HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280824_SPECIAL* A special meeting of the Council of tho Village
. of Edina, was held in. Grange F&ll, on 3
at 8 P.E. ,
‘The neetine; mas called to order by the President, thorn present being President HITcGuire, Trustee Willson and Recorder T+foore.
The purposcl of the meeting being to paas upon a petition signed
by a large majority of owners of real property on Weat 50th.
Street in the Village of Edina, requesting ‘chat an integral
curb be laid in and along West 50th Street.
The abovc petition having been read the following resolution vas -offered by the Recordere
TlmWAS, Vest 50th Street in tbc Village of EdSna, ‘fa -
being paved this surmelc, :-between the Vest line of Prance
Avenue, ‘I‘Jeater3.y to ki.ghl7ay #6, the cQst of sme being
born by the County Board of Eennepin .County.
AID YJmmAS; it is hiehly advisable that an in.l;egraX
w.x% be laid at the see time so that a better job may
be aocured Ett a lese cost.
Iki3,L the Village of Edina, proceed to install of: have instaxled, said integral curb in and along S%st 50the Street, Vesterly from Prance Avenue to EIIc;hnay #5, in
.&he Village of Edina, the eost of sane to assessed
against abutting propssrt;y, and according to plane and kp~cificaliona on Tile in office of Eghv~ay Bngineep far liennepin County. - 33 8- IT -- FURTEER RESOLVED, that the Village Recorder of
Edina, bt5 instz?ucted to adverti.de for bids coverinr;.: above- improvement, nkdch will be received on ’September
8th. 1928 at 8 Rf and opened in regular meeting to be
held in Grange €hlL
,Ths ~~~er~td~ii t7as upon the adoption of this resolutfon,
and the roll, being called were 3 yeas and no nws aa foUo~s - Villson, yea., %loore, yea,, HcGuirs, yea.
Xo fustker business to come before the Council st this time,
it naa lizoved l’?iJ.lson, seconded by Uoore, meeting adjourn, carried, at; 10630 Pur3
ViXlnge Recorder. \