HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280807_SPECIAL282 / A specfal meeting of the Council of the Village of Edinat, vua I held on JulylQtl?, 19-28, at the home of Proaident lfcGultse, Thoae present being President EfcGuire, ,Trustees Villaon and Reimann and Recorder ~ooss, 1. The rneethg was calbed for the pulcpoae of providfng a curb in and abo& Vest 50th Street, Vester3-y from Francc Avenue to the concrete pavement vas laido . After discuasfon it na8 moved by Reimann, seconded by t7illson that matter of letting contract fer 50th Strest curb, be sefered to Village Attorney, for Ma legal gufdmcc and that RGcorder be instmctcd to advertise for bide and the nark completed 20 soon ao possible, carried unanirnoualyo A requeot vas mceived from Justice of the.Peaco, Aar~clfn for use of the Grange Fill for Court pusposeo on Elonday evenfnga at Village 33xponac;ti vhiclz upon motion Refrnann, aoconded by Villson, . carried unanirilously. . e - Eighmy #6,, Tt being advisable to lay curb at this t5me 17ken t NQ further businma meeting adjourned 10,30 PPI, A special meeting of the Council of the e Village and Reimann and Recorder Hooro. of Edina, vas held at tho home of Recorder EIoore, 8 PXe AUmnt 7th. Those present being Tmateea. Villnon, * The meeting oa~l called for the puspoao going over a progrm of extending. electric service into Rural Edfna and. in P;ko acctiona l.mavn aa I7arden ACTOB, Cakill and the area prounfl SJeot 62nde, S% and lTomisnd33.~ Blrd., and to the 17eat thereofe Fiecorder Woori, introduced T;Ir Austin of tho 1Finnaapolfa G.Zo Coo, with nhom ho had beaaconfoPing and who mm in, cheqp af the aurvsyO Hr Auntin, ouklined the matter of additional S%reot lighto, and ' tke cbnging of other certain llf~h-ta at present installed, and shoved an,map the areas into vf;Jich elactric serrricc would be ex- tended, rrholly at the Company's expense and nithout any connection char~e being rnads to proapective ULJ~TB, a8 a result of the co- operative effort being made. After considerable explanation and discuonion, iQ aljl~ apeed that if the Xfnnecqml3.o G.E. Company, could obtain oufficlent c~pplfcatia.ns for current, that the Village t~ou3.d agree to bTUs2aufftciant street lights to be located rrhere needed so as to make the project a Xo further business meeting adjourned lloOU l?he reali tyo e Village Recordero