HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290914_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on September 14tb, 1929 at 8 PN in Grange - EaZl, West 50th Street and Wooddale Ave. *. .. The Poll on 'being called found all members of the Comc%X present except President UcGuire, vihemupon Trustee Willson moved and Tmatee RsimamJ seconded the motion that Trustee Preacott 5erve as President 220 Tern Carried. Bfoffarer Bureau t~P$hi.;.bh~, request XPS Pdartfhi?; ~ b%Te of Albert gartine, be ales placed at tho-hunty' Farrh'at the- expenbe' 6ff' tke VZlbsge of Edina, after discussion it vtm mo+red ReSmann, neconded 'bYilfson, be refereta to Village Health Officer for his $ecommendatisn, carried, President XfeGubPe arrived a% "chis point and assumed tbe chaimmshig of %he meeting. A Xr Hooper,5920 Beard Avenue South, appeared before the Council with request Beard lhvenue between 59th and 60th Streets be Mproved ad which mm refered to the President for what attention he'might think best,' Zr V7,5,Code, appesTed before the CouncSX with the request Grove Sere& be Graded 80 that road would be passa%le, which on mo%ban Prescott eeconded. 13il.lsan, be refared to Road and Bridge Committee, The Road bills,sa fallows were on motion Prescott, seconded by Wiblson, be allowed and ordered paid, carriedo -i _I -*I.. -I *- ~ -1- -_ 4 1. .,. A,X%SS 'Ldb and' ~.Z&SB S&Xkabiiiy; *'&~p&&~?&K-i~'~%Bb- n&ie 9F FmZ&y I Q t. carried, , i Brmk Roberts, 112 hrs labor wlibth tern 8 90,d j Prank Roberts, 46 hrs road labor @ 458 B, Izemple, 144 hrs road labox. 0 45p Lo Taplfn, 2.68 h~o road labor 0 45p JP H, Snavley, 200 hrs Park labor @ 45g Jo Collins, 198 hss Road labor-@ 45p J, Tracy, -187 hrs Road labor '271th team 0 9OP A, IYebber, 818 hrs tractor operator 0 70g' SaJ.30bert.s, 226 hrs tractor opersfior 0 70/t \Va S, Joy, 2x7 hrs Street 'Cummissioner @*70# Joe Faus%gen, 43 hrs 0 $1.5U ( r'ent''of 3quiprhen.f;) Robert Schult~~ 39 .hrs Labor- wlith. team @' $L 00 ?Yo T. Eughes, 62 hrs Blsdeman'O '76 and. 90# J, A, %e&yi, ?6 lira Fareman 8 90$ ,John Shank, *54 hrs Dumpman @62$ and T5# Cap1 Prieg, 72 hre Tract;or aperatyr: 8 75 arid SO# S, E, Pahe, 46 hrs labor wi%h truck 0 $1.50 E. E, Soderberg, 43 hrs labor with truck 8 $X.sQ Hubert Jusoltra. Labor with &ruck 46 hrs 0 $L,50 . .. The following rniscellameoua bill8 were on bojlng found correct% were 011 mo'trion Reimann, seconded TVillson, be ahlone& and ordered ~ paid carried, They are &B follow% / I Xinneapolis G,E,Cr>, August Btseef; lighting -843.2e 12 E.Y+Barri~ .Gas for tractiore & graders - 439.81 Edina Grocery Groceries for poor (Xevzburg) 26* 98 , Hinneapolia >lu?e print co B/P Village Plats 1ae37 Dr Le Me Canbell Serfkcea Eealth Officer 5, QO 1 S$eueason 8 Esrdzare Tar and brush 2,oo I!/, F, Garvey Road tools 6 supplies 108 49 2* Oslmd CO Blscksmfthfng 6-55 Alexander & Bradley Engtneering Etemfc es &2* QO Thompson Lumber Co Posta and Planks 20 23 Landers, Xarriaon Christ, Co Road Surfacing (315 yds) 465.00 I.?Sille2-Bavia cae Office suppbies e 90 Hemepin County Hevlew Publf ahed. Not ic es 15e.30 Ells8 Clatzs Johson Road gravel (30 loads) 5'050 Lyle Culver% & Rd Eq CO, Road Culverts 39'?,21, Pioneer hbr Ebevo CO, Lumber hbQ 99 hf*C,.Uden Work on Village tracings (fba1)40,08 Te OaLmd CO 'Blgcksmithing 3,235 . .. I JOB, fieirnann TsusQee Salary September $25 . 00 Ben Be Moore Recorder Salary Septep'er 60000 CuFe Presa~tP, Trustee $alary September ? 25 QO Ges A. Willson Trustee Salary Septernber 25. QO Ye Je Dugga Treasufer Salary September 25 a 00 D.F.WCGUiFe President Salary September 35aOO Totab $1,741,74 -- The bibls of Ld.,2Ro Bbsckbuq~ Ad H.ReBass, for $40,OQ act $5Q.80 ~eapectfally 3'02 'ipolick 8e-e'rvftes were 'on motion Relmmn, sec~nde d Pseacott, b3 allowed and ordered paid carriede 13111 of 'C;R.Boesama, for trimming trees in Country Blfub DistrSct for $140000 was on motion Preecott seconded Willson, bo allowed .. < md ordered paid C~T%e?de t I I 1 ? 