HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290514_SPECIAL14: L \ Xinutea of a special meeting . of tbc Villags‘of Ed na, be11 on Kay 14th. 2929, at 9 PM. of the Council in Grange Ball Cn being called to order by President McGufrse, all member6 of the Council were found to be present except Trustee Pt.eacott* Recorder reported in the matter of special election kabzed by’ Qxder of the Village Council on April b7t21, 1929, for the purpoes ascertaining if it was th.e will of‘the citfzens of the Village of Edina, ta empower.the Village Council, to enact adopt and carry out a comprehensive ZONIITG ORDIBANCE, as provided under Chapter 176 of the Ninnesota Sesaion Lkws-for 1929. The totab official vote being 270 votes carat, of 3Yhich 245 were is, favor of so em- pawerfng the Village Council and 25 votes againsf. The matter of application of Niss MEd,R.Moran, for conatmction and operation of q REST BOSPITAL, next came before the CounciU. After discusaim the ReEbrdim-wnai3 instructed to write Nias Moran, an follows- On motion Wil.lson, secopded Moore, which carried. “Tk.*nt the appgaicatisn be approved aubject to and upon the following terms and csndttions- First- That the institution be always operated as a REST HOSPITAL onxy, and not for the care or treatment of tub- ercular, mentally deranged, feeble minded, alcoholic or narcotic addicts or as a general hospital. Second- That plana and specifications be submitted for C ounci 1 approval . Tkiird- To co-operatie with any future development of Minne- h&a Creek as may be undertaken by the Village ~f Edina ~2 the E&inneapalis Park. Board, Fourth- Agreement to give without cost to Village of Edine, land lying on what would be the East one half of Park Avenue, for mad purpoms, sufficient to provide full tridth street. .. At-+&-- Recorder Moore presented tke following proposed ordinance on-ZOlJIMG, An ordinance regulating and prohibiting the construction, moving and cost of buildinga in the Village of Edina, md providing a penalty for’ the violation thereof. The Village Council, of the Village of Edina do ordain as follovrs: Section 71. No building shall be constmc%ed, built, or be extended as to its butside dimensions or moved upon any land in the Village of $!dim without a permit having first been issued therefor as proviCed herein, Section 2, Any person desiring a permit for any building within the limits of this village shall file his application therefor with the Village Recorder on a form to be provided by the village, togather with a copy of the plans and specifications of the proposed building. Every application for a penflit sball be accopmlied by a fee of two dollars, whfck; s&tJ.l be refunded to the applicant in CREW the permit Is not isaued. The Recorder shall issue suck: pemiL when he has satisfied himself that the proposed building confoms or will conform in ab1 r3spects to olb regulations of the Village of EdPm, provitleci (a) that pending the adoption of a zoning ordinance as provided undet tke pro- vision~ of Chapter b76,Seasion Law of Minnesota, 3929, and at3 approved By the electors of the Village at a special election held for that purpose on Eay 14, 1929, for the puspoae of reg- u;ating tke location, size, use, md height of buildfnga, the arrangement of buildings ondots, and the density of population, \ In the Village gmd to-provide- diyferent- districtb. for the purpose of carrying' out th'e tiforesaid ksgiilatiohs, nr0 permit skiall be ispued'excepf upon unan5.moua apgrovaZ' - of the Village Council.;'- fb) also- providing that pending the adoption of the'%ifokesald ordinanck no- pernit; shall be issued for the construction, 'buildin$, - mbving; or ex- tending tfie outside dimensions of any building for other - than a reaidential purpose upon any lmd in the Village except on land boarding on the following street, to ai%: France @enue,from %9th Street to 50th Street and also that no permit skia3l be issued for any residence or build- ing intended for residence pu~poses, t1.o Teaeonabbe erjtim- ated coat of which aha13 be less -I %ban -- $3,500.00, -I"- -- SectZon 3. AS1 ordinancea or parts of ordinancea in conflicf, heretrlhth are hereby repealeda ...... Section 4, .Any pera3on violating any provision of thia a fine of not less than $25,00 nor more than $lQO.OO, gluo costs of prosecution, and in defaul€ of'payment of such fine and costs may be-imprisoned until such fines and casta are paid, but not to exceed 90 dayso The word person a8 used in this ordinance and in this section shall include fims and corporations. Seetion This ordinance shall be effective from and after it passage and .- - publicatibon - __ ~ according .- to lave . ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishab2.e by !l?he vote being upon th3 adoption of the Resolution nherefn there were four ayes' and no' nays as fo~loms- Noore Aye, VS11son Aye, EcGuire Aye, ReImann Aye; - Whereupon President NcGuire declared the resolution duly adopted and so orderede -. .~ .- Bo further business to cone before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at bl,b5 PN. Village, Recorder. f C c t