HomeMy WebLinkAbout19291012_REGULARme rueetie m8 called to order by President EcGuire af%ero
Vbich %,he r003.1 vas called and all memnbers,oaf the CounciZ rnz found to be presento
A delegati~n of' proper$y owners living in and along France lave about 45th to 49th Streets Qcra preaent in regard to protestim
against tho erection of duplex house on lot 5 Count7 AuditiOzts
Subo 1720 Xiss Kennedy and others. &$e2 cofisidemble discusrshn it mas
moved Villson 1) seconded %harm, application for duplex on a,%ove lot be rejected by Village Council, carried unaniwousZy~
After discussion regarding Guard mi1 or? Interlacken b%&, 5% ma
moved Td11ssn, seconded Reimam, that I?pproxiria-iMy 8 %otal of
750 feet be installed at %he curye ma2 Interlacken Club and at the Kc33ellfn curve and that vrork be arrardsd to E& Daniel Pflillipj?~
0 22$$ per 900% 'basis of being done as per State Standapd, carried
hong those k aard ma EP T7cGIVeld%, Clifford S Bmden
The plo3lowing Road bills upon due examination and being found correct, mre upon motion Fkimann, seconded PrescoQt , be allwed
and ardexed paSd, carried.
TI. Sa JOY Street Commissioner LOO hrs 0 YO$ $70 e 00
SeJeRsberts , Tractor opera%or 172 hrs 0 YO$ lZOe40
A. ?Bbbe~ Tractor opemtor 272 It 120 . 48
Jq Tracy Za'bormfth tern 76 It 11 90@ . 68.40
3% Ikmplb Road labor 8 If It $1 3.68
31 Bo SmW?ly, (I -
cp Re &sorana, Tree fJcrimmitig 158 hrs 0 $X.S0 958.00
5, Collins Road labor 60 hrs 0 4% . I 27000
Pa& la'bpr 30 If 13e50
Totaal . *$ 58lC38
&e follsning miscellaneous bills upon due exminatfcm and being fOund cospreciti, vers on rao%ion Preacot%, seconded 17illson, be al-
Lor7ed and ordered paid carpied. .+
Gas Tor tractor ')46.TZT Street Paving Repairs 238 e s5 Prints from Village Tracings 3.34 %%ring tool houao 20.45
~Publ isbe d Eo it c e r.20
4e e trical supplies 7093
Lwnber" for Fencing 2.02 Office supplfsa 50 50 Groceries POP poor 17eS Police services inc Auto 20000 PoZice services inc Auto 20000 Oilingr scaxeelng 17 48th Sdc 139.60 &ad gmvel delivered 196038
Haspdvasei3 supplies 7e20 &ginees?ing semices 15.00 IboPing paper pi: suppliea 5. I3
Halifax Ave 765088 Salary PrsaidenL 35800
%%taxy Treasurer 25aOO
Sal- %corder 60 00
Salamgr Tmstee 25006
Salary Trus.tee 25000 Salam Trustee 25080
Laying siddwalks as per com-
Lmct on \? 44th, Xerxes and
Application of Efnneagolis Gas Light Company to extend Gae Psafzlrs in block 14 in and along private pmpea'ty, vas reed and on motion &bann be placed on file, seconded by Premott, carriedo
A commieation f~am Ee A, B. Zielko, Secy of Countrg Club Astsn. staeins khat at it recenk meeting of that Aesocia%ion, suggestion
was made vith reference 'co placing safety signs along Vest SQ-bb. Stmet as au'co travel rras very fasto On motion KOOPC $' Eteconded
8 \ By 'dl?lllson a President appoint committee to investigate and report at next Council meeting, carried. ?,Bereupon President XcGuiPe 'appointed Trustees Reimann and jPrewxtte
3or the corning Village ELectfsn to be held on Beeernbe2 -the Council on motion Reimann, seconded Villson I appointed such men- Bers of the Council as could serve and. not othervise interested in the election, as Judges and Clerks of &leetion, carried.
A conmunication was read'frorn Secy Eanna, of the ?Iinnlietonk,;a h- provenent Asan. stating the Village Cou-ncfl were entitled to five members on the Corirmittee of 100 for the paving of Highmy #12,
\?eat of f,inneapolis to mgzata. Fecs~der was instructed to advise Secy Hanm, giving names an& addresses of the Council rnernbem as thoae ivho would serve on above Committee.
AppXicatioa of Northwest Eel1 Telephone Company fm pexmission to erect pole~l, lines and anchora at France Ave and 59th S$e l'pl@, West 52nd St between Piaxifax Be France Ave b pole,. and Xerxss
Ave South south of Vest 60th St., 2 ~6188, vas on motion Willson second Reimann, be granted I carried. !the matter of dividing the Village now cornprieing one election district, into several. election districts, mm diacusaed at len-
gth. appoint a Committee to imes2igate and goprt at a special mee'cirg to be called later, casscied. President appointed Trustee Prescott and Trustee VilXson, on this Committee.
