HomeMy WebLinkAbout19280908_REGULARRegular Xeeting' of the Council of the Vilhqp L of Edina, MBS bold at 8 PN on September 8the 1928, in Grange &XI, Vest? 50th Street and Booddalcr Avenuea On being called to order by the Prsaident, the follonlng ansnsred to RolX Call, President UcGuirs, Trustees TJj.llaon, PrescoQt and Refmann and Recorder Hooree Reading of ninute~ vera suspended in order that; the Counci'J, rdght hmm %hooo nfsbing to appoas befaroo tho Councilo Xr Eodin, XlfSrror Lake, appsBred before the CouncBX in regard to grading Sc&h'Avenue, North to Eeloon Avenuo, sleo cornor Arth~ Street and Seth Avenue. On motion C%llaon, seconded Proacot-b refered to Road and Bridge Committee, carriedo Yr EcHillan, appeared before the Council. in the matter ~f re- inr;tEblling gaa pumps in front of Count-sy Club Garrage on Veat 50th Street, near corner France Avenue, a8 containad in letter under date Septa 7tha ' Aftor discussion is nag decided that President &mint e. committee to report on this inatallation as ne13 as oplhem in the same neighborhood. Prwfdent appafnbd T~Q$WB Reimmn and Villson. 3r Chncc and Er Irgene, of blifw Avenue, appeared befops the Councih requesting that Villago finish the job of grading &l-b,f~x Avenue, which on motion Prsscote, a0dond.ad Villson which car~ied, vas refered'to Road and Bridge Com~nittes, 1 Xr Griebs, Er Earmen and several other reaidents of Brooknide, a$perzred before the Council. requesting that a. street l2e;ht be fnatEtlled at Ruthaedge and Diviaion also Ruthledge and Eotox' Streeta, which .on motion Psescoitt +necor,ded Viblson, tkit Re- corder bc enpo17ered to order 'in these lights, carried, After diacuasion on the subject of Pay for Constable BBSB, it vas on notion Prescott, seconded Villson, tbt narrant be dram in favor Xr BBBB, for nonbhs June, July, Aug~~at and Septeabsr, at $lo., 00 per month for ConstableP B ozponse izllov- mce on spscia3. orders from the Council, which carriede . The folkn7ing bills upon examinatih and audit and found to be correct, t'fere upon motion Reirnann, seconded '3ill~~n, be allowed and ordered paid, carried, TLey are as f'ollo17s ESXler .. Davis Cd' PPinting'Q Supplies pc $Ua 25 30 T?. &rrk 8 Tractor Gao and Oil > 310 22 ' Edina Firdt7are Paint & Supplies - 3.10 Lyle Culvert CQ Road Culverts Fb.57.91 TYrompon Lumber Co Planks Wooddale Ave Bridge U28.52 Rollfn Sand & BLk. 7 29,75 Northland Supply Co. GE~,Q. bolta etc I'boqddale Ave Bridge '18022 FoEe C~EXIC, Se-rvicea Village Assoasoz" 340, Ob Phelpo-Drgke CS Final Veo% 50th Street contract ~294~23 E. R, Base Constablea exponso for mon-bhls Jump Jubyi Au@uaf Cc September on specfa1 osdern fron Village Council L4QO 00 Geo B. .Leonard, Ansigment by J, PeaFson for tea and labor, montha July and August 270.90 Eennepfn County Review Publiahad Notice5 a 6-60 Burgess-Roseberry Cs Uimeo letters, 50th St Curb notices L90 a127,4Q A, 17e'lJbes 'k 630 08 George LTilUam J, Traccy Road labor 60 hra @ 45$ 'x 27, QQ 3. 'dlraccy Team and kabaff 88ha Q 900 x79i20 Road laboat 8 hrs 8 45P ~ a, SF60 )I. Nannatta Ben 33. Eoore Salary ReEorder L6Q,9Q JeE. Reimclnn Salary TruotQa.; "325.00 Co 35 yda road @ra$el delivered' 8, F, GELPVGY Too3.s for tractor k2*25 So JoRoberGa Tractor labcr 182 kirs 0 YO# Zl2i.40 a Tractor lq%~r 182 hrs 0 ?o$ Road Labor 140 hra 0 45C Do FoEcG~ire Salary Preaidene 35-0 00 Je Ja DII~~F~I Salam Tlrennurcr "'128 50 George A. TTilLson Salary TXXIR~G~ %25 e 00 C.P*Presco&t Salar~ Trwtea "25,OO ' 4- - f&otal, September . Rcco'srter ohfered Warranty Deed pssaidenC sf Thorps Brothem and Rosa IT. Tuckson, as Asat, SscrcL~,,ty of Thorp Brothero, conveying to the Village of Edina, Lot 23, in Block 4, Country Club Bfotrict, Brom Section, in th6 Village of Edfne, Eennepin County to be used and naintained by the Village of Edina, far Park pu~poocs only in connection with which Tru~tes Reirnann offered