HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290309_REGULARI
The regular monthly meethg of the Council of the Village of Edina, vas held on Earch
9th 1929, at 3, PH in Grange Ball.
The meeting was called to order by ?resident XcGuire, after 7
which the roll was called and all members found present.
A petitition mas received from hfr Fred Sampssn, for permission to sell fireworks at 4045 Vest sot@, Street, vhieh on motion Rehwnn, seconded IYillsen, be received and placed an file, carried,
lying Vest of Sighway #5 and North of WestW8th. Street, and asked that West 48th Street be widened, After discussion
matter.was refered to Village Engineer, for report at next
regular meeting.
I Rfr Bert Xillman, presented a suggested plat of his property (
The minutes of Bebruary 9tho meeting mere read after which
Trustee Reimann, moved that portion '$Prepared by Thorp@ BFOS~*
be stricken from the record. No second being obtained,
President declared motion lost, vhere upon on motion Preacott, seconded by Tillson, be approved a8 read, carried,
The following miscellaneous bills upon examination and being found correct, were on motion. Qiillaon, seconded Prescott, be
allowed and ordered paid, carried.
77, 2, Garvey hardware $8.10
Young Fuel Co Coal for hwlhouse 7,50
Phi lpo t t- Bailey , Coal. for poor 14400
W*B.Ziegber eo I Supplies for tractor 2,27 ilennepin County Review Published notice 40 80
V,E,Ziiegler Co Supplies for traatar 2,84 %btexs Ins. Agency Premium on Constables bona 5,OO
Einneapolis GZ Co Feburary Street lighting 176.54
Barriet State Bank Premium on Constables bond 5,00 Bo D-Brugger Co Premium on ~orkman~s campe
bond 2/11/29 to 2/11/30 169.16
Dockens Corn Store Groceries & supplies for
E e 8. Harri e Gas Q Oil for trtacrtor 640 04
Job LilJa Blacksni thine 2e75
Edina Grooery . Groceries for poor 20.55
-- poor
25 . 32
The foliowing road bills upon due exahation and keina found
correct, were on motion Reimann, seconded Willson, be allowed
and ordered paid, carried,
Bdllin XcCready
Xsck Peterson
PI0 so soy
S. J, RsbertB
A. Vebbex.
Frank Roberts
J, Tracey Bert Johnson
J, Collins
P, Piesson Yrank Roberts
J. Tracey
E.' Emson
B. Reraple
George Fautsch
Le, Taplfn
D, F.Xc Gu f re
JJeDuggan Ben Be Eoore George A. \?illson
C, Po Prescott
Jo E Re imam
3 hra road labor 0.45p
I1 II I3 20
153 hrs Street Commissioner
218 hra tractor labor 8 70# 252 It It n n
182 road labor 0 45g
36 labor with team 9Ojf
23 ''
102 It Poad labor @ 45p 112 (I (I II
14 It (3 It II
60 I1 ft It
90 " I! It rp
56 I2 If t?
60 I8 It It
4 I1 1) IS
52 0 It
Recorder Trustee Trustee
It t? 19 iI
. ',
91 *J
Total 25eOO $lobso 95
EKr Bageman and Nr Nielson, appeared before the Council wi*h reference to drainage low land lying in Exma Abbott Park, West
3 6
of Ruthledge and North of Division. After discussion the matter
wa8 refered to Village ;Engineer for investigation and engineer'^ repart at next regular meeting,
A cormnunicatisn was read from Mdp CeP.BuL1, regarding sale of abstract Gorering a 20 foot strip of land lying in middle of West 49th Street,
jugt Vest of Franoe Avenue, which on motion Prescc%t, seaonded bp Reimann, be refered to Village Attorney, carried,
Redeipts by Recorde~ sinae last meeting' were as follows, which were
turned over to Treaaurez,
~.NM.WzblStrOXIl* Plumbing permit 4517 Arden Ave $5.75 4
Totab n--
Gu s Hoag 9un d I# 4605 Browndahe 6.'?5$
I? C v Baldwin fi 4608 Arden 8*&8
G. Biemann €8 4616 Arden 5e 25 fl
State Treasurer Cigarett Tax 36v00
TruaLes Prescott offered the following recsolution
WEEMEAS, Hr John Moore and others, have by quit claim deed to the Village of Edima, recorded on page 168 of book 1150 of deeds, conveyed to the Village of Edina, 1st number 24
and pard of lots 20-31.a22~133-25-26-30 and 32, all in Auditor's Subdivision #176 Hennepfn County, Xinnesota.
AND WH?2mqAS, said land is conveyed for Pu'elic Road Purposes without expenm to the Village of Edina,
TEEEiEFOEfB B3 IT RESOLV~U, that the nane of this road so conveyed shall be ?dARGARET PLACE, in tnewory orthe wife of said Xr John Moore.
The rote being upon the qiestion, wherein there were five ayes
and no nays as follows- M~Guire Aye, Preseott Aye, Willson Aye, 'Beimam Aye, Moore Aye.
No further business to coae before this rneeting rnotkowt3- adjourn
carried %,as ~PN.
Village Recorder