HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290413_REGULARThe regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edfna, vas held on April 13th. 1929, in Grange hll at 2 PE, Or, being called to order by President XcGuire, tho roll ma8 called and all members of the Council found to be presentB E9r Geosge.Payne addressed the Council with reference to a road from West 49th Street acrom the Stmm property to hieo On motion Willson, seconded Reimann, be refered to road csmmitt ee, Carried, Er T7, I?, Garvey, addxoeased the Council concerning Oakland Avenue, sating certain road sort ought to be donee On motion Willson, seconded Reimwnn, he refered to road committee, carrfedo I &stice of the Peace Aaselin, waa presen% and outlined present . status of police protection its. this Village and suggested that the two constables elected did not constitute a gorce abs could patrol the h2ghmys regularily, After discussion it vas moved by Prescotit;, seconded EJloo~e, that Ea R, Ws and L, R, BleLckburn, be appointed goli-cemegJ, for balance. of yeas 1929, with conpensation to be fixed by Council frommontb ta month, carried. t Petition 172~8 received from property owners living on East side sf Halifax Avenue, between 50th and Slst, Streets, asking that 50th to 51st. Stre&, and assessed against the .propex%y benef- fted and to be paid for in three annual asse8sment8c Bherein Trustee Reinan- offered tho falh~fng resolukion Whereas, owners .of property fronting on the East side of EaUfax Avenue, fseom 50th- to 51st, Streets in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin ad S%ate of Edfnnesota, have petition'ed the Village Council of said Village to,order a public sidewalk to be laid on said street 5t~ wfereaaid, nnd therein requested the adoption of the necessary resolution to g%ve effect thereto, according to law, e- a a Resolved, by the Village Council of the Village of Edfna, that a sidewalk be and the me is hereby ordered to be L&id on East side of Ealif~js &ee, frcm %est 50th Street to Ves% 5bst Stree%s, according to standard specif$cet$ons and on grade to be fixed by the Village Council of Edina, and %hat said sidemalls be completed on or before the first day of June b929, and it ia further ordered that this sesobutiora. shall be duly served 8n or before the twentieth day of Hay 1929 upon the omera of all lots, parts of ~QPIB an& parcels of ground fronting on or abutting the East side of Ealifax Avenue fron Vest 50th to Vest 5lst Streets where said sidewalk is hereby ordered to be laid. --- r a sfdevralk be lsfd along the East side of Halifax Avenue from .- The vote being upon the question of adoption tvhcsefn there viere five Ayes and no Hays as follsss - EcGuire Aye, Willson Aye, Prescstt Aye, Reimn Aye, EdooPe Ayet and so ordered I - besf dent Attest Village Recorder IQ' 3 A petition for grading that portion of West 54th Street from Prance Avenue East to Zenieth Avenue lying in the Village of EdinEt w(Tr&B received, which motion Prescott seconded Reimann be refered to Road Committee, carried. I Tkie following miacel2aneQus bill upon examination and found correct, were on motion Presestt, seconded. Willeon, be allowed and ordered paid, carried Menn epin C ounty Poor Barn S~rvice S$29,5Q L.M,Caq3bbES. Ken, Services Bealtb Officer Bemepin County Review Published Notice 6030 Village Zdorningside Oiling Sunnpidde Road 15.00 & treatnent Nad dag case 105.00 Minneapolis GE ~smpany March Street lighting 430.89 W, B, Garvey 2 BhQVelB 2.7Q Edina Hardware 1 shovel 1.30 E. W. Harris Gas & Oil for tractor 46e53 Minnesota Shell Corpp, Gas & Oil-for tractor 3. 59 A, Sodergren 43 loads gravel 80 60 W. Eacek IO loads gravel 2.50 BSrs Claus J=oPmson 22 loads gravel 5.50 16,96 Edina Grocery Groceries for poor A, C. Lamon 6 loads erushed lime stone 6.00 Edina Garage Battery rental & repairs 5,40 Wendell. Company Officers) shields 8E badges 13.W D, P. MGGUiFe Salary President 35,OO Ben B. Moore Salary Recorder 60,UO J, E e Re imann : Salary Trustee -- The following road bills upon exminiation and being found correct, were on motion Willson seconded Reimsxln, be allowed and ordered paid, crakried, W. H. ZI egler C o Tractor repairs 10.75 J. J. Duggan Salary Treasure* 250 OO George A, Y?ilIs~n . Salary Tmatee 2 25600 C,R,Prescott Salary Trustee 25,OQ T0ta.l $904, 42 t we so Joy z 189 hrw Street Cam. $132,30 8, J'. Robert s 198E brs Tractor labor 188.60 P, Webbi?2.7, 198 hrs Tractor Y.a%o~ 1380 60 Harry Vranatta 168 hra road labor) '75660 Bert Johnson l6 hrs road labor 7.20 J. Collins 140 brs road labor 63.00 Frank Roberts 16 klrs road labor 7.20 John Tracey 56 hre road labor 25*20 Be Remple 33 hrs road Labor 14e85 Nack Pe*ert3csn 12 hrs road labor 5e40 I Le Taplin 33 hrs road labor 14.86 John Tracey 132 hrs road labor with team 118.80 Frank Roberts 66 hrs road labor with team 50.40 S. J. Robert s 8 hrs road labor 30 60 A* Webber 3 hra road labor a- $796 . 95 -- Total -- Receipts since last meeting by Recorder and turned over to Treasurer viere F.C.Baldw%n Plumbing permit 4612 Arden $5*50 Minutea of regular meeting &-J~-EE~ 9th and special meetings held an March 23rd and April 6th, were read and on motion Reimam seconded Brescott, be approved, carried. It was moved Prescott, aecondsdeby Willson, that regular council. meetings for next six months he held at regular! date but at 7.30 PN. carried, No further business to come before the meeting motion %o adJeum carried 6 Pnn* Village Recorder