HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280609_REGULARe Zr G&a, of the RBarber 023, Company, pmsent and advislsd
of thier proposition of oiling roada. Their cbargeanbeing
10 centa pez linear foot for 3Q foot road or at the rata of
7.66 cents gallono
Frank Ga~rfuon advised road built laat sumrnes leading up to hio how@ needed gramling,
long and t7ae ~efercd to Road eC Bridge Comfttee vi&& povze5g to act.
.Xlir Nieleen and XI? presented Q ssquesk tbt the pet-
ition for ditch given Council at last meeting be acted upon
fi%VOraELye It vas sxp2ained that matter vas in hands of
V;IlL&ge Engineer for report.
Xr V,&Code and 19s Norell, appeared in bek3.f of road from lots 5 C: 6 in Code's H&iLand Park Acres and extending Xast
to Edina Road, be placed In condition, and VELB rofered to
Road and Bridge Committee with power to actc
It being one rod wide md 80 mda
. I
IIz? V.E,Code,. aa a, member of Bailding and Grounda Cox&dtteo
of 9nd. School Dialrfct #I?', requested the Village ga)t;bdo the
Parhmy on South side of School grounds,
if the School Borzxld aouldt put in curb, that the. Village rrould
grads the ?arkv&y*
The follotring bflls were duly audited and on being found correct vere on motion Reimcxln secofided 'by Villson, be alloved and
ordored paid.
Imgrovencnt Bulletin Published Notice 50th St . 4 $9,60
He rcaa rzdvi~ed L&%,
They are &IJ Sollovs
Bennepin County Revie17 Published Notice 50th St I 6e60
Alice Johnson StenograpUc nosk d 3.60 UiXler-Drzvia eo 8 Voting booths 4 lOQe80 EU.er-Dav3.a Cs Clerk? B B%nance book I 6050
1% H. Zieglsr Co Lubricant for tractor (XOO#) 1 20,QO
De F.2ffcGufre Pay Judge Charter olection 13,?8
G~o A, \"Till~~n Pay Judge Charger Election 13.70
Ben Bm XOOX?~ Pay Judge Charte~ Zlection 13070
Je Ja DU~~CLXI Salary Treasurer June P 12.50
EoToEdson Pay Clerk Charter Election * 4 3.70
J.E,Re%mann Pay Clerk Ckarter Election b 3.78
DoFeXilcGUiZo Salary President June 35.00
G~O A. ~iiison Salary Tmr~tea June 825.00
C.F.Prescott Salary Trustee June 125.00
BYI Bo ?-JOOZ% Salary Recorder June $60. QQ
E. TI, krrf s Gas for tractor a 35e87
J.E, Roimann Salary Trustee Juns i25.80
5. J,Robertf;a 184 hrs. labor tractor rim @TO# $128.88
Am SfE!b'oes 184 &so labos tractop man 0 'IO$ sI28.8O
George XllXia?n 184 hra labor 0 45$ : 82.80
FOIL Day 128 hrs labor Q 45C ~57~60
Lea Delansy 23 days Strest Cam @ $5.60
c. 17Mmlg 168 hm labor irith tern Q 9Qg 115X020
Jm Paarson 184 hrs labor nfth kcem 8 90$ '$165.60
J COWbellQ 136 brs labor with Ptewrl @ 90$ %12Z040
Thomas Ryan 203 Boads grama. Pox. Glewon Road 0 30$ 60,90
krsy Vaqnaha 184 hm. labor @ 45C \ 82e80
Jerry Collins 80 hrs labor @ 450 t36 e 00
I Council meeting 0 $2.00 h 130.80
J, Trecey 184 hr~ lab02 t7ith tea 0 SO$ -6165.60 .
E. Dolamy 184 b~ labor t.rftki tens 0 90@ '.b65.60
. Continusaeon next page ..
June Bills .continued from page 278.
xary Newborg One half year's rent shed t\ $37b50
"u":iwnekib Grange One half year'$ rent Grange Fa11 h Special rneetingn \44.00
T?.F.C-4~~~y ShoveSa \4b40
J.D. Admrs Company Payment on Grader cantract 't.276.33
~ ,$
Total June expenditure $2225.10
The 6~1~ of 05.25 Received by Recorder from Aug T. Berg, for
PlumbinG permit 4505 Bruce Ave, turned over to Treaeurer.
Mter considerable discussion the matter of wage scale for
tractor men and Road Commissioner, held over from laat me'etfng vao on rilotioii Reirnlznn, seconded by Eoore, fixed at 7Qp' per how, and to be effective from 1ml; meeting and carried.
ft va6 moredt by Wllaon and seconded by Preacott, tht the het-i Adam groder be accepted and paid for. in accord nith Leased
CQntTa6t, carsfedb One thirlj payment being $276,33
Truoteec Prescstt moved vriLp1. zespect to Annual Convention of Loasue Q.f Lfinnesota, LTunicipaltles to be held at Brainard,
that Council. %e committee to attend. Seconded by Willoon and carried.
Eo further busineas meeting adjourned 11.50 Pc3c,I.
Village Recorder;
I \