HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280414_REGULARThe aeeting was called to order by tbe President and on roll
calx all lraerilbers 17rere found to be present.
Xinutea 'Bf laa% regular meeting keld on.Marcb 1QtL vie11
LEM opecial meetings held on Earch 13th., Narch
4tkLIp vie'lle read and approved,
22nd,, and April
Recorder rcport;c?d on bill presented at last meting from Car18s
Rumiuhed th Day family on December 2QtL 1927, kjving been
orcl~*oA by f ornier Village President and not heretofore billed. On rwtlon Reirnann, seconded by Willson be alPOt7ed and paid, curried.
Bill. from G,&Sacks, for $25.00 for distributing proposed Baw Vil%uce Charter boOkB throughout the ViXlage, as arranged for by
Chartar Cs~mission, received ana on motion Willson, seconded by Preocott, "lac allowed and ordered paid, carried.
Trustee Reimann, offered motion that Tiecorder purchase dQlicate ur'dar 'ircasks Tor 1,1138 by Recorder and Road Commissioner, to be
uacci vhen ever purchases were made, Road Commiosioner, pur- ckm;ao Lo be limited to small t%ols, repairs for 'Tillage tractor
and other equipmenl, gasoline and oil. each month, On being aaconded by Prescott, carried and so o-rdcred,
0 . Earkst for $5.44. It WELG found t~ cover lbterea of groceries
Books to be turned in
.. -
2% BJor2zraan and Xr Kell, living on Vest 49th Street, requested
pamisoion to lay sidermlks in fra'nt of their property at 3921
Psoscott wconded by Reimann, request be granted, carried,
The am of $5.35 collected by Recorder from Gust Eoaglund, for pfumb%n& gemLt at 4617 Arden Avenue, turned over 'bo Treasurer.
It ',rm agrcad 'oetneen aenbers of the Council thet matter of open-
ina \'Jest 49th Street, be refered to Road and Brldgc Cormittoe, .
. rind 3928 West; 49th Street, and that Village set grade, On motion
- CoxmnUnkcrttian from Alice L, Ovcrholt, Secretasy, Unnc&kia Grange,
rewived and advising tht on account of 'cke extra expense incusecl
7:hen Gran~c b31l. was used for election pur~s~etl~ that it vouJ.cl
' IILI nec~~lsa;zry LO chrzrg~ $lO*OO Vh~n st] used. On motion Reimann
wconded by Villaon, Village pay $10.00 for Grange Fall when uacd
'f~r election purpo~es, carried and Recorder instructed to advise Gsange sc CY@ tary .
rY ~rrcflitccn Prsscott and IXillson, qsi Committee on Road Grader and
Sr3afifitxP, reported on r@sults their investigations, and on motion
Pse?c;lco$t seconded by f"Jil1son that an Adarns #31 Grader vith roller
%c13i4in33 and scarifying aktachenl and two extension blades be
srile~ed and to be paid for on basis 3 year rental contract, carried,
Trwntae Reiraann presented a motion tbat Recorder purcl-;tse 5 copico of Irinnesota Village Code, for use by Council, on being seconded
by preocott, carried.
am motion Prescott, seconded by t7$lbsan, tkiat fire insurance be
* plnceii on Billctze Tractor, snow fenceing and other oquipmcnt
the prcq2rty of Village of Edina, afi me11 as $200. be placed on Tractor sbed, and tbt Trustee Reirnann act as the Insurance Corn-
mitto of the Village of Edfna, and arrange for placing of the in-
BU ran c e, c vir2 e do
XiscuXlancouo bills as follaao on being checked and audited
and found correct were on motion Refmann, seconded by lc'Jillnon
be a2Xowrcd and ordered paid
Bflls on following page
Lyle Culvert & Road Eq Co, 1 culvert 3 :.:37.44
Eenncpin County Revien, 1200 copies proposed now 4
chrter & 2000 circulars 4 -76e50 I
Chs Efller 8: Son, 1 pick 1. lo50
Xinneapolis GeEeSo ltlIerch Street Lighfng 1.56 25
li'm E. Ziegler Co 1 gaaket for tractor I- v50
Burgess-Roseberry Co Uirneagraphing r 205'5
Eennepin County Reviovr, Published notive D 3*60
Eiller-DaViS CO Elect ion suppli E EJ t- 2e95
GeX, Sacks, Diatributfng proposed chartese 0 bookleta as arranccd for by Ckarter Commission I t 25.00
E. qe Barr 20 loada gravsz 0 25$ r-5.00
Joe Roaehez 56 loadG gravel 8 2o/r: ri1.20
stapa etc 3 montbs <I ,6005
s'f. Fe Garvey Supp3ieD and toola for
Eo TIo Fami D Gas 8 oil for Village tractor '1.32e10
Edina Grocery Grocries for poor
Pkilpott- Bailey Co Coal for poor
Road bills for past month mere presentad and upon audit and,
examination rrcre found correct and on motion? ?'lillson seconded
by Rcimann, be alloved and ordered paid, carried
They are as follow
. Rccojrder's Officc Expcriaco recording dcod
Vi1LaE;e tractpr 'f- 9.45
Alexander C: Bradley En@.ncer@a services r.29,OO
De 3'eEcG~iZe Salary President I- ::35.00
Ja Je Ih@~i;a,n Salary Treaaurcr . . j-12,50 Geo, A, 1'7Allson Salary Trustee g-25000
JvEv Reimann Sqlary Trustee i- 25 e 00
C. Fv Prcscatt Salary Trustee p-25.00
Ben 33, tioore Salary Recorder 1- 60,OO
A, Vebber 157 hrn labor @ 60jf 0 94,20
Fa Day 104 Hrs labor 8 45p (odJustod) G3Ze66 J, 3yan 72 kirs labor @ 45~3' k32.40 0
Geo Eillian 40 ditto t 18600.
Leo Delaney G l10vOO
Cv TJktiGinC; 122 ditto V109e80
11 8 97e20
El Delanoy 136
It v 28v80
J, J. DuGcan 108
J. Pearson 32
Se Je Roberto 154-2 brs labor 3 60/1 E 92070'
Jerry Collins 116 ditto t 5%,2?0
Farm Vannatta 154 Fzs labor 0 45# ~ G 69v38
22 days 0 $5,00 per day .
1 Jcrh Tracey 131 Pis labor niLL team G90# t 137e90
I1 + 122.40
Total Road Xl.ab60.06
Total Ziscl 521.53 .
Total April expend. $14$1.69 - -
110 further business meeting adjourned 7 P,E. J
Village Recorder )