HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290417_SPECIALA special. meeting of the Council of the Village
of Edina was held on April 17th- 3.929, Due notice
having been given by the Prexlrident,
&1. being calaed to mder by President XcGuire, ax& mesrberrJ of
the Council were found presevlb except Trustee Prescott,
Recorder XOQ??~ stated Eo~e File No. 72 hd,passed both bsuaeB
in the Legislature and bad been sf,g%ed byl the Govenor. It was now ~QWZI as Chapter 176 of the Bossion Laws for 1929, and
ion requiring that.the Act rahall not be made effective until.
theproposition of the enactment of the regulafione shall= Be first submitted to a vote of the legal voters of a municipa%%ty
at-a general or special election and that when a majosi.t;y of the electom votbg a% the election vote favorably, the governing
body may proceed tu carry out the regulationst.
baf-tes: reassna;b%e and full discuasfan of. the entire matter Recorder EHoore affered the folloving resolution
referad ta Zoning, That the hid ZQning Law contains a provi~~ ..
ResaEred that a special election is hereby called to be held in
this municipality on Tueoday the 14th day of Hay 1929, at Grange
S..2sl% the CounciS of this municipality enact and
carry out a comprehensive zoning ordinexce and the
regulations authorized in an act of tho NBinneaotsb 1929 and entitled βAn Aef: to authorize the regulat&cma of the Iscation, size, use and height uf buildings, the arkzmgeraent
of buildings on fote and tlhe qsnsity of ~opubaC4sn in all eities,of the second, third and fourtk: cbarjsj
and in all villages and the adoption of comprehanaive
plana pursuant to sueh regulationsfF, also know an
Eouse Bile Nso72, and shall t@a provisions of said
act be made effective in thio xnunfcipallity?
.&%la, frPWi 32 glOOn 8 pup 081E&krf3 fOllOVfXlg prOpOsftgQn:
Legislature approved April 12th, -
~hhe vote being upon the adoption df the reiolution vihere~rr there -were foulro Ayes and no Nays as folSa%tra EcGufre we, \a%bbacan Ayeg .Refnann Aye?, Hoore Aye. end SQ ordered
.Attest illage Recorder,
Trustee Reimann offered tke following seaolu%%sa
Resolved, that tba hourhj for holding the S$scbal Election on Tuaaday the 14th day of Nay 1929,
be from the hours of 12 naom and 8 PE in the
afternoan of the same day.
1 β *a-f
I The vote being upon the adoption of the resolution %?her&, thore
were four Ayes and No nays cas follows BcGubrcs Aye, PJi115sn Aye,
Xosre Aye, Refmann Aye, and 80 ordered
- Village Recordero