HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290112_REGULARThe regular meeting of tke Council of the
Village of Edina, 17as hld on January 12th.
1929, at 2 PU in Grange Eall.
The meeting vas called to order by President ILcGuire, tke
roll on being called found all members of .the Council present.
Minutes of December meeting vere read ad on motion Trustee
Reimwn , seconded Villson, be approved carried.
A coranuni
C ampmy,
on Xorth
cation WE read from 35inneapolis General EXectric
requesting permission to enlarge four (4) manholes side of Sridge Street, betveen Bruce and Casco, Drexel and ?'looddale, Edins ,and Ploorlmd and Eoorland and
3rormdale Awmerj. On motion Koore, seconded Villson,
request be grmLed,in so far as €ublic property and aubject
proper repair of streets in Sprbng, carried,
d letten dated December 13th. 1928, fron Kinneapolirs. General
Electric Company, vias read regarding street lights in Country
Clu'o District togatk-es witl; bill for tkat portion of Decenber
1938 after 5th of month.
be returned Kinneapolis G.E. Company, with suggestion it be presented to Tkiorpe Brothers, carried,
On motion fSoore, seconded by 'i7illson
A request from Borthvestern Bell Telcpkone Company, nas read
aslcing for permission to place one (1) pole on est 55th ~t.
between Oaklavm and Brookview Avenues, 17k~icL on motion Y!illson
seconded Prescott, be granted carried.
A communication dated December 15th. 1928. from League of
Xinnesot a Euni cipali t i es, suggesting Council, send delegat, es to tlie Legislative Conference .of the League, to be field. in
tke St Paul. lotel, St Paul, January 24th. 1928. Pre ci den t
appointed such members of the Council and Village Attorney
as could attend a.s delegates, I
Recorder reported in matter of necessity for a 400 cp street
light at Sunnyside Road md Eightray #5 as vie11 as on Sunnyside
Road near East limits of Village. On motion Villson, seconded
Reimann, Recorder be instructed to make necessary arrwgements
for installation of abotse two lights as indicated, carried.
The Surety Company bond"of Archie A. Buck, as Justice of tk-e Peace vas presented and on motion Reimann seconded by Willson
be accepted as to form and execution, carried,
Tke Surety Company bond of Ben Bo Lfoore, as Village Recorder, 03s presented and on motion Reimann, seconded by Villson, be
accepted as to form and execution, carried.
The following bills upon due examination and being found correct
were oninnotion Prescott, seconded Villson, be allowed and
ordered paid, carried i
X.nnea,polfs G. E. Dormany, Decenber Street Lighting slit8 * 54
JUS~US- Lumber co
E. Iflo Larris
S. F. Garvey
Nennepin County Revlet7
Dr Lowell U. Camgbell
George \Ye Strong,
?le Le Ziegler Company
i'l. E:. Ziegler Company
D. P. 1,fcGuire
J. J. Duggan Ben 3. Zoore
Geo A. ITillson
C. F. PrescotL
3, E. Reimann
S. J. Roberts
Planks t5: Liraeate 5,Oo
5.05 5.50 I Gas for tractor Eardware and Paint
Published Notice
Services as Village Lealth Officer for year 1928 50.00 Services Village Attorney
for year 1928. 300.00
1000 ft snov fence & 125 posts 99.28
3000 ft snow fence, 300 posts 277,23
Salary Treasurer 25.00
Salary Recordler 60.00
Salary Trustee 25.00
Salary Trustee 25.00
Salary President 35,oo
Salary Trustee 25,oo '
60 krs tractor labor 6 YO$ 42.00 continued page $2
Continued from pagedl
A. \kbber
Larry Vanatta
i?. Tracey
N. Delaney . -Phi 1po t 'c- Bai 1 ey IT. E. Ziegler Co.
Lyle Culvert Rd Eq Co.
Lyle Culvert Rd Eq Co.
Lyle Culvert Rd Eq Co.
Lyle Culvert Rd Eq Co.
Edina Feed & %el Co
Virt, Wilson & Co
alac kbirrn, TJic kels, and Smith Wooddale Grocery
29.40 42 Zrs tractor labor 0 709' 112 hrs laror 0 45P 50.40
92 krs labor aitk team 8 9Ofl 83.80
Coal €C Vood for poor 33.65
Complete set 58 skoes for tractor 232.00
200 ft guard rail ir_atalled at
Drayage Snow Bence li. 00
IVooddale Ave Bridge 90.00
Cu 1 ve r t E 604 85
16e70 Road Guard Illaterial 31,OO Large Road 3~11's Eye
Feed & Bri%k 9-25
5.00 Bond Justice of the Peace
Bond ,Village Rec ordeq 2.50
Total January 3xpend-iture .el, 791.28
Groceries for-pcor - 7.13
Xeceipts since last meeting by Recorder and turned over to tLe
Village Treasurer v.rere as follows Gu a L Lo u&m d Prank T. Belson Plumbing permit 46 Casco 5,OO
A. G. Anderson Plur;*lbir?g permit 4908 3- ~uc e 5.50
Plwnbir,g pemit 4.501 Brovndsls $6.00
Total 3eceipts GIG e 50
Commnication received from Gust Joknson, 5509 l7ooddale Avenue,
dated January 6tk4 1929 requesting I elp .of Village Council t~
obtain elec*,ric service in South Isarriet Park, vas refcred to Recorder f OT ananere
On motion ProScott, sec~wd~d~\vfJ,lggm salary of T~~~suT~F for cnsuinc year be fixed at !:25,00 Ter month, carried.
On motion Preacott seconded by Reirrwnn, salary of Recorder for ensuing year bc fixed at rate of $60.00 per month, carried,
On motion Prescott seconded Willson, tkat Eennepin County Review
be dcoimated Official paper for Village of Edina, for cn~uing
year, carried.
On motion Reirnann seconded Prescott, Dr Lowell Y. Campbell, be appoirfted Lealtki Office for Yillage for ensuing year, carried.
Gn motion Reimann seconded ?/illson, Xr George E'J. Strong, be appoint-
ed fillage Attorney, for ensuing year, carried.
Or, motion Prescott seconded Villson, tkat Alexmder 8: Bradley, be appointed Village Engineer=, for ensv.in@ year carried,
On motion deiaann, seconded Prescott, that Larrict State Bank,
be designatad Of'ficial Depositary for 'Village for ensuing jreitr,
a arxf ed
On motion iiei-mann, seconded V511son, that Walter 53. Joy, be appoint-
cd Street Commissioner, at per diem basis znd to work Lli1dar "Le direction of tkic 7i11ag;e Council, carried,
%a ilc33jion 2nd after discussion, it was moved 'fJillaon, seconded
Preacott, one T1;o~ >lc3onougb, %e _nibaced in County Yam u.rit,il fur- tker notice, arid:$t;Village expense, carried.
Bo fu.rt32r IwFiness to. corm bsfore tfte meeting, it aas noved.
Reimann seocrrded Prescott, meeting adjot-m, cerried 5,30 I??.?*
VIllag Recorder