HomeMy WebLinkAbout19271008_REGULARPresident Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 7 :30 P.M. with all MembGrs present. Viinutes of the September 10th meeting read and approved. President Strong reported on the Commititke aith Attorney KZngsley and h7r.Thorpe.A~ he vas on the way to meet Mr. Kingsleg he stopped in the Thorpe Office to see if Vr. . Thorpe vias in,&.Thorpe insisted Eent over the matter of lot I7 for 49th Street.The vacation of 3ridge Street East of Arden Ave.was suggested for lot 17, Wr.Strong told him he would have to refer it to the Council The Council looked it ovez. and thought it unrrise to vacate Bridge Street at thst point as the street would probebly be opened to France Ave some dayJ and that vie had better make Trustee 3iIlson reported that Baird Ave.at 54th Street had been graveled. A, joint petition of the Village of Edina Se Test rGinneapolis (Hopkins) for a street car stop and crossing at Monroe Aye. or Edina's 4th Ave.aras presented,and the folloving resolution Resolved by the Village Council of Edina,that the public necessity conve 'enqe SC vrelfare+requires that the cars of the Ylnneapolls. &:&%.@ban hailFay Co. stop at Nonroe Ave. for the taking on and discharghg passengers ,and that a grade crossing be established thereat. Ee it also Resolved that this resolution be referred to the Railroad and 'Yarehouse Commission of the State of Xinnesota for investigation and approval of the establishment of a grade crossing at Yonroe Ave.and that the cars of the I'fiinneapolis 3c Saint Paul Suburban Railway Co. stop thereat for the taking on and discharging passengers. Trustee Prescott offered the foregoing resolution seconded by Trustee Knudsen,upon vote it was carried unanimously and signed by each member of the Council. on his coming in,so they some other arrangements for lot 17, 9 - as prepared by Attorney Hosp was also presented. The Clerk reported having seen a man wiring the nei*i Highmay at Best 44th Street,v!ho said they had an order to turn on the light,vhich was found not to be true, also repwted there were two 200 matt lights on the bridge9 The Clerk was instructed to further inve s ti ga t e . The Corcmittee vho investigatd the snow plot7 reported having best suited to needs..EherefWe for reasons afore stated be it Resolved that we purchase the 17ausau Plow at $770.00 F.O,B. tractor Village of Edina,and the President authorized to sign the contract., Trustee Knudsen moved the adoption and Trusteed 9illFon seconded the foregoing resoliition.mot;Ton carried with 4 eyes and no nays. '.'/hereas a petition signed .by all the propepty orrr,e?s on the Test side of Aurora Ave.from the HighPiay bridge Horth to the Village limits for a sidewalk Gfeet in width With the trees left in tact have petitioned the Village Council to ord6r a sidewalk on a f3re said street,end waver the notice to peoperty owners s0.a~ to save! time on account of the latness of the- season,and requesked the a doptfon of the necessary resolution to give effect there to according to law. of the Village of Edina,that a sidevraLk 6 feet in width and lsiith the conditions of the petition,be and the same is hereby' ordered to be constructed OG, said Aurora live .according to plans and specifications now on file the Recorder's officetSaid con- structed to be completed by Octobqr 15th I927.and Be It Furthered Resolved,that the Clerk is hereby Instructed to spread the assessments in three annual installments .Moved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Willson the resolution be adopted, motion carried by 4 ayes and no nays,and it was so ordered. \ 19okeb over several makes and decided the Xausavru plom wag the Therefore be it Resolved by the Village Council. I 253 The Special Constable bond of Chas T,Hay for Country Club Bistrict,mas presented and on motlon was accepted and a warrant for $5.00 premium favor of the Harriet State Bank was ordered. At the request of Mr.E,R;P-.Sward that sidewalk benches be made along his property on Test 49th Street at his expense,the fol- lowing bill of $138.25 was turned in by Street Commissioner Joy, and at Mr.Y.L.Clark's request vray at his expense a bill. of $127.30 was also turned in. The Clerk was instructed to render each,Mr.Sward .& Mr.Clark a bill on motion by Trustee Preseott seconded by Trustee X€llson. for the Village to make his drive- On motion it was decrded to continue membership in the League of Iduniclpalities and a warrant was drawn for $30.00 for dubs for the ensixelng year. President Strong read a garnishee on B.J,Roberts 'wages of $105.90 He being a married marn.+laimed $35,00 and the balance held, the Clerk was ' instructed to notify him we wanted no more garni,shees . It was moved by Trustee %illson seconded by Trust.ee Knudsen the hour of meeting be changed from 7:30 P.M. to 2: P.M.carr$ed. whfch on motion was allowed. On Votion the bill of L.T.NewelL for sidewalk on Aurora Ave.for $401.24 was allowed and. the aat&on of the President '3c Clerk be sus tflined . The Clerk reported $2.75 'from plumbing permits,, Wallace mepard paeent in full for sidewalk 3n Test 50th Street of $36.37 and T.J.Oxborough sfdemalk in full of $49.96,Byron Kells payment of $I7.00,George Millam paid in full for his sidewalk on France Ave. of $37.23 H.'iJ,Darr paid $1.00 for cutting street.tota1 $144.31 was turned over to the Treasurer. After auditing the road and miscellaneous bills they were allowed on motion. Lawrenc e T , Neme 11 Sidewalk on Aurora Ave $402.24 Frank Roberts team I84 hrs at 906 165.60 John Trncey " I92 172.80 John Costello I' I92 172.80 Harry VanRtta. labor' I92 hrs at 456 86.40 Carl Roust It 48 21.60 8 3.60 Louie, Stalzman 1: .Nelson A,Te bber 'I I72 hrs at 604 grader man 103.20 50.40 S.Sodergren I98 loads- of gravel Clam Johnson IZg yds gravel at 25c 3.13 President's salary for Oet. 35.00 E,T.Edson Clerk's kl % Supplies 61.85 R.R,Strong 25 000 25.00 H. J ,Kniidsen ., 25.00 c .F,Prescott Geo.'Cillson Art Petersen Cons table ' s l? I0,OO The Eergcr Mfg COO 238 feet of culvert 244.85 J,D.Adams COO cutter f op plow 2 030 tli,S,Joy St .Corn 24 days I20 000 Soren Jensen 92 82 *80 Jerry Collfns 'I .I64 73 080 24 30 080 %I Sl 49 a50 Ray Jensen I12 45 d 11 It It It le Trustee ' s E,Y.Harris gas for tractor I .68 Standard Oil Co. 525 gal .gas for tractor 68 025 Hennepin County Enterprise pub. Sept report 3.60 Harriet State Bank Constable's bond for CIT.Hay 5.00 Lawrence T .Newell sidewalk a driveways on France Ave. 210.75 llpls General Electric street lights for Sept. 55.29 Alexander & Bradley , surveying 4r.00 Sam Robert6 claim on amount of $105.90 35 00 Harvey Balker Ex.Secy membership dues 30 00 Total for month 2,397.24 \ No further business meeting adjourned. Recorder.