HomeMy WebLinkAbout19281208_REGULARThe Regular meeting of tke Council of 'cke Village of Edina, vias held on December 8th. 1928, in Grange Ea11 at 2 Pa. .. .. .. The meeting vas: cal3.ed 36 ordoa: by President'TIcGuire, imd an roll call the fol3.osing.vtere found to be present, President XcGui-re, Trustees 4Ji11son, Prescotf; & Rcirmnn and Recorder Eooxe. lrr J. Xoore, of Srookside ms present vritL deed conveying to the. Village of Edina, for road purpose^, lot.24 and a 5 Soot strip sunning parrallel to bo%., 24, of lots numbered 20-21-22 23-25-26-51 and 32, Brookside Tsrrace, Auditor's Sub. #l76. ','!herein TrusteBc Prescott offered %be following 'reoolution, W.ereas, Efr John Noore and otkers Pave delivered to the Villa@ RdcaMer, 8 aarranty deed to lot 24, togather'witk a 5 foot strip of lots 20-21-22- 23-25-26-31 2nd '32 running parallel vitk lot 24, in Auditor's Subdivision $176. Wereas, said conrreyance is made for tke sole pur- pose that the kmd EO conveyed shall be accepted, used and dedicated for general road purposes. Tkerafore, be it rgsolved that the Village Council. of t1.e Village of Edina, accept said property on bel-alf of tke Village of Zdina, subject to tke above mentioned provision. The question being upon the adopti'on of the resolution vherein thre vere 5 yeas and no nays as follows- XcGuire, yea - ?'!illson, yea -. Preacott, yea - Reimann, yes and Xoose yea, A Cormittee Leaded by Kr Gamble, Ur Olson and otkmx, tms present seeking Lo obtain .co-operation of Village ouncil, in effort to obtain Kinneapolis City t7rzter to residents f Village of Zdina, The committee was assured Council' 6 support and co-opesstion with suggestion they present t1.e Village Council witb a petition on 17hich it may act, A letter vias read ,signed by Kr kcel 2, Carlstram and a5 tl e Goa-ittee for BXtaokside residents, expressing tkeir gsntitu.de for splendid co-operalion in successful endcayor to remove a public nuisance from Brookside, nmelv t1.c side track of t4 e Yinneapolis, Northfield tk Southern Pji - Ordered filed, living on Vest side of France Avenue froui F 14 th. to 54th. StrectS, f S. J.Fmtsck;, ICinutes of thc meeting&keld on SJbvember 10th and special rneet- ing held on Xovember 23rd were. read and on notion Reimmn, neconded by Villson, be approved as read, carried. Receipts by Recordkr since lztst meeting nere as follovs $12.00 from 12 candidates for filing fees Village Election. 48.00 from J.P.Asselin as Justice of tlie Peace 3cir Village skare in fines collected. c The following bills were upon due audit and being found correct, were upon. motion Prescott, . seconded by Reimann, be allowed and ordered -paid, carried. -. Tkndell Company Stencils, Ink E: Brush Lennepin County Review Published ITolices, Ballot8 & Financial Statement . If. G, Christiansen 42 Plurcbing Inspections €IilZes-Dzvis Co Office &k Election supplies KinneapoZis G.E, Cornpany November Street LigLting RollEn Sand Bdg BlEE Co 65 yrd. road gravel delivered . Thompson Lumber Co Grvasing planks Alexander et Bradley Engineers services to date !'i. F. Garvep Scythe & Bolts E* si. kerri 8 Gas 6'2 Oil for ltractor e continued top page 300 ..e $8.20 103*60 42.00 8.30 66.20 38,25 15 12 78.50 9,09 4.49 Philpott-Bailey Coal far poor $14.00 Philgott-Bailey Coal for tool shed 6,l5 Zinnehahia Grange 5 Eonths rent, kat PC light S. JoRoberts 190 krrs tractor labor @70$ 133.00 Xary Wewberg 6 raonths rent tool shed 37.50 < also rent Grange LalX 3 elections and 9 special. neotir,gs* 82.00 A. Vebber 186 ~TS tractor labor.@ 70# 13Qo 20 J. Tracey 64 k4rs labor yith teaxi @.go$ 390 60 D,P.UcGuire Salary President December 350 00 J, Tracey 140 kms road labor @40$ 63~ 00 :. .:- e J, J. Iluggan Salary: Treasurer 41 12080 . .. . Geoo .A. ”Tillson Salary Trustee C, 2, Prescott Salary Trustee I1 25,OQ J, E Re immn Salary Trus3ee I1 25.00’ ”-’ C. Po Prescott Judge Village Electilonq 8.30 .- J.L,Rutk;lebge Judge Village Election 8.30 ..-‘c- Ben -13. K,’,oore . Salary Recorder II 60000 . ., : ‘(I 25. 00 Clerk Tillage Election 8.30 G, Ife Sacbs €..amy Haxison Clerk Village Election 8.30 .I . .. J,E,Reimann Judge Village Election 80 50 A. ?te Eartwig Crushed lim stone Sunnyside Rd I A. V. Earttlti g 100. OQ c witkin ffillage of Edina, Xaterials €: Labor installing guard rails 286 a 85 70 00 Tot sJ, Dee ember expen di tu re @1516.-11 Earry Vannalcta 8 hours Road labor 0 45& 3060 . Go Re Blackburri Spl. ebnstable election, putting ’. up and taking dorm bootks Edina Grocery Grocercies for poor . 15.48 , Trustee i?rescott reported on the matter on .t;ractor sLoes as conCainedi in comnuniccttion from ‘ff.1~. Zfegler Compwy, under date of ITovem’oer 5th. There being use forenew sk~cres an tfle Villafie tractor ad that upon examination he bad’purcbksed conpbefs &e%* 58 s3~oes offered af; a special price of $4.00 net each or EL saving Of $95.70. as authorized at l?ovembes meeting. 0 Recorder reported keld cn December 4th. and ion riere as fOll017S For President Tor TrusPIee For Recorder For Treasurer For Asaessor an the matter of Village Annual Election, ttat those certified by Judges of Elect- 3 D.FJ‘kGuire, for 1 xaar Geo, A. T?illson,for 3 years Ben Bo Eoore, for 1 year Joh J, Duggan, far 1 year Leonard J,Z.Zasonfor 1 ?rear For ;Jits”;ic& PeaceArchie A. Buck , for 2 years For Cons table John Ro 3orey for 1 :rear For Constable Peter Dahlgren for 1 year Xo further business to cone before the meeting motion %0 adjourn cErsied 5.30 W4 Village Recozdes.