HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280512_REGULARTke meting vas called to order by the President, and: on roll cab1 ah1 meubers vere found to be presentr .Xinutes of last three meeting were read and approved as road Ur 17,L,Clark, appeared before the Council and colslphrtined of2 a hog feeding ranch being maintained on o3.d Vhnd fam, as causfng very bad oders and also polhting lake boarderfng both proper- ties, and ao a result tiis pb~ce couhdi not be used occupied TUB matter Ma8 sefered to Eealtk Committee of tke C0uncS1~ Xr BeydL and Er Gardncnt requested grade stake8 be laat on Veet 48the Street, Josephine Avenue and Zilb Pond Place. The Village Engineer being preaent van BO ordered. Hr Bjorlc, presented a petition with 8 signers, requesting road between? 58th St, and 60th St be opened, Road and Bridge Comaittee of the Councff, A petition vas presented by Kx. A, A. Buck, Gith 86 signers pepresenting 193 street car riders, requesting that the Council @ant permissfan to The EinneapolirJ Street Raflway Cmpany, to operate a Street Car line on France Avenue South 'betneen \%st 44th Street and Vest 54th Street, and fustber reque~tl.ng tka.1; the Village Council of the VillRge 5f Edinlz, pas@ a proper resolution nkiich shall op'erate as a frwch%ae to the Street - Railnay Company, for tke use of said Avenue as a Right of Vay, On motion PreacoQt, seconded by Villaon, be referred to Village Attomey with instructiqna to dran proper franchise, good for not more tkmn tventy five (25) yo&m, rrhich akxd.2. Elaao stiBulate service Street Car Company must render and the graneing of tlnjis francMae being nho12.y conditimed upon Street Car Company, opet2sUng Street Cars and giving Public aervics not hater than. 1929, carried unminously. Refwed to A petition s'igned by Xr Rickel and 9 others, y~~s a360 read nNcb proteoted againat the double $racking of France Avenue, V4as C,EEO reado Tke folloving Road and other billrJ upon being casefully checked and auditad and found correc6, were upon motion Preacatt, s~c- onded i'KLlaon be alloved and paid carriedo Blackburn, Nickels Sm%tP;h Insurance BdEe 8: Contents j 20,LfO They are EE follons Pain City Insurance Ca Insurance on tractor $1 24*75 Ca2l's Elzkktet Ehneapolis G.E. Co, Nordguist Sign Company Eenraepin County Rev.iem Ifiller-Davis Company Je J,Duggan Ben 'Be L7oore Geo A. \Ellson ~ J,E, Reimann National Tea Company E. V, Emri 8 Thompson Lumber Co PhilpotLoEaPley Co 17,H,Ziegler Co Jus'tua Lumber Co continued on nesL page Do l?,IJcG~irs C*FoPresc~Qt John LiljE- Grocerlea for-paar April Street Liglhting Wo Dumping" signe Publishing notice Chrtea' election, ballots etc. 5 coplea Einnesatz, Village Salary PTesfdent &hy Salary Treasurer Eay Salary Recorder Eay Salary Trustee Play Salary Trustee LTay Salary Trustee E?y Gracerlas for poor Gas & Oil for tractor 5 cedar posta Vood for poor Gaskets for tractor Blacksraitkdn& suppl%eo Sews Pfgo fop roada I5.44 5'7.85 \ 22.00 275 . 164 €as Tractor labor @60$ I 098.40 163 Iirs Tractor labor 19708Q 104 Era labor 0 45p' J 82.80 ditto I 73a80 I1 841*40 3.64 I1 l8lr QO 92 180 23 days Street Comm,@&j.QO ~lX5~00 96 Fis labor Q 45$ a 43.20 173 €irs labor with team 090~t~256.'?0 163 ditto ir14sje70 I1 p153.90 II B 1aa. 6Q 173, 124 Garease Ax h Grub Eoe I 6.22 2 lanterns with ruby glass F 2.20 27 loads graveb f6.75 Pay special constab3.e Chaster ElectZsn and taking Tota1 Nay expenditure $1636.12 Check for the sum $5,25 from Swan Plumbing Company for permit 4612 Arden 'Avenue, turned over to Treasurer. BiI2.c for circulars, postage and personal servicec Er Walker in cannectfon vith Charter election, were recefved from Ns: Sacha, and rcfered to Village Attorney On account of none of the candidates elected at last Village electson for Constable having qualified, It was moved Refmamn ' seconded Koare that Kr M.R.Baas, be appointed Village Constable tvfthawt p~y, but to be redm'bu-saed for actual expemes incurred in actunX Derfomance of officdub duties, -carried. An order on Villa.