HomeMy WebLinkAbout19270910_REGULAR249 I President S,KStrong called the meeting to order with all biembers present but H,J,Knudsen. (t'rustee) -Minutes of the Atgust meeting were read and approved, T'he regular order mas dispensed with to take Care of those in . waiting. Mr .Herman Hermanson,B,H .Lavame and others were present asking if there mas to be any more grading done from. 4th Street on 4th Ave.to the Street Car tracks,fn Mendelssohn.also asked the Council cooperation in getting a street car stop abd crossing at that place. Was told the Council intended to work there later Attorney Hosp,of Hopkins was preparing a petition to the Rail- road 9x: Tare-house Commission for the cmssing for the Hapkins people,and on motion the Clerk was instructed to ask Attorney Kingsley to prepare a petition for the Edina slde,but upon Ak%y Kingsley arrival he suggested i\lIr.Hosp make it a joint petiton, the Clerk ms then instructed to ask Mr,Hosp to make.it 8 joint petition. Wr,E.C.Bunday asked if there was any show of getting Glouccster Ave. ,between France Ave and Halifax Ave . from 50th to 52nd Street thru this BeB&on,was told there was not much chance thgs year because of lack of funds and time.Mr.Bunday thought all but Nlr.IIatting were willgng to give the right of vray,and after talking it over the President offered to talk with Mr.Hatting and see what could be done with him on the matter. 0 . ' - Mr,Kingsley reported he had been away and had not seen Mr,Thorpe as to Lot 17,for 49th Street where it intersect Arden kve. He suggested some member of the Council go with him to see iVr.Thorpe and make him some sort of a proposition,Presfdent Strong aereed to go vith him.Mr,Hingsley said of course we could condemn and assess the bennefits to the property,but that would cost quite a lot and if we could arrive at some way besides condemning it would be more satisfactory to all. As this was the time for the hearing on the sidewalk on frame Ave.between 49th and 50th Streets the matter was taken up and. as no objection had been made in wri.ting or otherwise to the constructfon of the sidewalk and assessing costs thereof to the abcltting property.Trustee EnuWehLmoved the adoption of the . following resolution and the Clerk be authorized to have the work done. Fra.nce Ave .between 49Sh Street south to Soderberg's .restaurant in the Village of Edina,Hennepin County,Minnesota,have petitioned the Village Council of said Village to order a sidewalk 5 feet in width on afore said street and there in requested the adopt- ion of the necessary resolution to give effect thereto accord- ing to 1aw.therefore be it Hesolved,by the Village Council of the Village of Edlna, that R sidewalk 5 feet in width be and the same is hereby ordered to be constructed according to plans and specifications now on file in office of Recorder.said construction to be com- pleted by October 1st I927,and the Clerk is hereby instructed to spread the assessment In 3 annual installments OR property omners effected,except those who pay in cash direct to the Vlllage,Trustee Prescott seconded the foregoing resolution. vote taken there were 4 ayes and no hays,and it was so ordered. R4r.Cole 3 J!r.A.R414OOre presented a petition for 8 sidewalk on Aurora Ave,'Yest S%d?,from the Highway Bridge North to the Villsge lim.lts.0n motion the petition was accepted and as one property owner's name was missing they were asked to secure .it and return it to the Clerk is authorized to have the work done. h resolution therefor would be adopted at the next meeting. Xhereas the maj-ority of the property owners abutting on Trustee Y,Y,llson reported Miss Hankeg was .out to'see him and said she vrould not give the right of way for a road from 62nd North to the SundquLst place wheather Nir.Haeg would or not. \ 250 It mas moved b Trustee Villson seconded by Trustee Prescott the balance of ii '588.30 to N,P,Dodge Co.for Lots 19-20 3 21, Block I5 Fairfax Addofor gravel be paid,carried. A letter from K,K..Eaker asking that Mackey and West 44th Street be oiled to Coolidge Ave. On motion it was left with the Pres- ident. It mas reported the Highway Bridge over ;Test 44th Street was wired and ready for lighting and was left to the Clerk to in- ves tigat e The request for some gravel on Eeard Ave.aas left to Trustee vi 11s on . Trustee Prescott vas appointed to cooperate with the Hopkins ~ pPf%@fals in regard to the Street Car Crossing at 4th Ave. A letter from Ur.Kesterton requesting the removal of a garage that stood 6 feet in .the Alley at the rear of lot 3 Block I . close. Lotthe Creek in Seeleys First Addition to Hawthorn Park. The Clerk vms instructed to mtte hlr.Loyd Peterson to move the garage from the Alley. . On motion the Clerk was instructed to askthe County Commission- ers for IO00 feet of snow fence and post@, On motion the Frank Garrison deed was taken from the table and Mr.Garr%son presented it again with the objeconable words crossed out.On motion the deed was accepted with the I3 words crossed out, After considering the levy for next year and budgeting the ex- pense it 178s moved by Trustee. Prescott seconded by Trustee Piillson the annual levy be made $22,000.00,carried. $1.50 plumbing permit and #36,37 from KFs Ann Riley,payment in full for sidevalk on Test 50th Street was turned over to the Treasurer After duly auditing the road and other bills on motion they mere allowed b ?Ji,S,Joy St Corn . 23% days $117.50 Frank Roberts team I77 hrs at 9Og! 159.30 170. 153.00 I77 I59 o 30 B@my Jensen 125 112.50 John Tracey John Costello Harry Vanatta labor 184 hrs at 454 82 a80 145 65425 Louis Stalzrnan " I49 3c 32 hrs,*erader at 60$ 86e25 I03 3% 77 92 055 Jerry Collins A,Uebber Sam Roberts 77 hrs traciorman at 604 46.20 Joe Collins 18 30 e80 E.T,Edson Clerk's salary and supplies 60 480 25 e00 25 e 00 W It 11 n I1 S .IC Strong Presldent's salary for Sept. 35 000 4 Trustee,:s saaary for Sept. 25.00 11 11 ta H,J,Knudsen Geo A.Tlil1son Art Petersen Constable's Hennepin County Enterprise pub 2 notices st report 5.40 J,DeAda~s & GO* plow share 7.50 - Russell Grader Nfg Co. 2 grader blades 10.59 SZB,Sod ergren 40 cement blocks for tool house 7.20 - C.F,Prescott ro.00 n - I? .F . Garvey 2-5 gal . cans & funnel ordered, Yi'ebber . 5.15 Thompson Lumber Co. Mpls General Electric street lights for August 49 e71 I pc I x 4- 16 ft by Joy a85 Jennison % Rollins Oil Co. 5 gal gas and:'I# grease I .oo J.F,Olinger I5 hrs tractor man at 606 9.00 H.S,Vind Hdw grease and tool ordered by Joy 2.65 John E,Lilja blacksmith work 10.35 - N.P,Dodge k Co f3al.on Lots 19-20 2i Block 15, 588 30 Alexander 3 Bradley surveying 26 00 Lavirence T,Newell Sidewalk on Xerxes Ave. 65 33 Earl Bromn,Sheriff Garnishee Sam Roberts 37.68 Sam Roberts bal.left from garnishee,Aug salary 5.52 yotal for month $ 2,055.28 Warrant a3943 issued to Sam Roberts was canciled and #4002 and 4003 v;ere issued in its place to take care of garnishee. The Council 178s made a committee to purchase a snom plow.for the tractor. No further busines meeting adjourned. 6:&L- Recorder