HomeMy WebLinkAbout19271210_REGULARPresident ELrong called t.Q&geeting to order in the Grange Hall
wt, 2 : P.H., All mernbereApresent but TivsLee H. J,Knudsen. .
The rr~lnutes of the last regular and speRial meetings were read artc? approved.
The Clerk peporbed that he got the mall maps from John T!,.Shaffer
and ViOtlld try to secure the balance of' the things soon,hoviever
iVr.Shaffer said ha would bring out the old atlas.% etc.
~tLe Z;~LZ of YLE~CO~~ for aZ0.00 for cleaning and- installing a
culvert at his driveway was discussed, As the Street Commissioner
had given him the culvert if he would install it,and as the w~t3x-F;
was not suthorfzcd,it was .moved by Triasiee 17illson and seconded
by Clerk Edson that* tne bill be not allomd,carried. The clerk to
notify I'Lr.Code of the action.
Attorney Kfngsley's bill of $575.30 for legal services for the
last itjFj3 years Nas readyafter. discussion,it WRS moved by Trustee
. FrescoLt,seconded by Trustee Tillson the bill be allowed and the
Clerk to hand Vr.Xii1gsley Lhe warrant,asking him to. hold it until1
the Envomber Se"c1ement flas received ,carried.
h cmtract betimen the VI1'lag;e of Wins and the N,j?,Dadge (22. for
gra-veltcig kooddale Ave.from 58th Street to 62nd Street nnil 59th
Street, ~CPOSS their Addition from east to west giving the Village
Lot 22,Elock I.?,Fairfax,for doing the grwvcling;v!ss read,
It a&s nio-md by Trustee Prescott and seconded by Trustee :;illson the contrwt bs acceped and the President and Clerk authorized to
, .e
E i &l--, c EW1-i 2 (3 .
Tj~t: pt.e.ct>f.ri-ti'>fi defining what roads should be assessed laid over
frorfi 13~t n~eating vias,on motion,laid on the table on account OP . 9 resolution adopted May 9th,I904.
Fa;i,Eay havlng asked for one-half toil of coal and one-half ~3rd of
chllzk 7~00d .and after d&scussion,Trustee &illson vias ins tmicted to
opder thz con1 and wood and investigate.
The V1ll.q~~ el.ec.tion resiilts ape as folloivs. For President D.F,
l<CG1iira k-.~+carder Ben B. Moore, J.X,Reipann Trustee for 3 years,
=eo Allison Trustee to Dec .3Ist,I928,C .F,Prescott Tmistea to Pec.
J, Asselin
Petersen Con-
&-* & y-
After du.ly auditing* the mad bills,on motton by Trustee FGescott,
secanded by Trustee %illson,they were allowed.
The miscellaneous bills were allowed on motion by Trustee Tillson
smonded by Trustoc Prescott,except theGbf.11 of Philpott % Bailey's
kill sf $11,&5 when.$IQ.50 had been nalred when ordered.
Pills on follotrrig page.
The follDViirig amounts were turned over to, the TrcFtsxvr:
ysiv I E P-FSB r t .i. n , plum Gi ng pe rmi t , 6 fix tiires
Fillr~~ fees for I3 candidates,for Village officas
Byron Eel1,ffna.l. p7~gment on sidewalk,pd.in full.. 12.96
htal . $ 27.46
A %27. Dee. 3, Louis SGalzman labor 9G hrs at 456 ,? '43.20
IO, T;,S,Joy StoCOm 23 days 5.00 dm .oo
Frank Robsrts team I42 hrs at 906 'I27 080
Swen Jensen " 132 'IT8 080
J3hn Tracey l' 170- -153.00 labar 156 hrs at 456 ,7Q.%IO Harry Vanatta
Lmts Stalzman
A,Tebker,Grader '' 96 at 456 %GI at 00&,79.8c
Sam Roberats,tractor 48 ' &e f 58.20 I6 at 456 shoveling 17.20
lt snov 15.40
12 Less hliiillw
I 1.80 *
Frank ChellSs . X.Dupree
4 A, Sodderberg 18
* 3*60*
8 'X, Sas one
8 D,Thite
8 George Shmeck tr
8 '3 ,€Cere %rum
F ,I3 JIay
ft 'I,80,
4 Lee Pretzel
4 Geo,Pmtzel tt
Voohees Oil CO. 50 ga1,tractar oiL%drum 142*;00-
E.YsRam+is gas,oil and alcoha1,traclor \14.20,
Hencepin Battery Co. 6 moIsLoFage of battery ' 3.00.
Ist,Fat,Bank of Hopkins ,Assignee,by Henn.C~.Xaterpr~~2.40 -
Ralph Xrld, shoes and rubbers for XcCulloch '5.23-
National Tea Co, groceries for NcCulloch family '8.62-
Ifipls Gerr Electric street lights for Nov. -53.96 0
GeoJiillarn %easurer,Grange ,Ball rent to Dec 31/27. *49.53 -
60 827,OO ta
It .
klexandep k Bradley s wve ying ~25,OO 0
John Lilja black smith work ' 6855-
SA .Strong President's salary for Dee. m.00 -
Fl J ,Hnuds an Trustee's salary for Dee. - 25.00- C.F,Prescott (I
Geo .A,ZllsOn
Art Petersen judge of Village election \i3,49* J,T,Delaneg
J ,L,Rutledge
rim .Delaaey clerk
Harry Hansen
?im.H,Ziegler Go.
Harvey Talker
Gene Delaney
E, T .Eds on Clerk's salarg,sup.& etc * 69 090 T
' 25 ,00.
5?5.OO -
\10.00 -
M Cons table ' s
11 -
'5 840' sr
Ge o .$El llam constable " *3e00.
' 964.10 '
part pyt .for services ,chart.com, \IOO.0Oc
labor I5 hrs at 456 snow work 6.75.
snow ploor and 2003 ft.fence,posts
"6.75- . 0 E,Andersorz f5
John Costello team I422 hm at 90$. , .* -128 025
Jerry Collins labor I45 hrs at 45$ -8 65 25
Rag Jensen *l I44 164.80
$ 2,665.96 u/
#4I17 To-Eal for month
;"Jarrant to A4tty.Kingsley held for Nov,skttlernnt.'
Ret order .