HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290511_REGULARMinutes of the reelar meeting of tte Council of the Village of Edina, held on May 11th. 3.929, in- Crange~kiall, Weat 50th Street &: Wooddale Avenue at €3 BMe The meeting was called to order by President EcGuire, after which. the roll was called and. all members of the Council were found to be present;. The minutes of the regular meeting held $on April 13th. and the SpeciaL Meeting held on April. l.?the wem read rend approved. The following miscellaneous bills upon being found correct, were on motion Reimann, seconded Prescstt, be allowed and orderedt. paid, Carried* They are as fol3.o~~ We E. ZiegEer Company Minneapolis GE Company J.E.Benneasy Coo Philpatt-Bailey Edirm Garrage Ds' L.M, Campbellb JeB.Adama Company J,D,Adms Company Blackburn,Xickeba, Smith Marsh & McLennon Bennepfn County Review Standard Clothing Eouae Elwc kburn Hi ckel B Srni th Lyle Signrj . E.W.HarriE; We P. Garvey XES Claura Johnson Edfna Grocery E.Cl.aire Alden VhM~ek * Ne Newberg Tractor repairs $1. 80 Road culverts 48.08 Refacing & reseating valves Services Health Offacer 130e00 2nd, installment on grader292,91 Premium tractor insurance 20.40 Premium ins, tool house, %o Parking 24 hrs" aims inotalled Wosddale eC 50th 49,50 April street ligkting 398e37 Coal for poor 6eOQ catelfllar tractor 2,50 1-#0 road plow 32.00 Premfum officersv bonds 6eOO Pub1 i shed not 5. c e s 8*10 Offdcars cap 3.00 tools & snow fencing 28.84 Gas for tractor 35e64 St re et br o om le 00 104 loads road gravel 26, QQ 26 loads road gravel 6.50 Groceries for poor 12987 Acct. labor on village t rac inm lQQe 00 The follotvitlg road bills upon being found correct were on motion Preecott, seconded Willson, be &Lowed and ordered paid, carried, They are as followla S, J, Robeet 8 A. IVebber Eamy Vanatta John Tracey Frmk Roberts L, Tsplin Earl MaNelli s James Boweg Je6, Snevely J, J,krggan Ben B. IXocrre C .Pa Pren eo t t G~o, Ae WillSon J,E,Reimann w. se Joy Je Collins De 3'. MC Gu~ re 'Emxotor labor 0 70$ Trac%or l~bor Q 70# Road labor @I 458 Road labor 0 45g! Road labor with team @ 90$ BpMd labor with team @ 90g Road labor Q 458 Road labor Q 45@ Road labor Q 4595 Road labor Q 45@ Salary Zzgsfdent Nay Salary Treaeurer Nay Salary Recorder May Salary Trustee May Salwry Trustee Xay Ba2ary Trustee Xay $120.40 120.40 21.60 82.80 165e6Q 126 00 63.00 - sa20 10e8Q 48.60 35600 25,QQ 6Qa 00 25 00 25eOO 25 00 128,60 $I.eOQOe 00 Total Uay expenditure A petition signed by George L, BTOOkB, under date of Uay lltb, aeking for a permit to aperats a. Gasoline Station as well as a. Refreanhznent Paace, on Iiighway #5 Solitfi. of Minnehdia Creek, was on motion Reimann, seconded 8400re~Be accepted and placed on fila, carried, as above $2,308,73. A petition signed by Robert Johnson, dated May 12th, for perrrift to operate a Refreashment place on Mighway #5 near Gleason Road on Ambroae Kzte's property, was on motion Reimaan, seconded Prescott, be" accepted and placed on file for Council to invest-' iaate, C ._ e A Dr \"bES,E~Nefl, introduced Hiss Ed, R. Nor-&; mho presente3 a- letter addressed to the Village Council., tihWing'permfssion to csn~%ruct and apex-ate it REST EOSPITA&; on- the- Woodard properky betneen 55th and 56th Streets Veast of Minnehaha Creek, Doctors Wefwn and BilacNeiX -- of Edinai as well ka'Di.n FlhSLtQn and &ma, of Hinneapolis, E+ E%Y* &ha C',E. SNth; &nd about 85 otb'6fs as.groperty otmer~ in th6'vicihity, -rvere'presknt 'all of whom were Aft 'er consi-derabl e d€ s cus si OXY in favor of the'proposlWoh. it was agreed Council would adviae'lliss Norm, as to its action tlze following week, which, was agreeable t-0 all, Trustee Reimann offered the following Resolution. -,-one of the principal roads iiz tbis'vflhge 'is knew in rrfiale OF in part by such rimes as'-"C&lIl RoiLd" ttPPeacedale Radst 4i;Normandale jsb.vds and *'Villson Roadtt# &much confusion and annoyance results to all concerned. I_ -. . -l .. -_ *- - I. -. - _. - - - I* -_ ~. .-_. ~ -. -. "- - Ak Whereas, Frank J. \Vill.laon,, WE,~ one of"tfie early pioneers of OUP Village and lived many years on said road, and thizt he always enjoyed the profaundast respect and highest esteem of hia neighbo-rs &nd many friends as well. aa the firs% President of the Vilalage C~mcfl af the Village of Edinae f~ moa - be -1 it resolveci, by the V%ll&,ge CounciX sf the VBllage uf Edfnp, that the name of said-road i$ hBr,eby changed to BILLS013 R0ms from the Soutbern limits of the Village, Northerzy its en- tire distance to junction with Eden PraSPie Road , in honor of the First President of the Xdina Village Council, The vote being upon the adoption of the resolution, VIherein there yere four aye8 and no nsys as folloms - UcGuire Aye, Eaore &e, Frgacott Aye ad Refrnmn Ayeo - Vherebpon Pl'esfdent lIcGuise, de- clared the resolution duly adopted and so orderer?, The applications of 'Fred Smpson' and-Ruth Payne, for license to sell fire works, subject to all rules and regulations govemSng s-me was on motion Reimann, seconded Preaccttt, be granted, CaXThede Resignation of Archie Ad Buck, as Justice of the Peace, was reed . and uppnlznotion Prescott, seconded Reimann, *be accepted, carried, Application of George Eanson, forl licenee to operate a re~taurmt at %is present place of business at 4930 France Aknue, VIES on motfon Refmann, seconded Wilson, be granted, Carried. I8 - -* - __ a. Application for pemit by IfPnneapolis GE Cox~pany, to .drive EX gige under and across Wooddale Avenue, as well a gemkission ts lay a cable in boulevard on Bridge Street between filoorlmd and Edins, and between Eclina, Bbvd, and Drexd, Avenue, fcr purpose of bring- frig cmdbea>ower of street lights in Counlrty Ckub District up ta candle power, was on motion Reimmn, fiecanded Willson, be grdnted, carri @ds . Trustpee Prescott suggested the advisability of Recorder writing or taking up otheniinc with County Baard,the matter af having County oil and gf@e WiT$s'sn'Roed, FTatLtich in the form of a motion seconded by Re%mwn, carriedo Eo 'fuhber busSness to come before the meeting, motion to ecdjourn carried at 11.30 I?& Vilfwge Recorder,