HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280310_REGULAR266 \ The meeting va3 called to order by the President and upon roll call all rneabers were found to be preamnt. Zr Zucirstt, Eighmy Engineer for hennepin County and Zr Graber, mgineer for Tkorpe Brothers, ere present upon invi$ation. . The raa-bter of installing the necessary sanitary and stomi severa vates mains and service connedtions, alms 50th Street Lksterly I. from France Avenue to Trunk Fig4;zmy ,'{5, mas discussed at length? It 1713s agreed tkat a resolution be dravm up agreeable to tke Village of Edina, Fennepin County Good Roads Assn., and Thorpc Brothers, and for presentation td Board of Zennepin County County Comafssioners, st their next meeting. 3s Rohlcdor, requested 'chat Xerkes Avenue 'be extended South to 66th Street, and vas adviaed matter 170Uld be given consideration after %Toads opened upo lir GeorGe Gardner and Kr Eeydt, requested grade be set SO tht 'they mi&t build on Vest '48th Streetp between Railroad and #5e Council agreed to kiave Village Engineer -bo establish 'tu8 grade and so Instructed Plr Alexander; who vas present at tkis meeting;, Xiscellancous bills as follotas on beinG ckecked and audited and found correct, were on motion Prescott, 2 nd. Reimann, allowed and ordered paid, Xi 11 er-Davi 8 Corcpany Office Stationary k:?12.50 3i'ikler-Davis Company , Justice Docket 1. 7eOO E, D. Brugger Company Security Hatianal Bank Premium policy for Villase Zmployes compensation insurancek433.00 Premiun Treasurer' s bond . Total Yiscl. . Insurance ~olic # issued by CentPal Vest Casualty CO of Aetroit;, LTictiigiZn, for &0. OOO.00 coveriw vorhiansJI corsij3en- nation of Village .Employes, was presented and upon oxamination . it vas moved Reinann, second Villson, be acceyted and bill for preniun it.1 the mount of $433.00 be paid carrieda ' Treasurer' 8 bond for $5,000.00 lasued by Batfonsl Surety Company, Trceonted and upon e:cminatian It vas moved Xeirnann, second 'Jil1son it be accepted subject to Resolution adopted at; January 14th. 1926 meeting and tkat Recorder be instzucted to return smie to ',';,3,Joyce Compny, for aFpending Power of Attorney, also to pay cost of premium in amount $25.00 carried, Road bills for past month were presented and Gpon audit and exmination were found correct. IJotion by Prescott, second Reimann, be ellorred and paid carrled. They are as folloas i \. '1 - Albert Olinger Leo Delaney ?&gene Delaney Jokm Tracey Jerry Collins FArry Vannatta 8. X.Qcrbekks A. !'lebber John Lilja llinneapolia G,X, Co Edina Garrage Edlna, Grocery . E, 'if, Larri s Road vork I :>3. 601 Street Commissioner y 54.00 - Road 17ork I 10.80. Road Vork t 28.80- Road Tork 125020* Road Bork ~36.00- Tractor I 5mo- Blacksmith nark road touls p 5.70* Street lig;ltin@ t 56*25* Velding crank on tractor f 050- Tractor 34060 GroceriBs for poor 19066- 123 gallons gasoline and alcokol for Village tractor I 20.94- Co,vltinued next page #ZG7, Continued from pa- D..Pe TLcGu~ Te Salary P-resident for Xarcb r $95.00 % Ben B. TToore r' Recorder It tl c GO. 00 Trustee It (I l25,OO II 825.00 George A. ?'!illson Trustee J. E. Reirnann Trustee II 11 I 250~o~ c. F, Fiirescott 3.3. Duggim 1, Treasurer tl 4 12050. II Total Road 3111s !;532 .357 '. Total IIiscl 477.50 ~ Total Xarch expenditure- SLatcrment from Carl's I'farket, 4948 France Avenue, for "Xdse" in ammint l'5.44 given Recorder for investigation. Check far :"S.35 from GabrieX BuT~u~z~, for plumbing gemit $4606 Caaoo &re, also check for :%,25 frorn Jokm Lasagn for plumbixm pemiit :45:36 3~ce Ave, beach covering 7 fixtures, issuing fee and tvo fnsgections, turned over Lo Treasurer. Ckeck from State !Tr&,surer for $24.00 as Village share of. cigarette licenae tax rcc&ivod and turned over to Treasurer. Total receipts :,;34,50 The Council actiag upon request contained in letter received from 11s. €.,G.Xurp'hy., Best 45th Streets as well as a number of verbal seq~~ests on same subject, it was upon notion Reiraann, secoiid 'JiXlson, tkiat street' Ugkh at Test 44th Street and Brot~n- dale &~~nue, be increased to 400 C,P. Novanux uniG, carried, Recorder instructed to ai*saiige detaibs with Xinneapolis G.3, Coo Trustee TJiJalrson rego'rtod on condition of Village Road mackinery and squf?ment and recomraende? sIme be regaired and painted and placed in shqoe for Spring use, work to be done by street corn- mi 0 si OneFo On motion Reirnann, second PrescoLt, report be con- cured in carried, Et vas ~i~r~d Prescott, second Reirnann, committee be appointed to invcatigatc pader and scarifying attackment for Village trnct- or, cax-eied. President appointed Trustees Z?illson and Preccot. t to irmccti~ate, with Council to act as comaittee as a whole later. Petitfan slpcd by V.h. Adasns, Prank 0.