construction of said sidmalk be ordered and the Clerk be Tn-
structed to have saiG sidewalk laid and to assess the cost there- of to ';ha above said Lots,4-5-G,in Eloc!~ 4,and to eeptify the
same to the County Auditor in thrcc annual installvents at the
rate of per ar,niim.
Eo forther business rr,eating on motioi? ad jourwad