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Regular Meeting. of Edfna Village. Council
held fn Grange Eiall on January 14th. 1928 at 2.30 P€T
On being called to mder by the President the follor-lfng sfficera responded to roll ~~11.
D. F.?;IcGuire <
I ,. George A. Willson
C.F.Prcscott President
J. Em Reirnann
Recorder . * Ben, 38. Eoere <
Treasurer J. J. mggan.
X:inul;ca of' laot meeting were read and approved. All, road bills wcrc audited and upon 'being found correct, it was moved by Trustee
Prescott and seconded by Trustee Reimann, they be (paid, carried,
Bill of hd~en &rmmerinilr, for 7 hours labor shoveling snov at Jokin
Auatfn's, Tntcrlacken Club, at 50,d per hour received, On motion
Reimann, seconded IVillson, bill be changed to prevailing rate of 45#
pcr hour and Ixlloned, carried.
The fo~lc~~ing miscelikaneous bills were checked and audited, Qn motion
\7iUson, seconded Reimann be paid carried.
- .BrzFJ l:eI-bcPg Rent 6 37.50 rYnnn:r A* Kingsley Legal Services 2 yrs. /'(j575, OO *
Blackbtt.~n, LJi ckels .I
1 . mid Smith Premium bond for Recorder '2050'
;iinxeagoli8 GE CO Street Lighting Dec. $53.96
, T. Po Gzrvey Glass for tractor f .82t
Jcmfnon-fZollins Co, Gas, oil 6: alcohol tractor f43.42*
Pbf luatt-13af ley Coal & 1700d for poor f35.70
Edim. Garrage Grease Q Storage I3030
Villap? St; Louis Park Oiling West 44th Street H 49*2k*
Tvin. city Inc COP, Premium band Asselfn J.P. $1O*OQ *
DacRl.ns corn store 20 gals gas tractor t-2.80 X-enncrdfn Ca Znterprfse, UBI Bsllots, 'Village Zbection
Phi1paL.t;- Bailey Coal for poor (.~ecember) 7 -21.36 * - V'8,OQ 4-
Total (j 822.64
Cawirnlin;il~~~tt-,i.a~ frcrn Te3. Code under date Decera'bor 22nd. regarding
~econd :'IS.Jalmn, laid on tabler
Cor&unic*-:tim .fskt H.Yf. Svermson, 5901. France Ave. concerning damage
to his v~j.-r:;tc mail. box bydounty Snow P~OIY, on motion Rehann,
second YfIl :on and carried, that Recorder be instructed to advise
Yir Srcnt~an, Pht na damage ks,d been done by 8 County Snom Plow on a County ro:t,d, tlqt the Village of Edins vas not liable for da.mig:e and
to nup~cct ?: tdcc matter up vith Cou.nty Authoritien.
. cu.lvcrt und sefesed to at last ineetfng vas on motion Preacott and
TICcord.ci* fnqtriictcd to advise Xugene Scriver or" DaTJ.id Po Jones Cot, in rcgl:,t kia letter .Jan. 11th. that a building pernit vas not neceosam~
in Rdina for residence to cost $3500.
Council- iadvisad Rccordezl Lo notify V.L.Clark, In reply his letkerc aP ,Tan >-!~l-, r;oncp_rl?l,l~~,~r~~ittc xcaad nforlc done by; Village on his prop-
erty, tk-+~tt nn ca$t tU,s vrork coul¬ be levied or assessed agpinps2;
tke nro~crt:r, %he full amount of bill srill Pave to be ga2& at one tim e
t"la(rsnn-$ 14x75' isctucd .to Georgq A. Kingsley, at December meeting, for
:';575.QO cov~rfn~ legal services for last two- years under previous
Vil3ap 131o~-mci!,, isaued aith understanding it be Leld until l$overaber
aetllcnent, ,yiven Treasurer far payment,
3ec~rdt.r tiwtmrcted td advise County Auditor in reply his comunica- tiqn Jan. IOkh. re-statement ~hot~ing bonded indebtedness and outstand
inc crrtificatcxi and warrmts, Village +of Edina,, tkat if SanEtam ae~er, 3to.m ever, Curb and Gutter assessments levied against certain
lata in %fn?qy Section, Country Club District, am not ,to be included
that t2Xl-e is none.
* I
Check from George 11. T'lillson, for $3.00, paid him for making plumb-
ing insyectjon vhen merpber of Village Council, Given Treasurer a8
nequest from ::r Tred Sapson, for fire rrorlrs permit on his property
at 4045 T!est 50th Streee, received and placed on file as tte firsf
application received,
ETr Cale, appeared in person and advised the street light under.
viaduct 57est 44th Street,aad Aurora Ave, as not burning for pas%'
two weeks, Recorder instructed to take up t7ith Xple G.E,Coe
%r hrpiss appeared before Council re-pavenent i$5 at intersection
Interlacken Blvd., On motion Preocott, second lVillson be rerered to
comrii t t ee , c arr i e de
Xr J.P,As@elin, Justice of Peace, asked if could k~ve Grange Ea11
for trial to be held following week. On motion Tillson second Reinann, request be granted at Village expense, carried.
