HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290608_REGULARc Minutes of the rcgular.meeting of the Council of the'village of Edina, held on June 8th. 1929, a% 8 pgl, in Grange h'all., West 50th Street & Wooddale Ave. .The ,roXl on being called found a31 members of the Council. present except Presfdent' EBcGufre, *hereupon Trustee Reimann moved Trustee Prescott, serve as. President Pro Tern, carried. Nr Fishrnan and Ir-'Lungrai'n, addressed the Council with reference to nuch needed atreet*worh and culverts at 63rd and Virginia, ala5 Ry& and Parnsll,' by common consent the matter was re- ferbd to Road Committee, Nr J. E. Garvey, and others were'preaent md requested in- formation vfth reference to the proposed Reat Boapftal to be bu2lt at 55th and Ximehaha Creek. Some discusafon was held arid the CounciZ'n letter to those promoting tho projeet w,a8 read and which seemed to both cover md satisfy all present. Mr Earry C, Harnaen and Hans c' Banrsen also,addrsssed the Counci3.i with reference to road kork fn their neighborhood and also offered to convey to the Village for road ~UT~OS~Q land Poard- ing in arid along their groperty. After discussion it wa8 agreed Trustee Willson would arrange Coo road work with Street Conmissioner and that Recorder attend to details with reference to transfer of property for road purposes. .. -. The Road bills aa follows upon being found correct were upon . motion Reimannp seconded WflLson, be a11ow8d and ordered paid carried. I Street Comiaaioner 165 Ers tzactor lab08 143. BTS tractor labor 179 Brs hbor with team 183 Hre labor with team 175 hra r'oad labor 183 hrs road labor 71 hrs road labor 123 hrs Park labor Tot& $128. EO 115.50 98r 70 161elQ 164.70 78e75 82.35 31.95 55.35 $916.50 The Xfacellmeous bills upon due examination and being found correct were on motion Reimann, seconded M,llson, be allowed and ordered paid, carried, They are as follows Trac.tor repair parts $21.20 Tractor repair parts 15e7b Labor repairs on tractor 21,28 Zoning ordinance work 200 42 100 loads road gravel 200 00 74 loads road gravel 18e50 Clerk Spl. election 4e20 Clark Sgl. election 4.20 Judge Spl. election 4.28 Judge SpL eleation 4.29 Judge Sp1. ahaction 4e20 Spa officer sp%, election ;ind arranging booths 7.00 May Street lighting 395062 Groceries for poor 17.5'7' Ilardware 3.15 Sewer tile 3068 Labor on tracings 200mOO Services Bealth Officer 55.00 Tract or part 3.25 Bdge permit books 12, QO Office supplies 80 Office suppliea 1.35 Grader blades b6.25 Services Police officer 40eOO Services Police officer 40.00 Half year rent less Gdv. 22,50 Gas & Oil. for tractor 27.90 Salary President June 386.00 .-. Salary Treasurer June Sahaxy Recorder June Salary Trustee June f 'Salary Trili3tf;ee June Salary Trgastee June Tot32 -. - , I - **.. ,. . . . . . _.-. A letter unde;r: date of JMe 3rab 1929"fron* W; Lb-Clask;- kdilred'sed to thb -Reeorde%, was read ad"t7hl'ch complain-ed or hi&- v&ter" in the smlf- lake boarderfng his propertye' I Ori mation' Reiaknin; seconded Conrmun9es%ion from Kiss Iforan, with refbrence' td Coimcilrs interpretatiop of fomer le%ter was read and after dfacussfon.-Rec'orde~ *as directed tb advfse' Eiaa Elioran, {"l!hat.t; 'C~mciX'febli~ conditdonb' as--skt. forth' In 'better Cky %5tL 1929, are Tn accord with first' request tct" operate a Res%'Hscpftal ad cannot change without re-opening the entire matter, A letter fro= Ei8n Kennedy 8s otmer of bend on France Avenue near 46th Street# was read adsing as to what kind of a buildipgmfght .be erected thereon, and if 72 feet frontage would pemft of a 4 plex. On notican Reinam, seconded Willson, Recorder be instructed to advise a duplex only would be permitted on a 50 foot 108, whfch MQUX~ have to be set back to line up with ather building8 in %be ne%ghborhood, carried Trustee Sfillson weved,. seconded by RBimann, that Recorder write Recorder of Village of St Lou;i;s Park, authmizing %hem on account of the Village of Edina, to oil and scarify \Test 44th Street, from the East EEdfna - St Lousi Park Line, 'li'eat to Highway bridge, Farried, II Eoore, -. . be. - refered to Village .. - Attorney ,... --.*..-- Xr Strong, -. carried. - .. f" I In the ma%ter of building pernits ta bs issued under Zorihg ordfmcs, RQCOS~~F was instructed to return check seat in payrnensl for-private Cale, for the .realJon Erosk has' started before Zoning Ord%nance becme effectiveP . The application of D.P,NcGufrx to construct a Vegatab3.e Stand on Lot 7 North and East of Eden Prairie Road, *was on motion Wi11son,, seconded Reimam, approved. Appllbcation of Gust Johnmn, to erect 8 two story stucco house a% 4905 Arden-Aye, the saet having been approved by Thorpe Bsokhers, was like wise approved, by A,Ei,Djhlberg, atn46Q7 Bruce, was likenfae approvedo ' Applf c ati on Joseph Smutney to build a private garsge rear his hone on Sumit AveQ also approved. Check was received by Recorder from B,J,A",asebin, Justice of the Peace, as Villwge share in Court ffnea up to Nay Istv and mounting to @3Qp30 which K'EZS turned over tu Village Treasurer. garage permit by Geo I ApglSca$ion for permit to bFiIct a private garage It was moved Reimam, seconded Willson* *ha$ Recorder be instructed to issue. Pire Works Licenses, carried, No further business to cone before the meeting, motion ts adjourn' carried XL45 PUTv Village Recorderc r .. ..