the follLowilng renslution signed by Er Sa S. Thorim, EW I73iERFkS, Thorps B-mtherst, a 0 corporatian have delivered to the Village Recorder of the Village of Edfna, a marraxity deed 60 lot Twenty three (23), Block four (e), Counpty Club Dfntrict, Brown Section, and ?kermm, said deed contains the folloning claupe: ifThia convoyance is made with the express connditfon that if said. V%lt,age, its auccessorB and assigns ahall at any tine faill. during: the period of one (1) yeas to maintain thereon B przspk in the sam~ manner as similar park area8 are naintainock 3~il Xinneaplis, rather than 2s hi playground or playfieezld, then the property hereby conveyed shall revert to mmx~t in the said party of the first part,$t5 suc- C~SEOFS and aso.hgns, and it shall be lawful fo~ it to re- entcs ugsn the prexnfaes horeby conveyed" Therefore, be it reaolved that thc Village Cov,aci& SS tho Village of Edins, accept said property on behalf of tabs Village of Edina subject to the sbave mentioned prov- e 0 i on. *, P. s, Ablsolbn, sines' Collected. a8 Juqtice of. the Pee,ce 166, QQ , Total. . @29 063.08 288 \- In connection with an integral CUY~ to be laid along Teat 50th Street, Trustee TJillson offered tke folloving resolutionp this 8th day of September 1928. IPI- 233 IT m(?&VF,D, by the Council of the Village of Edine,, that petition kmfng been filed with Village Recorder of Edina, signed bymquired number of owner8 of real property abutting on \Yest 50th Street, In the Village of Edina, Vinnesat;z, requesting the laying of an integral curb in and alone Vest 50th Street, in asid Village, fron France Avenue ,Vesterhy to Iidglcirray $5, and ‘coasses~s - TJlYE~S, dud notice kas been given by.publtiBhed iotice in official paper and by mail of said petition kiving been received: of Edfna, acting favorabEy upon said petitian, the Vilfage proceed to instaA1 said integral cyrb according to plana and npecificationa nos on file afth County Highrtizy Engineer for Eennepin County, and that bid8 for said vork vrfl1,be received on September 8th. 1928, at 8 PE in Grange &ll: cost of EI~B against abutting property: - ‘ a FESOLVED, by %he VillHgo Council of the Village 1 --- Alrl) BE IT FURTBR RESOLVED, thiZ.4; the Recorder of the Village of Edina, be and in hereby instructed to adveP?ties for bids. Th vote being upon $lie adoption of the resolution rrhcreBn there vere five (5) yeas and no nay8 as follocs Prescott Reizimnn ETcGuire Xoore \7111san resf dent ATTEST, i1Lae;e Recorder. (I \%ereupon Tmates Brescott offered the following resolution VEEWAS, The VilLzge Council.of Edina, by resolution did on Aug- ust 2Qth, 1925, pass favorably upon petition to install an integra2 curb in and along I7est 50th Street, in oaid Village, and to BGB~SEJ cost of GR~C against abutting property and directed the Village Recorder to advertise for bids: - AHD BEBFZEAS, Perauant to awid resolution and duo notlcc having been given in Hennepin County Revierr, of dat6 of Au&r;t 29th. 1928. that on Septttrber 8th. 1928, at a meeting to be held in Grange ha11 st 8 PHs the Village Council. of Edfna nould open bi’ds for the laying of an integral curb in and along Vest 50th Street, in said Village: curi--Fo be‘laid. in and n3.ollg Nest 50th Streef, fjrom France Avenue Veatesly to Fdg2may if5 in the Village of Edina, be avarded to Pielding and. Shepley, 9ne. of St .Paul, Kinnenota, according to plans t?nd specifications of kAennepin County Eighiay Bnginecr, ‘a% a prier cj~ forty (4O$),cents per lineal fo~t: FURTFSR RESOZVXD, that the President md Recorder of th Village of Edina, be and are hereby authorized to sign cantract in beblif of said Village, I .@ pJ The vote being upon the adoption of the reaolution u.lkioroin there ware five (5) yeas and no nays as follom \ I E~C Gu Z re ??illson Refmann Prescott Xoare Dated 1;ke 8th day of September 1928. I 8 . ,. . 'i. e . I