Recorder fuGnished Council with three Fopies "A proyose;il Traffic Ordimce for IIunic&palitles in IJi~nesota" on vhickl a local ordiance
might be based and that vould be in accord with a11 such present
St at e, Laws, Disposed of by President Lo call a special meetiqg to consider sameo ,
Abstracts lots #19-20&21 Block 15 Yairfax, receivkd fron 177.??. Garvey
Surety Company bonds in behalf P. J. Asselin, for (>SOO, 00 Tor Justice
pf Lhc Peace, and Ben 33. Koore for $500.00 as Village Recorder,
presented to CounciZ. Suggested by Reimann, be returned for
pppnding certff$ed copies of Power of Attoriiey of Surety Conpaniese
it wits moved by Trustee Prescott and seconded Trustee Xllson, tk%
Treasurer'@ bond for ensuing year be -@aped at 05,000,OO and tb% j.t be in nature of Cappdrate Bon&.by &.proper: Surety cQaY@W- Parriercl
&ved Redann, second Prpscott, thai Larriet State Sank of "inn-
eapOli3f.. be desicnated as official depositary $02 'Jihlage of Zdina i'unds for yeas beginnifl@ January 1st. 1928 and ending Deceriber 31st
1928, and tk&t Recorder be erapowered to draft tkiis resolution in
such fomn as to make legal and binding in accordance vitl;kL statu~s prevailing, Sane to be mitten in bond 1a%er, parried,
ApplYcation of A&xander E: Bradley, thy be. appointed Villa~c %n,p iqeers for ensuing yBar mead and on motion Preocott, cecond \7illson tLey be appointed, carried. I
In tk-e natter of anpainbent of Village Attorney, Vi&laG;e Recorder Xoore state$ he ?md talked nith Ilr George 17. Strong, Attorney living in the ViJl*ago and advised YY Strong had siznified kilc willingness
to ac-cep$ such an appointment on basis of fee pawent for nhat ser-
On motion Prescott, second Xeimctnn, tkat. George 8, Strong be appointed Village Attorney for enBxing year,
On motion'preacott, 'second. ?/ilXson, ~r L, E. ~wpbaii, qf tk-e vii-
lage of Edina, be appointed kezlth Officer, for snsuia rea^., Carri edo
On motion Prescott, sgcond ?'/illson, the liemepin Cotantx Revievs
'tj, designated the officiaa nesspaper, carrieds
fomer payment was conaidered by Prof. ';JEtlker to be' illegal,
' vice3 hbght be rendered,
f On motion Prescott, secoqd Reimann, Treasurer's salar:~ bc C15Oe00
for ensuing year carried. m.
. On motion 'Zillnon, seeofid Preseott, Recorder's s;zEary be (:720ec)0 fo.r ensuing year,, carriede .
Xoved Prescott, aTcond '?/illson, Ve'ober cznd Roberts, be re-~?mploy
ed to operate: Village tractor, subject to direction of Village Council, carri ede ,.
t t.
On ballot for choosing Street Commissioner for ensuing year,
I"I.S. Joy, received 2 votes and Leo Del.aney received 3 votes. an mol.ion prescott, second I'lillson that DelaniLy be employed
Xptlon Reiimnn, second I"dil~son, that pay of Street Commissioner
be ~%,00 per day of 8 hours for each day emp1oy.d as directed
by Village Council, carried. '
PSo'tJed W.3.1son second Preoco.f;t, that 'terns be paid for a.t ratenof
9Q# per hour and that day labor be at 45~2 per hour and tractor m
mpn a% 6Ofl per hour cp?ried.
X? Alestinde~, confirmed minutes of last meeting in %kist there
&ypograpMcal ~urver made for Village of Edina, by fomer Engine er
Skmffer, that Tiere the property of the Village and nero still
being vi t3.iheld. On motion Reimann, second Breacott, Recorder
instructed to place matter in hands of Village Attorney for re-
covery of vhafeves Village property not lavrfully turned over.
CaXTfBdr T I
I ~FO cert:idn tracings, maps and negatives' in connection aitk.1 a
32 hra labor 0 45$ per I3
114.40 - ditto , t28.9Q -
. t$ 'lho70 a
Salary Trustee January P25.00 -
I1 I# tI '25.00.
11 ft I1 '25100 * Recorder I1 t60.00
It Treasurer a2050 t
President '35,OO *
23 days salary St e Coram @$5 0 00115e 00 '
90 €zs labor 0 45,& per P2r ~40.50 . ditto rGO.20 r
11 c45.00 - 136
I1 157.35 - 100
(I 127145 - 133
61 214 hrs tractor m,n Q SO$ ~128.40 -
214 ditto ,128.40
137 Iirs labor @I 45C per €2 '61.65 *
83 ditto ,37035 '
28 It t12.60 b
20 I# I9.00 -
8 If t 3.60.;
28 It tl2.6O~
It #3.6OC
18 3.68"
I1 ' 5060' 8
40 tB 618.00
8 3.60 * 8 It
107 It r45.15 *
16 Ens tekn @ 9Og per fir *14040
30 rirs labor 0 45jf per €3. 313.50
9 14.40 -
36 Iiss labor 0 450 per Isr. t 7.200
8 ditto . ' 3.60.
P 5.601 8 $1
f 1.80- 4. It
30 !t
1'2.70 6 I1
4 It 11.80 *
4 II Ilo806
/ 1.88- 4 It
/1.80* 4 If
r90*35 23 I1
d33.30' 74 It
- 'a
16 ~fifrs team GI 906 per
15 11 4.75 6 I1 1: 2.70*
Total $1193.05
I 1.
, There being no furtker bus$neca meeting adjornea L? 8 FL. c
Village Recorder . , .
’ e-