After which it iva3 moved Moore,2nd l%ilimm, that President
A communication from County Eighfvay Engineer regarding damages to oiled roadm-by tractors- with lugs wawread, The Recorder being iriatmcted to advise County Highway Engineer Bfir Duckett, that
the Council would co-operate in every way and to learn the bee% w@a for doing 68. - --- ,
Letter under date of October 1st. from Dr Loorell M, Campbell,
ViI3.ebge Bealth Officer, was read in the matter of Mrs Martine,
whom the Family Welfare Bureau, had suggested be placed at the County Farm at the expersflie of this village, The opinion of
Dr Campbell being in accord with all rnenbera of the Council, it
was deemed advisable to let the matter drop.
A Quit Claim Deed by William E, Code and Blanche C. Code, husband and wife, John Hagburg and Jo~sphfns Bagburg, hueband and wife, quitclaiming and conveying to the Village of Ehina, for road
pur 0886, the Eortki ten (10) feet sf lots One (1) and twentyfour
(247, Block One (1); TRe North ten (10) fee& of lots One (I) and twelve (12)' Block Two (2) arid the North ten (lo) feet of Lots One (E) and Twelve (121, Black Three (31, all in Caries Highview
Park, fvaw offered, whereupon Trustee Reimann offered the following
\WEMAS, Nr Willim E. Code and otbera batre delivered to the Village Recorder, a Quit Claim Deed to the north ten
feet of Lots one and twentyfour in Block One, the North
ten feet .of ,Lot8 One arid Twelve in Block Wo, and the North ten feet 63 Lgbto'Ons and Twelve in Block Three, all in Codes Bighviea Paark, in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, aceording to plat thereof on file in tkie office of the Register Q$? Deeds of said County. - AND WFJBAS* said conveyance is made for the sols purpose
that the land so conveyed shall be accepted, used and de-
dicated for general road pUrpoE3eBe
THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Vilbage Council of the Village of Edfna, accept said property on behalf of the
Village of Edina, subject; to the hbove mentioned provision,
The vote being upon the adoption of the Resolution wherein
there were five Ayes and no N~ys as fellows, McGuire Aye,
Willson Aye, Prescott Aye, Reimann Aye, Noore Aye, and so ordered.
Cont. on page 29. ..
The matter of spreading the assessments for new sicietctalk con- struction built during 1928, was presented by the Recorder- tagather with $n itemized liet a.sl prepaired by Alexander &
Bradley, Village Engineers and covering the fallonfag prop-
erty, t o-vt t :
On the Bent side of Xerxes Avenue South, between 55th
and 56 th St re eta, ,lots 1- 2- 3-?- 8- 9; 10- 11- 12-13- 14&15
Block 4 Seeley’s 1st. Addition.
Gn be East side of Halifax Avenue South from West 50th.
Street, Lots 41-$2-51-52-53&54 in County Auditom Sub l.72.
On the Horth Bide of West 44%h Street, from Coolidge to
Edackey, Lets 12 in block 8, Lot 11 in Block 9, and Lot
13 in block 8, in Browndale Park Addition,
Tiereupon Trustee Willson offered the following Resolution-
YhereiLa, - Public sidewalks have been petitioned for, constructed
and paid for out of monies Prom the General Fund of the Village of Edina, during the year 1929, in and along West 44th Street from Coolidge to Mackey. Avenuea,. in and along Halifax Avenue
South of \?es&’SQth Street, and in and along Xerxes Avenue,, ketneen 55th and 56th Streets.
Annl?hh, upon due eaxatnfnatisn the amounts as shown by the record of special assessments to* be aSReS8ed as eke cast of
-staid improvementn is found to be fair and correct in each in- stance.
Therefore & resolved, by the Council of the Village of
Xdina, that the Village Recorder on behalf af said Village, file trith the County Auditor of Hennepin County, statement of unpaid sidevalk assessments of the year 1929, with i@teres% a& 6 per cent per annum from the date the improvement waz8 em-
,p9:e%ed to the first day of June 1930, to be transmitted to the County Treasurer for collection and payment thereof according
tQ I&brJo
The vote being gpon the stloption of the Resolution nherein it vas found to be five Ayes and no BSYB in favor ~f the adoption
8s fallows- 19cGuire Aye, Prescott Aye, Willson Aye, Reimmn
I Aye, Zoore Aye, and so ordered,
a4pplicatfon of Bo A. Goetze, for Building pernit for house on
Lot 5, Block 11, Brovm Section CCD, was onmotion &xhanri, seconded by Villsm, Iiie-gkanted, carried,
house of Frank E, Amstrong, on ten acre plot of NB% of NW+ of Section 19 Tot-mahip 28 Range 24, 17aa on motion Prescotti, second-
ed by Reimam, be granted, carriedp
A-gpZicati~~~ for to VIJXC~ old building and sebuildlifor a chicken
fieceipts since laaP; meeting by Recorder and turned over to Vil- lage Treasurer 27ere as follow
Go BumEul, Plumbing permit 4205 \‘lest 49th St $5,75
4616 *Ssomdale * 6.25 Richard8 P2Urnb. CO If n
‘I 4603, Su.nnys&ds 6e5Q E. A. %%i,lsP, son It
I?, M.Amstrong VI ” l?E$ of aVi& X9-28024 2.00 3, A, Goefze milding permit 4609 XoorWnd 2,QO
Total $22.50
No further buainess to come before the meeting, ‘motion to ad-
journ carried l1,35 Pm,
Village Recordere