HomeMy WebLinkAbout19281005_SPECIALA Special Xeeting of the Council of the Village of Edinw, vas held on October 5th0 1928, at the hone of
Prsfdent XcGuire. Those present being President ,
UcGuire, Trustee V7i2lson and Recorder Eoore,
Recorder presented matter of Sprzscinl Aosssamont not having been made
and turned in to County Audlkos for collection prcvioua to Octnhcs:
10th- 1927, for ~ideuizlk in and along Tks$ 50th Street, in front of
Lot, 36, County Auditor's Sub {#172, in the name of V,X,Adizmoo It being -noted in Syecial Assessment book $ha% formerCouncd1 nere'of
the opinion ?2 Adma vas entitled'to ci credit for fill iDn Ltllifm Avenue, vbich. mount had not been dctermfnad; After going over
the matter from tke several anglea,, Tt*:nas decided md Aecordear.so , instructed, $4 give Xr Adam credit for the $O,OO paid ?.Cay 14th.
1927, and $0 assc38s the balance in the aount of $77,41 vitb interest, in tno equal gaymeits, which would be payable in 1929 and 1930,.
The imount \i'hich Zr Admg, vmtald be allon~id for fil1.m &Xifax Am.,
to bo determined after canoultation with Village Xngineera,
Recorder also presented lirJt of Special Assessments for Sever and -
':later stub connections in and along Vest 50th StSeet, from France Avenue Ycsterby to Vooddala Avenue, which upon due examination and on being fair and equitable, wre on motion CcGuisre, seconded by , Willson, Recorder be inctmct;ed to file a3 tendered, cnrrfedo .
The matter of 3mproving Interlacken' Blvd. from €df$may 45 to tke
Uisror La4@ Road, nag discussed. by the Council ah length 'and on motion Eoare, secandcd by TliLleon, tkmt Villc?,p Zngineass be in-
structed to n&c 01 aurvey and estimate for grading-and graveling Interbacken XLvd,, REI abow for 'submission to the Council at next rneetiaz, and at a cast of approximately $50.00, carried.
Trustee Villnon, offered the folloning resolution.
WI-ZWJS, the Village Council of Edina, have carried
all nccountr, and paid same out of but one General
,Wnd for a long period of time, \
f&D VEXREAS, 1% nould serve all purpxies bettor if a
Beparate fund, to 'be -kpovn &e the Road & Bridge Fuhit,
vas provided for this important item in Village affairo d
T€ZREFC)RE a;E IT RESOL'JI?D, by the Council of tke Vilbge
of &dim, tkit the sum of' $1.500,00 be tranEfcrud Eron the Genoral Fund, to fund to be knonn as the Road mdi
Tke 7ats being upon tk-c adopeion of tkis renolutlon ~7hersin there vere t,hrep ayes and no nays as folloi7a - XcGufrs, Aye. Villaon, Aye, Eoore, Aye. and so ord~red.
- .
Bridge Fund,
Recorder Eoore, on behalf of a Budget 6nd EL Zudget System, for
the Village of %dim, offered tke follouine resolutiono
's7F2131CAlS~ Tke Viilage of Edina; io operated vitkout a Budget or it Zu.dg:e$ System.
TEiZWFOm, a RT?SOLV%D, by the Council of tkc Village
of Zdina, in bskilf of a+z..id V$llage, h2reby adopt a, .
. Budget; system for tke year 19290f'
Ths voQe being upon the adopthon of the recolutican
"LcGui-se, Aye. 17fllson, Aye. Xoore, weo (I.
nkereln there were three ysaE and nq nays as foblovs-
&id so ordered, _-
After discussion and the carefull going over of Vfllngo Tkpmd- itusss for the paat three (3) years, Recorder ILoore offered tke follonfnc Resolution-
See pap2 $391
\ 291 J
-pL1119 AUID T~FJ~@J~AS,, the Council of said Ville,ge of Edine,
hnn carefully pvi evrsd Village expenditurea for tko
The ~~te being upan tte adoption,of t3;e rerolution
EcGufrs, Aye. *,'?illson, Ayee !Coore, Ayee so ordered.
c. .irh.ere%n there i7ere three yeas and no nays as follovs-
C%emmpon Trustee ViIlson, moved, neconded by l:o(zrc,
tba+ Tar: Levy in accord vbth du.1y zciopted .Villafie
Zudget, be set at 925,000, carriede
53s further buafnsaa meeting ad,journed 11.00 PX,