HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290209_REGULARThe regular monthly meeting of the Counci% of the Village of Edina, was held on Beberuavpy 9th.
1929, at 2 PN in Grange Ball.
The meeting ims called to orderrby President McGufre, after Fpklickl
the roll vas called and all members of the Council found presente
The surety conpany bond in amount of $500, .issued b$ AEtna Inse Csmpmy in behalf of Petel: Dahlgren, as constable, was on motion
Refmann be accepted, seconded by Prescstt, carried,
Surety conparay bond in mount of $500, issued by Standazd Acci&ent
Insurance Coo in behalf of' John R, Borey, as constable, was on
noti~n Reimsunn, 'lee accepted, seconded Prescott, carried,
Company, in behalf of John 5, DuggEzya, a8 Treasurer, mas" on notion Refmann, seconded by Wi1lsonF be accepted, carried,
The following bills upon examina%&an and being found GCITP~C~, were
on notion Reflawn, seconded Prescott, be calloned and ordered paid,
carried- they are as fallows-
Coal for poor ** Published notice
Coal for tool houne'
Gas for tractor Shove3.s t% Bardmare
Office suppliea
Gas for tractor
Groceries for poor
January street llgkting Prernfum I on TreasurerP s bond
Balaszce Sunnysiae road . 203-, bra tractor labor
.193-& hrs tractor labor
194 hrs road labor .
41 hrs labas with team
13 days 3 hrs Street Corn,
79 hts road labor
32 hrs labor with tea
58-$ hrs road lntaoz
6 hrs road labor
8 hrra road labor
12 hra road labor
4 hrs road labor.
4 lhrs road Labor
28 hrs mad labor
31 hrs road labor
20 hrs road labor
,Salary President Yeby %lazy Treasurer
Salary Recorde~.
Salary Trustee Salary Trustee Salary Trustee
54,w 'I
2. ?Q
12,60 as, 95
Advance on rent 5eQQ Total February expenditure. 6 ,=$I8 289.83
r I The minutes of regular meeting held ,on Januapy 12th were on motion
Prescott, seconded ViLlson, @e approved, carried,
9n motion Willson, seconded Reimann, Eias 17eWbel-g be advanced $5.00
021 rant for, period January to and includizfg June, carried,
After discussion it was lnoved Refmann, seconded ??i11son, that West
side of Wooddale Avenue from 49th. to 50th Street, be designated
rpXa Parking Area 24 hours" and that Recorder be instructed to arrange
for necessary signs, carried.
In the matter of recent improvement of Sunnys3.de Boad with emshed line stone, Trustee Willson offered the follonhg resolution-
(continued page 4)
Whereas, Sunnyside Road .has recently been improved from France
And Wieresa, this improvement has been paid for by the Villa&
of: Eborningside, Thorpe Brothers, tke Village of Xdina and the
Country Club Association.
And Whereas, this irnprwmnernt is of great and permanent benefit to all the resident-s of the Village of Edina.
Avenue to junction with pavement In Edina.
Therefore Be it resol~ed, thatthe Village of Edina pay Lbst
portion contributed by the CounrLy Club Assoointion applying
as the Village of $dins portidn and in the mount of $100,
On mation lYi11son, seconded Preacot-t, be adopted, carried, there being five yeas and no nays as follows, Willson Aye, PrescotI;
Aye, Reimwn Aye, McGuixe Aye, Noore Aye,
The proposed bill known as Eiouse Bile #l02, prepared by Thorpe
BroB, svhioh would permit of' separation of part of the Village
of Edina into ans'cbea: V111ags by EL majority of the vote of those
,living within the affected territory, was discussed at length, After considerable d$saussion It was moved Billson, seconded
Prescott, "That Village Attorney Mr George V, Strong, be instruct-
-ed to appear before Committee of 1dun;bcfpaf Affairs, in behalf
of the Village Csunoil ~f Bdina, md appose any favorable reuom-
mendatfon of Rouse Pile #lo?, at a meeting to be held at 11 AM
Feby, 15th, 1929.
The vote 3ein'g poled found Billson, Preseott, McGuire and Moore voting in favor of the motion and Refinann voting against, 3resident XcGuire deGaared the motion carried, Recorder ta 80 advise, Xr Strongo
'liecorder advised ai certain parts of the Village of which there
were no,plats and others which had of late been greatly changed and requested authority of ithe Council to have tracings made
which would bring the affected plats up to datee It was there-
lose moved by Reimann, seconded Willson, that Reeofder be em-
powered to have have necessary Ssaeings for missing plats as vie11 changed plats made, carried.
TrusLee Prescott, suggested to advisability of havin@ 200 ap
street light installed at 3rd Avenue and Street car traaks,
(Drabek store) After ,discussion it was moved Prescott, seconded WiXXson, that light be installed, Recorder to arraage, carried,
A aomunfcation was read from Clerk of School District #17, can-
celling any agreement to pay for cost of maintaining street light at 50th Street md Wooddale Avenue, which on motion Willson, seoonded Reimann, be conoured in, carpfed.
A petition slmed by Elfison and others for sidewalk to be con-
striictked on Wes%, side of XerkeaJ &venue S0u%h, bet;ween 55th and
5ttb Streets and in front of lots 3, 4, 5 & 6 was read. It was
agreed this proposition would be agreed to,by the Council acnd
that cenatructian would be arranged for by the time the weather
,Yo further business to eone before this meeting, motion to
adjourn carried at 5,35 P&
Village Recorder.