HomeMy WebLinkAbout19271112_REGULAR254 \ - President ScR,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall. at 2: P.I!iLE,, All Members present . Minutes of the special meeting of October I5,and the regular meet- ing October 8 ,were* read and approved. The Clerk havJng been asked to confer with the people on Halifax Ave.as to the finnishhg up of their street in the spring as it . would leave the street in such bad shape for spring driving If done this fal1,reported that they Seemed to favor the idea. The Clerk also reported that the Highway bridge over Vest 44th Street was ready for lighting with two 200 watt lights installed. After discussfon the Clerk was instructed to order in one IO0 watt light on the Hest side only,at 27.50 per year,and have the bulb changed from 200 watt to IO0 matt,and have the East light on the bridge cut out 86 there being no sidewalk or houses on the gast side of Aurora Ave. 0 A letter was read from N,P,Dodge Coooffering to give the Village Lot 22,adjoining those purchased for gravel.for graveling the balance of Wooddale Ave.to 62nd and 59th Street across the dddf- tion East et West,after d%.scussing the\e"libsrality in the opening of Yooddale it mas thought just if they would allow the Village to take the gravel dow to grade on Lot 22.rather than aCCepthg'th8 lot,and on motion by Trustee Knudeen seconded by Trustee Fillson the Clerk was instructed to preparb an agreement to that effect. hlr. W,S,Heydt and others mere present asking foc work on Kest 48th Street from the Trunk Highway #5,\7est to the Ninneapolis ,North- field & Southern Ryo on mot2on it *was referred to the Road Committee. On motion by Trustee Prescott seconded by Tpustee Tlillson the Clerk I have the Village Engineer fihnish setting the grade stakes on Test 49th Street to Arden Ave.in the Country Club Dist.so that leveling the hills with the steam shovel they would not get the street to low, also set a grade on the @avel-lots in Fairfax Add. The deed, to lots 19-20 & 21 Fairfax were presented and accepted and the Clerk instructed to have it recorded. Roved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Knudsen that the Clerk be instructed to try to secure the wall maps and other thing belong- Ing to the Village from John 3,Shaffer and if necessary to call on the Village Attorney for help,carried. It was moved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee !'Xllson that we offer Mr.Thcrrpe a reasonable price for lot I? Block I1,Faimay Section for 49th Street and if he refused ne would start comdemn- ation proceedings ,carried. It was moved by Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee ?!'illson thak the Harriet State Bank garnishee on Sam Robarts thru Attys.Fowler, Furber,Carlson &c Johnson court order for $70.90 be alloved,carried. The regisnation of Fred K,?lillson as Justice of the peace was read and after dfscussion it vas accepted. A resolution defining what roads should be assessed was taken up and layed over till next meeting. It mas decided to purchase 2000 feet of snow fence and posAs,and on motion of Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee TJIllson,lrustee Iinudsen was authorized to purchase the fence Se posts. The time to audited the books of the Clerk and Treasurer was set for the evening of November ISth,at the home of President Strong. A list of names was handed the Clerk with the instructions to secure the election judges and clerks for the Village election to be" held December 6th 1927. An advance of $3000.00 from the llovember settlement was re- ceived from the County .Treasur,er. $20.00 recefved from Byron Kell to apply on his sidewalk wqs turned over to the treasurer, and leaving a balance on Mr KelLs sidewalk of $12.96 ACter auditing the road bills it mas moved by Trustee Tiillson seconded by Trustee Rnudsen they be allowed,carried. The rnfscellaneous bills were taken up and audited and allowed on motion of Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee TXllson. Bills A,S*Joy St *Come 292 days $147.50 team -232 hrs. at 904 208.80 Frank Roberts '2 32 208.80 , John COStellQ Soren Jensen 232 208.80 John Tracey 2 32 104.40 2 32 104.40 . Jerry ColIAns Ray Jensen 45hrs SS I21 hrs gdr at 606 114.00 74 & I25 tractor 60; 108.30 A *Tie bber T, J,GoGle ,per assn. z9uis Stalzlilan teb 70 pt 904 & 32 lab at 454 77.40 5.63 Chiis Johnson . President's salary for November 35 e00 E, T ,Eds on Clerk's B.J,Knudsen C,F,Prescott Geo A,BillsOn 230; 207 045 n ft !t Harry Vanatta labor 224 hrs at 456 100.80 tt t* tr . (1 ' Thomas Ryan 22: yds gravel 5.63 222 tt David Tlalsh 80 loads of gravel 20 000 *$,E *strong 60.00 25.00 25 .Or3 25.00 - J.J.Duggan Treasurer's salaryAto Jan Is%, (9mo) 116.50 Mpls General Electric street lights for October 53.96 tt 11 tt 1f I1 Trustee ' s "s upp li e s Art Petersen Constable's salary for November 10.00 Hennepin County Enterprise pub.Dct .report . 4.20 Thompson Lbr Co. lumber for snow fence I3 e50 Chris Moe plow sharps 3 e25 e University of htlinn. I5 copies for charter making I5 .OO Miller-Davis CO. minute book for charter corn. 3 .OO Fowler,Furber,Carlson & Johnson.garnishee for Harriet Bk70.90 Total for month 2,082.52 No further business meeting adjorxmed, cy, ZJ-u-. Recorder. 256 \ Nilnutes of the proceedings of the auditrng committee at a meeting held on the 19th of November, 1927. President Strong called the meeting to order at his home at 7:30 P.Ys T.c6th all Members present. After thoroughly going ovsr the books of the Recorder and - Treasurer they were found to agree and that $ 21,653.08 was received from all sources total disbursements I8 718.56 30,1927. leaving a balance of $2.934.58 in the treasury Rovemker 1 The books viere audited from March Ist.1927 to Rovernber 30, I927 The special assessments in Fairriay Section were as follovs; Receipts Thorpe Bros Curb Gutter Sanitary Semer Storm Sewer It P From County Treasurer, Curb % Gutter Sanltary Sewer Storm Sewer Emergency fund Ficst Rational Bank interest on'deposit tt v $i 2,206.70 1,390.91 2,178.41 $i 14.15 27.66 28.30 i? 5,776.05 I74aI5 1.81 $ 6,021.92 Total income Di s Burs emen ts Nov.4,&27 hargaret A .Thorpe Curb S Gutter Bond !$ 1,500.00 Snt&pest' Y -1. * -8 -(L? 735.00 Kargare t A'.*Thorpe . It $ani tary Sewer Bond I, 000 .OO ilnterest 446.25 . n Nargare t A .Thorpe Storm Sererr Bond * 1,500.30 . Interest 735aOO Total Disbursement 5,916.25 . Balance emergency fund . 105.0 67 On motion by Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee !:'illson the statement of the Recorder and Treasurer be accepted and ordered published,carried. Iqothing further to be considered. the meeting adjourned. Recorder. .