HomeMy WebLinkAbout19281110_REGULARREGULAR XONTELY lIZETIlTG of tkc Council of the Village of Edina, keld on November 10th. 15328 at 2 PU in Grange Eall, ?‘lest 50tk Street 8: Vooddale AVee On 3.ir.g called to order by President KcGuiro, ~~ll‘rnembess viere found to be present, Xinu%ca of regular raeeting keld on October 13tk and Special meatfng hcld on October 22nd; verc read and approved. A cormunicatlon from S’lm 5. Ziegler Company, offeripg Village B wt of shoe pada for Village caterpillar tractor at a reauced price on account of being but cligktly worn ’(7as read. On motion ViJ.l.~on, seconded Xoore, Trustee Prescot.L; act 88 comaittee to examine the pads offered and if found satiofactoty to advise Zicglcr Camyny of OUF acceptance their proposition, carried. Rccp.cr;t of PJort2mes.t; Bell Telepbone Company for permission to erect 23 poles in 1st Avenue from Empanger to Justron residence, l.Q,polcc cmd. one anchor in first Avenue from JufiLrom to Rousar zcsfdcncc and 6 poles and one axckor in road from Nousrzr to Eard residence, near Sta,te Eighvay #5 vas received and read. Gn, motion, Prescott, ~ seconded by ?7illson, request be granted, carried., In t2c matter of coming Village Election to be held on December 4tb* 1928, it was umderstood Recorder, vould post necessary ndtices,. er,m-n~:e for printing of brllots ctc, agreed tht Trustees Prescott and He-imctnn and TTr Ruthledge Ss. r:ould acrve @,E; judges and. G,LSzchs and Larry Xanson to serve Rccarder Koore offered a suggested ReaoLution reccivcd. froln Lcap.~ of ITinnesota Efiunlcripalities as fsllona- It was ~lso ~,a Cle~ka, of this election. --/-------- - -- -_ __I -- Ba ft Rasol~red, that the Council of the Village ai’ Zd-Sna, .Eennepin County, Kinnesota, approve~l 1c~ialation.advocated by the League of i:fnnesotr! I~unicipalitieo which would” amend tLe preaent zoning Ln~i applying to first class cities in order to per- mil; all other cities and villages to pass zoning Qsdinances ‘.?.%ermpon Xecosder lroore offered tke following suggested ResoL- u-tibn llker~lae received from Lsaoie of IIinnssota Eunicipalitlee, =-- % It - Racolveci, that the Council of the Village of %inz, bAennepin County, Kfnnesota, apgrovco le@ =La- tian advocated by the Lea,gue of IJinnesota T.5anicipalitiss +,a permit a,ll cities and villages to yass ordinances c re 3“ t f ng pl anni ng c omii s s i on EI . vfich uyon motion Preacott, seconded by Reimnnn, be adopted, c cCr i ed unmi n mi 9 1y .A. cormunicatfan WLE read from Village Attorney, Eir GcorGe 17. Stranqp enclosing copy. of a resolution, acceptable to the Villn~e of ZTorningaide, Alderrilan ILU. S.Kjorlnug, of W.nneapolin, mfi Kr Il:cGi19 of ITinneapolis Street .Rnilvrzy Company, and recsrrmenclcci it FE~sEE))~~. ,ril”ter discussion Recorder Eoore offered above resolution as follons- VIXREAS, tke Zinncapolisrljtrect. Railtray, Compmy is operating a street railrray system in tke city of Yinneapolia, Fiinnesota, under an Indeterminate Permit from the State, of L'innesota, - pcreuant to Chapter 278, Laws of 19F1, and oporntinc ;I, single track street railyzay line on Prance Avenue Soutk to Yif'cieth Street ; and V€XRZ$S, France Avenue South io -the dividing lint? betneen tk-e city of IIinneepolia and the Village' gf Xdina, and tke i'lesterly one half of c part of mid France Avenue South is, and is claimed to be, in the Village of Edina, and . ' -- l'?IXRF:AS, tke people of said Y'illage of Edina are anxious far a double track street car service on said avenne; - is kereby granted the rigkt and privilege of constsucting, maintaining and operating anotker line of street railray tracks, toCi;ather vfth a11 ties, svritches, vyeo, turnouto, poles, vires and other necessary equipment