- Lindall, A, A. Back end about GO ntkiem a,sking Council to grant permission to .lfinneayolis Stseat %-il.r.~;~,y Corflnnny, to operate a street car line on Prmce Ave, Sou?;k 'rcr~k~;r7een '.%st 44th Street and 54th Street, received and order- ed by TK~~BY~ PrescoLt, second Reinann, which carried, be refered to Vdll.~ca Attorneye, a Petition sicned by E Eolm, A. Dale, €LP,Cosper and otkers request- ilia a public hi,&-my from InteKlacken Rijad Sout-h to so called 3ruce ~mci ~yipc ~-ortb of S$reet car tracks, a, distance c>f zpprox- ima-kc3.y 2200 feet, received and on motion Prescatt, second Reimann, . rsfered. to Conlrnittee of Road and Bridges, carried. T,';a,ttes of Village Board appointing Constables be placed in hands of Tru.~t, -e Reirilann to investigate and keport. Yoved 3?irilann, second Prescott, date of Village election on new and propo3txl Charter, be held on Saturday April ZSth, 1928 froin hours I te 9 ?.V0 and tkat Village Council set as Judgca and Clerks of electfor. and tha% Village Treasurer act as Constable, carriQc1, :To fu~thes bix~iness to be brought before the Council at tk-is tdrae mwtinp: ad,lo.urnsd at 6 EL 4 iv Village Recorder * Yinutes of a. special rmeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held at 4620 Drexel Avenue, on !:arch 13th. 1928 at 8 PLL Vpon being called to order by the Preeudent all umbers problems The purpose of the meeting being to consider A arising in con- nection with the paving of 50th Street, as a County LiEhnay, The President and Recorder as cornittee appointed at Feb- ruary council meeting, reported on general conditions apply- mitted the folloving proposed Resolution clarify tkie various situations and as relating to '~rkrat naa to be done by the several agencies concernedo Be it Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina, Eennepin County, Einnesota. T€ZRXAS Eennepin County has under consickration tke paving of 50$k Street, from Prance Avenue Vesterly to Trulik Eiighmy No, 5 tkis season and \7EEKEAS 3" is necessary %kat all nater mains and sanitary and nkom setsem be laid a.nd back filled several months in advance of 'clse paving. . MC?'! TEERi3FORE BE IT E"URTEER RI3SOLWlD t2a.t "c-e Village of Xdina, ,proceed to install or kave installed, tke necessary sanitary severs and aater mains and Lave service connect- ions placed every 100 feet on each side of 50th Street, . and carried to curb line without expense to f-mmepin County, Yurther tbt a storm sever from Arden Avenue 'Jesterly a distance of abou2; 500 feet, to 30t' storm sever Vest of Bruce Avenue, be installed provided Eennepin County pay 50s of the expense of. said storm sewer t~liickr is estimated to cost approximately $15a00 OO 17ere found to be presente ine in regard to the 50th Street paving. Recosder sub- a3 one that vould , On motion Prescott, seconded Villson, tke above resolution be adoated,, carried. ~onrmissioners at their next meetink. all par%ieo concerned, tkm$ Thorpe 13rotk-ers '~$13. take care of all such uork as would apply to tkeir future developments, The matter of Easements and of ob.t;aining additional Right of Way, on remaining five or six parcels of land located on both sides of 50th fltreet, between.Brance Avenue and Arden Avenue, so as to provide and complete full 80 foot roadmy, to be turned over .to Village Attorney to 'conclude, A Bopy, to 'be. given Board of County 1% is understood by In response to petition signed by a nm3er of residents of tke Village of Xdina, requesting nme of Vest 45tk Street, be ckanged to SUX4YSIISE ROAD, Recorder submitted tke folloving proposed Xesotution for Council's consideration. T'IEgXEAS in the Village of Edina, the most IJor'ckerly street is knovm as Tlest 45th Street and T&ER%BS in the .ViIlqp of Eforningside tke most Southerly Street, is berm as Vest 45tk Street, and V€XR33AS as R rPmlt of tkese 'cao parallel slreets laving tke same desicnation, much annoyance and confusion is caused daily to a great many people, 'I'ILEREAS at tke regulat meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on Eatsck. 1Dtf.l. 1928. a petiifion signed by a number of residents and property owners . living in the Village of Edinlz, and along and close Lo TLEST 45th Street, wao presented requesting tke name of VEST 45tk Street, be changed to SUIlXTSIDE ROAD, Tkerefore be it Ft3SOLWD by tke Council of the Village of Xdina, in special xeeting assembled, that the street Lerctoforo known as We5t 45th Street, in tLe Village of Bdina, slal1 now and Lcncefortks be ~no~m as SU~<~+YBIDE ROAD. . e The above resolution upon motion Reirnann, seconded by Tk:e matter of proposed TRAFFIC OTWIITAXCE VI~R discussed at length, 'out as the hour was late, meeting adjourned 21.30 , Prescott, 'be adopted, carried. . VILLAGE RECORDZR t .. Village Recorder.