@? Treasurer of tvazata for $1.70 was received being in paynent $02 17 coplea of the Rem Props6d EdSna C-rter v~S1Rch was ordered returned. Recorder to mrite Clerk of Wazata to accept copies witk- compliments Village of Edina. Application for permit from Gas Company to install 464 feet 12" and 3.60 feet Gg8 ~aa main in 'Vest 5Qth Street, betvieen* Eilifax Ava and France Ave, sfse 32QQ feet 12" and 5,776 feet gas main in Vest 50th Street from rear lot line Arden Avenue, \7esLerly to Junction Fdon Prairie Road and highway #5 ria8 recefv@d+ Prescott aecsnded by Vilbson permit be granted subject to Councdk ' 0 On motion xPeSOlUP,iOn Ap'SiI 4th 1928, CarYfede Recorder offered the folloving resolution in connection with the 50 Strect paving. IYmmM, the County Board of Eennepin County, did under date of Uarcln 19th. 1928, adopt iz resolution directing County h2&mi.y Engineer, T7.EeDu~kett to prepare plans, specificationa, and estjbru- atera af coat far to pave County Road Xo.2, knovn as Vest 60th, Street;, during the year 1928, IXXV TEJ=R%FORE, BE lelc RXSOLVED, that we8 the Village Councfl of the VilXagc; of Edina, expreso our appreciation to osfd County Board, to their Secretary, and to the County €igh?ay Engineer for tkeelr co-operation in the improvement of this important art- * esisX bigh;7a.y, and %hat a capy of this resoluthonllbe forwarded Lo the County Board of Hennegin County. Tkre question ams on the adoption of this resolution, and the ro13, being called were 5 yeas and no nays, ET GwbeXf, Engineer. far Thorpe Brothers, addressed the Council on the proposition of the Vilbage paying for the 44 atreet 1fg;htG located in *fie Country Club District. After considerable diG- cussion ft mas agreed this matter would have to be a past of the general lighting program of the Village and would have to wait e furthgr actitan. 276 A communication from the League of Einnesota Kunieipalitiea *regztsFd%ng convention to be held at BraSnapd, veek of June llth, nao placed upon tke table for action later, Bo further business meeting adjorned Ika,3O P,EL Village Recorder A SPECEAL lXEJ3TLNG OF TEE COUNCIL OF ‘It= VILLAGE OF BDXNA WAS EBLD OB EAY 21ste EWE 03’ TRUSTIB \‘lIUX30Np AT 8 PE AT TEE FOR PURPOSE OF APPOINTI3?G ASSESSORe . On being called to order by the Preaident, the following anst-rered r~hl caXl President KcGuSre, Tmsbss V5blsan and P~~GcQ~$ and Recorder Ecoore0 Recorder Eoore offered the folloning resolutiond FIE63REIAS, a vacancy exhstn in the off$ce of Assessor for the Village of Edina, caussd by resignation of Hi5”€3 Adel Eenftt, duly appointed by Village $ounc%l., Am r- , the Pillage Council is empowered to fill such vacancy by appointnrentd EOV TEEXXFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council. of the Village . of Edina, %%At Psr F,LLChsce, of the Village of Edfntt, be and is here-. by appointed Assessor of the Village of Edfna, Eiennepin County, Uinnessta, to assume office and proceed vith the drktiiea thereto, carried unwinously. > r . without dolay, On motion Preacott aeconded Villson be adopted b .. On motion Prsscott seconded Villson, tkit necorder be instructed to purcboe tvo 4 stall Voting booths fson EIilber-Dav%s Company for 1188 8% June Primary, calrrlede . No further business meeting adjourned 10,30 PE ,