along and upon-Preznce Avenue So.r~th, Test of the center line thereof, from the ITortkerly limits of the Villace of Edina ttrhere it; abuts on the said France Avenue Soutk, (zrhich said Nortkcrly limitn, so abuttine, arc kereby stated to bc t1.s South line of SscLion Ssen (Cec.7) ck-ere it interaacts mid Frame Avenue South), and from oiiicl point ' Southerly to aid includina Pifty-fourtk Street and France Avenue Southe In the event tkst that portion of France Avenue as tk:s same is not;' or may Lereafter be opcned, laid out, sidenod or desiwated, witkin the limits of the VtlLage of Edinrt ia paved and tLe ~k~le coat of suck paving is borne by tke Village of Edina, tke ?!!inn- eapolis Street Railsay Caraptmy t*rill at itfi awn coat or expcnee pave or cause to be paved tkat portion of said Avenuc lying bct;-mm tke antes rails of ita tracks zitkin t1.e Tfilla@ of Zdina, Pba Xlnnsapczlirj, Street Rezilvmy ComFany sk-all hold tko Village of Xdina kzzri2.e~~ from any damage for which it ncy be 1epI.L~ liable caused bj or resuli5e'fng from tke construction and naintenance of its tracks nitkin tbc Village of Edina and tke opmtim of its The vote being upon tke adoption of tke resolution nkereiii there vere fire 3yes md nc na;rs a~ follorrs , stsect railmy cars thereono - Pre ai dent Attest illace Recorder. 1297 X. Pelaney, Faullng 30 rolls snow fence 815 . 00 V. E. Adi?sdls 140 yda street fill €&lifax Av~ fjf3.00 P. E. Coyle BlacksmitMng 3.00 A, C~ZZL~SGII 28 yds cr&shed lime stone 28.00 TI. 7, Gsrvsy Road, to013 & tractor repairs l3m69 Thompnon Limber Co Posts for snow fences 6.75 J, D. Ad4wnt-3 Co Grader blade 6.60 9070 58.54 4* 130 . Eiller-Bzvis Co Office supplies 1.35 Lyle Culvert €id Sq Go Street signa 59,20 Yielding & Sfnqley West 50th St Curbing Contract 3554*04 E, v. Ehrrif3 Gas & Oil for tractor 23.95 D. B, JJcGtai??e . Salary President 35.00 J8 J. ilu.~~n,n Salary Treasurer < 12.50 Salary Recorder 60e00 B12n B, 18-0Ore GlD A. BiZlSOpl Salary Trustee 25 . 00 C,B.PrsscoLt Salary Trustee 25.00 J, Tj!* qa*T V~~F~VI Salary Trustee 25.00 *B?i. F. T:cGuirce Judge Election 28 hrs 12,80 I 3, J, EuCgan Judge Elcc.l;ian 28 hrs 12, SO 'e Gcs A* '7flLlsan Judge Election 28 ?cs 12.80 E. T. Zd.son Clerk Election 29 hrs 12.80 3m 3. TIoose Clerk Election 28 hrs 13,. 80 G, PY;, Sacks Counting Judge Election 16 kirs 80 00 Larry €anson Counting Judge Xlection 16 hrs 8,QO 3T.m S. T.XcCraady Counting Clerk Zlection 16 lira e. 00 Nellie Glc?aRan Counting -Clerk Exaction 16 22s 8.00 Thry Bet-~berg Counting Clerk Election 16 hrs 8.00 6, R. ?3k?,?,c-lr'o1am Spl, Constable, putting up and taking dovn election booths 7. QO s, J, 3sberta 184 hrs tractor labor GI 70P 128050 A. Webbes 176 'I It I@ il 123* 20 Goo '&317,l.m 96 kfls road labor :3 45g 4,7*3,0 h?*yvy :r, rl at $e, 144 i8 11 19 I# 64.80 J. T'raceg 176 hs labor with tern a 90fi 158.40 Edina Grocesy Groceries for poor 134 78 Total November expendt. <8 5,146,55' a Rollin Sand 87 Bdg 314 Com.ri.?,p.l;' 565 yds road gravel delivered ~,~-- 480425 ~ Rect;.ipts by Xecarder since 'last meeting turned over to Treasurer MePe a8 EOllOtX3 I -. Prank T. Nel~on Plumbing permit; %. 00 'CQoqe. Bros, Entire cost 5,838.1 ft. i&teg;ral curb on West 50th Street; 2,335.48 €b.rr'ieL State 3anlc Intores.1;' on Village 64 04 Bovenber Total receirts G3,404. $2 funds on cilcalt d*-- Qc.p* liwordcr rego-rted on card rail for Interlacken Road at Liirror La!:@ md at Jones' corner, old 95, On motion Pre~cotL, seconded E"JilZmn, P,c-?c~riler be empowered to order installed 600 feet Xast of BlaTcc Ncsad and 300 feet Ves% of 31ake Road at junction Interlacken ?toad sild 109 feet 1" mesh fencing witk red reflector for Jones! corner cnrsled. * Vi llage Re co rder