HomeMy WebLinkAbout19281022_SPECIAL. Tkis meeting being called for the purpose of Ei-ring finP,1. conslderntion to the Lighting program which tiad been under consid-erat i on for severti1 months, E2 Austin, of tke Iiinneapolis Gentera1 ElGctric Company ca8 present 2nd outlined tke tentative program wkich kad been The program included tke ins.talling in-tke Village i>f Edina, 15 li,$ita,of 800 .candlepov,er and 60 li@its of 200 cznd1epov;er sttnb, to replace the old open type 40 natt &tree% lamps some of nUck had been, in service more than 3.5 years. In addition the matLsr of extending electric service into rural Edina, . bj? -three projects, ma also a part of the propan and included tke territory hovm a8 Varden Acres, Vest 63nd Street, 2esk of the ?'lillaon Road cnd also \Yeat on €dghiay ;:5 to tke Qlinger road. ,ill. this tn be. done by tke Tinneapolis G. E. Coapany, and. wi3hou-b an~r cost to the Villace or to the approsimate 59 residents of Edim, vih vpuld b6 benefited, M"ber careful Village in701VSd, the cost and otker details, -r?x?L;t,ee Tillson t vorked up by several memb-ers of the Council and his Companyo s%t?dy of the map skonine;. tke gc\r&bng&% -- offered. tke folloving resolution, dT - RESOLITB, that; tk-e Village Council of tke Village of Edina, Eenneyin County, hereby accepts tke offer of Tks Xinneapolis General Electric Ccnzpany, to fu,rnisk illumination far street ligkting. praduced by T t 15 - 400 Candlepower 4000 Lumen) Imps 60 - 200 Candlepower 2000 Lumen) lamps tall Zucated in the Village of Xdina, and hereby approves eke rates, terns, capdi$iana and specifications, . contained in tk-e proposed contrack made a,part of tl---c offer of said Oomyny, aEd tLc President of tke Village Council ami tl;e Recorder of said Villaee are hereby auttiorized and, directeci to execute the aforesaid contmct for and in 'tsckalf, and $n tk-c name of tha V'illc7,ge and to affis the Village seal tLereto. Tf?e lrote being upon the adoption of tke resolution ckkin . tk.cre nere five (5 ) ye4s and no nays ao follows- - t .F t KcGuire.e,.,....ooAye Tfil2.son0. ........ .Aye Reimann.o......,t.Alr@ ~oore., ........... Ay~ Srescott.*.o*.**o.4Ye - President Attest llam Recorder. Passed tke eouncil tkis '22nd Eay of October 1928, / Village Recorder