3!tal expenditure for Septeabsp &,639e 40 Recorder the followiiig reeolutioa i Vhereas, by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepfn County in Book 956 of deeds, page 332# there was conveyed to the Village of Edias certain premises described in said deed 8s fa'lllovra: 5 -located in said County of Bemepin, State of EiIinneasta, I "The Easlt thirty (38) fee% of the Southwest Quarter (SE4) of the Northeatrt $uar%er of Southesst Quarter and the South half ef the Northwest Qtoarte~ of the Northessjt Quarter of the Southeast Quaarte~r of Section 18 (181, Tosrrwship Twenty eight (28), Range Twentyfour (24)gf0 . And Vhereas, it; was the intention of the parties Lo said deed to convey to the Village of %din& only the fellswirig deFjczlibed gremiwm: Y'2The Past thirty ($0) feet of $he Southq.&mt Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Seutheaat Quartel: ofSee"bisz Xighteen (IS), Township Twenty-eight (281, Range Twenty-fhur (241, and the East-thirty (30) feet-of the South half of Mort;h.wst Quartear, of IJorthemt Quarter of Southeast Quarter of' eedd Section 18, Township 28, Range 24": Bow Therefore, be It resolved by %he City Council of the Village of Edina that %ti order to correct and make qlem the description in the above described deed, the President and Cl~rk of the Village: be and they are hereby authorized and . directed. to execute in the navne of the Village of Edins, under its corporate sed, a quit.cladm deed for a, consideration of #l.,OO to Mary E. Arine, of the following described premises situated in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, t o-wi't : "The South haaf of the Northwest Quarler of Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of 8ectSsn E$&%egn (I$), Township Twenty-eight (281, Range Twenty-four (341, except the Eaaaterly thirty (30) feet thereof kereta conveyed to the Village of Edina, fop madtray purpose^^^, and to deliver said deed upon said consideration to Mar? - E A~fnse I The motion was upon the adoption of the reaolutfon wberein there were five ayes and no nays mi followp, McGufre Aye, Prescott &re,. Vilbaon Aye, Refmcmn, Aye, Moore Aye, and so ordered. 25 Application of D.S,Cbatfield fox' building pernit fal"'k1ouae locza%ed on lets 12 13 13 block 14 $a%nmy Sectfan' CCB, wab approved, on motion Reimam, seconded %?il130r1, and ca~rfed. Ap?plication of. HmiSton ConatFrlic%;ion for buflding pernit for house 4315 Bromm,LLs Avenue, Brom Sec-tion CCD, 1788 Sgproved on mo%fon Reeimmn, aeconded Y?ilZsons md carried. Application of EsV.Earrfs, for permit to ssdd a tempolra&$lem- to to prenenl store bufldfng, ,on lot 50 Aud8%sr9a Stab, 175 ,for u3e aa EL tempo?%;sy Oil Statfan Office, mas grasl%sd upon express condition same was to be taken down' Jun~ EE%. l93Q. by motion Reimann, seconded V%llson, wld carried. Application of Hdinneapolis Gas Light' Company; to lay main& in Vfilage of Edins, North of Mr;t 44th Street and between Efghway #5 and Wooddale Avenue, was on motion Wilson, be gaeiagltedl subjec$ to, estaljlfshed grades, seconded by Reimam, which carried, .. ., I Tmske Reiman, offered the folloving motion Q TEiZEE??ORB, be it resolved 'by %he Council of the Village of Edina, %ha% i% is the sense of %his Council %hat any person or persons, vho have bzen found guilty 02 havfxq violated an ordfance of this Village 13y faiaing to seep relief and rewilission of ~luclz Pines and costs nbfch may have bzen imposed upon then. c before entex5ng said intersection 8halX be gsmn jus% a copy of this resobu2;- Jugth3 of the B@8C8, Conto on page 26* Cont. Prom page 25. 26 The minutes of regularmesting held on August 10th. and spec- ial meting held on August 319th. were read and approved 88 mad, on motioii Villson, seconded bimszann, which carriedr The Recorder refered to the inadequate lighting of the Village tool shed and that the tractor Q~~E&OX*S verz handicapped far tihe rrant of sufficient lighking in their care and upkeep of the village tractor, wher62n it vas moved Willsen, seconded %imam Recorder be empowered to arrange for hecessaxy %%ring and to sign contract ;.rim Ninnoapolfs GE Company for current by and in behalf of the Village, which carried. No further businerJs Lo come before "chis meeting, motion to aaj oum camied at- 11.48 PN. * 1 I c Village &cordere Receipts for meeting held on September 14th, Qy fiecorder. and turned over to Treasurer, %ere as PO~~OITJB. .. t I.