HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280811_REGULAR283 Regular Neeting of the Council of the Village af Edine,, was held on August 11th. ,1928 at 8.PE in Grange Iiall. - On being called to order by the Recorder, En the absence of Prc;s%dent XcGuire, it was agreed that Trustee Prescott, cewm at President Pro Tern. Tho roll beinc called with Truotses IRllscm, Rs%msnn and Prescott as ne11 as Recorder Lfoorr-3, answering plesent. The mimutea :of -the meeting *held on July 14th. nere appmod. read and fCr I"J*Lc. Clark, aae present regarding the mattes of drainage of atom water from Vest Side of IUillsan Read across oaid road and into Wind Lake and stated he vas afraid drainage as above" viouhd laash out and injure his pr:cspesty. he 178s ad- vimd by the Council, thsf when occarsian should require either ditches 02 tile drain vrould be laid nfthout expense to him $hat would take mare of any stom water. h,mtot State Bank submitted $2,500, in the form of five $$OCL bonds of the Republic of Pannwaa, due Eay 15th, 1963 for Village funds, which. on nation Refmiinn, seconded by Vi bl@on, carried unanimously. "he follovri~s bills after due examination and-audit and on being found correct, were on motion Reimcznn, t seconded by "liblson, be allowed and ordered paid, carried unanimously. TI. F. Grxvey, Eotver repair parts $2.58 'i csa ~,d&.i;i~t1et1 coUateraL2 to the $5,000. nov held eecurity I €LKo UcCleZl~nd Services DeDuty Assesaos x3.2.50 BU~ZOU&S Add, Macho CO Repairsn 3.89 Il'fnt~e~~olis G.E* CO July Street Liehting g 58.54 Jienn~,~lt~ CCI Revf~~ m'ia. %!'Totices Q BOOkletB '5154e9Q Thempsan Lumbr?, Co Cedar Paats @i4*25 IYa Le Zf egxer coo $ '.4. SO E. ?Ya Shrri 3 Gala for ,tractor 920.25. S. Je13obr;sta 93 hrs trector labor 3 706 \65.l.O A?, Ytzbbe r 93 hrs tractor labor @ 70.d 65.18 Earry Vannstta 169 lws.la;cror 0 45g . 16'7.95 Tractor Repair parts Ja Colffnn 119 hm labor 8 45$ %53b55 G~Qz*G~ Llfll,iam 176 hre'labor 0 45g \79*28 l3.L QDJy 96 hm labor 0 456 y 43. 28 Len Dolizney Street Commissioner k122.40 ,?. Tracey 157 hrs labor ~ith team 8 90@1135,90 c, \?tiit ing 112 h9a labor with team 8 90$\106,8Q %e D~TFL~~Y 137 hri; ldmr rrith team 0 9OflU25.18 Jo C0at~33.0 108 bs labor with team id 9Og t97.20 Za. F.:,MM.re Salary President s. 35,QQ J. J, Qtgg;an Sa1ary Treasurer %-I%. 58 GPO A. Y~XI.SOTI Salary Trurstee, a 25.08 C*F.BreSCott Salary Truetee "25* 00 J, 29 R@hltikna? Salary Truaeee 125 . 00 Ben B* miorc Salary Recorder 9.68.00 Tii151 City Stmp Co. Conetizble'8 badge %' 2.00 Ercn Bsos Scythe & handle -\ 3.40 PheJ-ps-Drah Coupany Veot 50th St I~pc!zyczsn% a 7448 GO John LiLJa Blackam$ t hirag. A Il.40 Total {j 2168.43 ::r C. A. Eokfil, presented a petition sdcned by Elizabeth DsocZccn, * Jat.E?tthaedge, E*B,Tracy and about 95, others, request V%lla~e lay out and make a pasoable road leadSng from ?%fit &lth Strest, to connect mif;h road knavm a8 Boarder laveb Ln Vilbege sf St LQU~B Park, which vias accepted on file and placed The Roafgfirztion of UT Leo Delaney, a6 Street Cowaissiones vas read and on motion 17illrjon, seconded b37 Refroam, be accepted, Carried, - Receipts vera as follona by the Recorder ad turned over to the TraatBUrePo Thorp Bsoe BB l/% cost instsilltng teas Vest 50th Cerlson Brob $2940 23 5,25 ' Street nater main Plumbing* pernit 4626 Bruce Avc Bjoslrmtm Bras Plwabihg pornit 4603 Sunnyd.de Rd, 6,50 - CeVeTWk - Plumbing permit 4914 Bruce Ave 5.50 B*'%.3ery Plumbing permit 4638 Bruce 5e25 TotaX On motion Rsimann, sec~nded by VilLaoh, it <-rat3 m~vsd and cawfed that varrant folr $l4&,4o in favor Phelps-Dsake Go. account 'Weat 50 Btrset improvement, bo dramr A comunicstion vas read signed by N11r S.S,Tborpo, President . Thorp Qrose, stating he vould to convey -bhe-North= - 17est corner Bromdale Ave and Street, to the Vib- lege for Publip Park purposes, Council of tho Vil- lage of Edine, would agree to maintain the t314'1~10 mehnor as o rilaintnined in Lfinneapol%a, and not ~EI ra, whereupon RecmcTeT LToere 9 PE?& and 6n Be it; resolvCd, 'byathe Village Councfb of the Village of Edina, kennepin County, Hinnsaota, Thereas,, Tharpe Brot;hera, have tendered s t;rPsct,of land on IIinnebaha Creek in the Villa~e of Edinol, hpt7n ELB Lot 23 in Block 4, Brosm Section, Country Club Dir>$;rfct, for Park pusposea onlyo Therefore be it reaolvod, that the Village Council of Edh& on bcjblx" of the Village of Edine, accept said gift and receive title to aaid land. The :D&S to be held and main- tained by said Village for Perk pui?poms onlyo. On motion rJbIllson, seconded by Reimnn, the quoation being.- upon the acceptance, there were foux' yeas and no naya BB \V"filSson Yet3 Reimann Yea L";OQ2€! Yea Preocott Yea The acceptance being unanimous advim LPr Thospo and to proceed nith the 'csansfek as out- Zllnsd by %he donaro -4. petition signed by Ur Dalgren and others, ashkg for Street lighta in and along France Avs Soutks, '%?at 62nd. an8 NamandalG Avw, ma8 received and placed an fi&ee No further buainesa meeting adjpnned 11PL fOllQi7G I \ Recorder was instructed to