HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280211_REGULAR1263 On being called to order by the President, the following officem reapondad to roll call * "( Presiden'b D, F,fJcGuixe Trustees George A. 7Jillson Treasurer 5. J, ,LNggan Recorder Ben B. ILoore J. E. Refmann c, F. PrcBcott I:Tinutccs of last meeting were read and approved as correctedo LIE A. R, E1;oom, representing the Yew Charter Commission, was in attmdance and advised the Commission Fad concluded its find- ings and presen'ced to President NcGuire, the proposed ckAarter. On iaoticrn Prcscott, s-ecpnd Reimann, charter be accepted carried, 12 ETQOT~?, further advised the week of April 20th. a3 a t-ime to hold tkc election, t7as thought best by a nunber crf. t.ke Comiisaion Lhy: J. Ue YotrnE;, of The Young %e& Company, asked permiasion to addrcna the council and .stated his- fim desired to erect a fuel ym& on t%nncapolis, Horthf ield B Southem Rye I property, #*along L?ae rir~;hilf af vmy at 50th street, Ee asked if Council vouLd ob3cct to ez-ectian of modern concrete storage bins on lots 11-12 13.22 2.4 sfad submitted Blue Prints of sane. 6. - *. *Yr Gp "if, Sacks, also appeared and presented a yetition signed by sone I5 rezidenta onning land adjacent to above pzoposed yard and nl~J~c%in~ to Council issuing such a permit or granting such an amlicntian. After considerable di~c?i*:~ion it vim ar- ranr;ed .t-.kat; JTr Young and Kr Sacks, set it date for a future meet- in3 at vkdc,b menbers? of tke Council. and others interested .in the px?oponi%ioa could a-kktend, Road bills ~EI follans on icing checked and audited and found to Pe correct oti r~ti~n Trustee WiLlson, second Reimann, be paid, C3,,FT2 ed 264 \ .. .- _. 1 .J Brt. fornasd 287. Qa J, %, Rekmnn, Salary Trustee Pebruaxy ri:250 80 * Geo. A. Villaon ditto r25*00 Co Fa Prsscott ditto ,25,00 D. F, EcGuise . hlary Presidanf; February t 35.00 - 3en .Bo Xoore Salary Recorder February -60,OO - . J. J,DUggan Salary Treasurer February - ;22.50 -- Tcltal E469,5% 6 Road bills Total fop Feby. Eill from City of Einneapalis, Fire Dcpto for $822m50 covering fire 50th and France Aveq, IT-Q corner, building ‘belonging to Er Uneline of Thorpe Brothers, ,vas disapproved and Recorder instructed to rettirn to Uinneapolis Fire DepL, R.sm.ond bill from ?Zinneapolis Fire bep%. far $l87.50 also far f5re services for fire Er Gooperts house Eden .Prairie road, also on motion Beinan, second Villsan, -bas 4isallorred and Recorder instmrct.ed to return to PCinneapolis Fire Dep.fae Scmds of J*P..AssUn as Justice of the Peace and Zen ‘Be* Eoore, as Village aecorder, each for $500.00 with Potwr of ~,t’contney certificates attmhed thereto , presented to Council and upon being found astisfaclszy t7ere accepted and ordered filed, i’ir PaLtecb, of Brookside appeared before the Council and sLated quamy aLones were being -thrown along Xorthfield 2: Southern i3y at Division and Brookside Am, right of nay‘of Kpla. Check for :>10,5Q refund on @as tax for nonth J&nusry received frm Division Oil Inspection, and turned over to Treasurer. Check for $lO,OO for Yoad work done by fomer Village Road! wev, for Interlacke’n Club, reed. ” and turned cjvek’ e‘a Trep&es?, Check for $127mSQ for road work also done by former’ Village Road Crew an private road for VTI,L.CZar&, recieved ana turbesf mer to. Treasurero 5s e August Berg, P7vmbei, paid for plumbing pernit as follows total $5,25 ttrhich vas ttxzned over to Treasurero Total receipts $253. Q5 % I 7 ffxturea :‘tl,?5 - 2 inspections $3,00 and 805s’ hsaufng fee Ruad Cormisslanor, Elir Delmey, reported tb- \a‘ t road graders, m~trer and other Village apparatus 173s in neea af: repafrs and thBt same should be done at th€a time in order t9 be ready, ~lr’hen needed, cotmittec to inspect and *order necessary repairs made. 2.W J.t?,Sbffcr, appeared before the Council in the matter taken up w%th kiim by llr Strong, Village Attorney, and stated Village should Pave grade sbecl~~ tracings also old original atlas and th& he mould deliver same to the Councib. be further tadv%sed field notes vmre considcrcd property of the engineer 8s well as certain tracings when simply hired to prepsfr a survey, It was agreed betrreen the Council and LTr Shaffer that he vould furnish any prints fram tracings nhicb he may Pave at any time on ba9io of cos% plus LO$ and .t;Ps?$ Elr Skaffer would write confimalian of abovee On .motion \vi1135n second Prescott, Street Comlos,ioner !o .be aJlonod $3, QQ for ea& Council meeting a$tendc&r, ykep no$ Preaident appointed Trustees Rsfmann .hnd 17illao n . 0 II o$herniss mrking for Village, carried, . - I. ‘I , .. . ir , Tke matter of providing drainage for stom water for lor; area8 near corner of Arden Ave and 5Qtk Street, EO ,tkit th paving of 50th Street, will not be delayed, vias refered Lo cornittee composed of President and Recorder, to investigate and report to Council, at next regular rneeting. ComiunScation received from Thorpe Bros, signed by XI? S.S. - Tkorpe, suggonting that durin? the year 1928, the Village . pay brm b,l.f+ the coat of street lighting of 44 street lights in Country.Club District, plus %&.e enflre cost of three other . no% 17itldn the DisLrict at $j50,00 per year per light and Lkstt during 1929, the Village of Bdina, pay the entire expense of li&ting tLe streets. The Council directed tbe Rec- order to acknovledge.receipt,of the letter and to advim Er Tho~pe, the matter would be given due consideration. Recorder vi26 instructed to write County Coxmissioners, if can extend 40 foot pavement of #5 Kighway so as to include inter- imctians of Interlacken Elvd. and Brookmid.e AVeSe In Che matter of Plumbing Inspector on motion Tm-stee Relr~iavr nccond. Prescott, \Ye G. Christianson, be appointed Plumbing Inspector xi%h full power to enforce all ordinances pertainin G thereto, for the ensuing year and on basis of $2.00 per job of 2 inspections, caxried, After discussion on the subject of "lOrlrlmanv 8 Compensation In- surance, it ~78~ moved Prescott, second Willson, tkm.1; Trustee Reimam, be authorized to arrange such iGsurance for Village employes as t~oulc! be proper, carried. On motfan Reinam, second2 Vti.1lmmB that application of one Torn XficDonough, a resident of Edina for many years and zlot'l same 73 :rears old, being without otkier support, *ue considered fav- oTo+bly, carried, Trustee Freacott emporzered to make noc- u mxmy, arrangenen$ si ft wm mo~ed by Trustee Presc0t.t and seconded by Trustee !'li'Llson, that President be empowered to ~c,rra.n@e for printing of 3.200 copies of propose6 New Eone Rule CLarPles), in book foma and vith Eennepin County Review for the sum of $62.00 ccrriedr ComghAnt of bad odor premises of Norris Cremery, 50th Street at France Ave., refercd to Eealth Officer for' inveatigption. Bo flJ.T:tlier business to come before tle Council'it vas moved l'?i%lsan Gecond Reimam meeting adjourn, carried at 7 PH. Vi llage Re c o rde r