HomeMy WebLinkAbout19291109_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of at 8 PM in Grcnge Ball, West 50th St., le Wooddale the Village of Edina, held on November 9the -1929, . Avenue , The meeting was called to order %y President ?&cGuise, the' roll was. called and all membere'of the Council were found to bo present. Xra. Lillian We Snyder, 368 Ridgewood Ave, Minneapolis, was in waiting and addressed the Council with reference to zoning rea- tsictions she would prefer as the owner of about 66 lots along France &venue, 57th to 58th Streeta. Nrts Snyder waa adBised definate zoning restrictions were not as yet determined, and that it would perhaps be gdviaable for-her to appear before +the Zoning Comalasian later, .. Meseers' Lockwood and Hasnsen, living in Brookside AWiIAon8 appear- ed before the Council with reference to drainage ditch along Cleveland Avenue. After discussion $t was agreed' and arranged that present ditches be cleaned out, culverta lowered and what- ever else necessary to provide seasonable storm water Grainage, President to oversee the job, < Xr Gust Johnson, as owner of lot-'5, Auclitot's Sub 172,,appaasod with his attorney Mr Philip Philipjps; requesting Council' to recede its action taken at October 12th meeting, and grant a permit to build a two story duplex on said lati After considerable dis- cussion Xr Johnson -agreed to- see property owners on both sides of lot 5, with idea of working-out;an amicable settlement of the matterwhich if successful to be refered back to the Cpuncil, Minutes of--meeting hhd on September J4th, were read and approved, NinuLea. of meeting held on Octovcr 12th, were mad and, approved a8 amended, Recorder having omitted the resolution offered by Trustee Reimann, for Village to accept deed offered by 8. E, Cede and others to North 10 feet of land for public Thad pusposea of ~ lots k an? 24 in block Ap lets 1 and 12 in block 2, an@ lo$a b ad 12 block 3, all in Code'er Bighvietv Park Addition, The following miscellaneous hills upon due examination and being found correct t743re on motion Prescott, oecsnded &,imam, be all0l;ired and ordered paid, which carried, Cam's Peed Q Seed Stoze, Lyle Culvert; &s Rd Eq Co Lyle Culvert h Rd Eq Co Ro1lfns:Smd & Bdg B3.k Co Rennepin County Thompson Lumber Co I Miller-Dagis Company Minncapolts G.3, Company Edina Hardware City of Ninneapolis- Wenqepin County Review C. R. Boorsma Edina Grocery W;" F. Gravcy E. V, Ham*fa I Be;? Bm Moore Lath. $1. 00 Road signs 29e40 Road culverta 89.60 Road Gravel deliyered 127 28 Poor Pam Servics 65,OO Lumber for Sqow fence 15eOO Office aupplieq 20. OS October street lfghting 402,12 .Road supplies . 20 35 One half coot filling BC crowning W 54th €k France 182.60 Published Matice .$,BO Labor trimming. trees CCD 19mQO Groceries for poor 13d24 Road arupplies 7.56 Gas & Oil Tor tractor ~ 320 81 t F$es- advanced for recoqd- ing deeds . . 2,90 Trustee Salary November 25. QO Treasurer's SaMW Xoyember 25, QQ Belhnry President November 35,OQ Trustee Salazy November 25.00 Trustee Salary November 25, OQ Salary Recorder November 6Qe 00 Total IdiSClm $a,,zo9,7h The Road bills upon due exmination and heing'found coirect were on inotlan Prescott, seconded Willson, be~~gaPbsakdband ordered paid, and carried are as. follows- Continued on page 31. Park Labor $45 * 45 Labor with team 14.40 r Road labor $25, BQ Road labor 67.50 Labor 175th team 135 . QQ Tractor oper.aCo2: 91eOQ Tractor operator 96,60 I Stre€?% COElEliSBfOne3? lcJL t Total. Road. 1ahoa:--$58Ze95 The mattes 02 Annual Village ElecLjion to be held on the firkt Tuesday after the first Monday in Decembes.as psgvided, next came before, the Coum?c%l, After discusslion it t7as moved Reimmn, seconded Pr:eeccat%, that George A. Wlfnon, J.LoRutlodge and J.T,DeXaYtey, be named Jud&?.s of Election, andithat Harry Bansen and Ben Bo XOB’PF?, be named Clerks of Election, carried6 President EScGu$re announced- he- ~~as* ready, sifh the advfce and . consent of the Council, to name”the-Zonfng Commission and sub- nitted a 118% givi of Edina, be would propose, whereupon the following reso’b- utian, L ?VIiEREAS,.under the authorttz given by Chapter 170 178 of the session lam foar 1929 of the State bf Ninnesota, it is possible for villages to avail themselves of’the ’power t’a draw up a conprehenszve plan fsr said village and to zone a’ccordirigly to’safd: plan after sub- mitthg the matter to others of the village, and I -- . .I V&XREAS, the matter of adopting such a plan t7a~ submitted to the voters of the Village of.Edine, Minnesota, at an election held on I’lEEX’BAS, the v~ter~ of, said village did approve the question sub- a%%ted at such elec%ion and therefore the provSsion.of Chaptes 3.76 are in effect;, and. ‘r WEE~AS, the Viilage Counc$.ba of the Village of Edina, Unnesota, is of the opinion that the probaem of drawing a comprehensive pLzm fdr the village and the drafting of the proper ordinance in %he matter of zoning is of vital imprtance and in osdm that this malter,be handled by a nqn political bodys ROW TFZREFORE, be it resolvcd’that there shall be and is liereby created a Zoning Cornissfon of tWelGe members and bro ex officio =embers and, BX IT TBlW31?Omp that the follorzing named citiaene of the Village of Edina are hereby appointed to said ZONfH‘G CO&~ISSEQN: E62: George IY. Strong, EGr George A, Kingcley, EHr Fred K YIiTleon, Mr Le H. Fletcher, Xz! H, D, Rmggez?, Mr C. E. Chmce, PJr Alex Bar~e,~ A, F, Ca~l.str~~i, Nlir J, T. Jones, Mr V. H. XacXeil, J, To Delaney, and E. T. Rmrnuesen, as members- and President DoF,P~cGufree and Recorder Ben Bo Noure, of the Village Council, as ex offies members; to draft such plans and orafances-they think best and to submit sane to the Village Council of the Vfllage of Edfna, fss approval.. Recorder Xoore moved the adoption of tke res0lu%isns seeandsd by Tms(tee Willson. os the resolution wherein there were ffve ayes and no n%’a folkom; EcGuSre Aye, Prescott Aye, Willson Aye, Reimann Aye,+ Mmre Aye, and SQ ordered, The matter of insufficient street lighting South of tbe Tbodda3.e Avenue bridge as rrell. as on. Sunnyslde road near East Village Iirnib was discussed at length,AfSe* which Trustee Prescott movsd, secumded by, \“JlZscn, that a ZOO CP street ligbt be installed approxfnately 160 feet south of the Wooddale Avenue bridge and the present li&~Ji; on Sunnyside Road at East Village limits be changed tc a 400 CP l%ght,, Eecorcier to oign application and contract on behalf of tke Village, cnrri ed, . tfie 14th day of Nay 3.929, and \ The vote being upon ‘the adloptian I t .. I Continued on page 32, 32 \ d In accord with an old established cuslorr, by V%kkage7Councils. of the Vilhge of ,Edina, Tmstoe Prescott moved,. seconded by \Yilbson, that begining with the December meeting, that the 'came J of starting ~~Il&~e,'Co~an~iI-z$les-t,ahw~. b~ fixed at- 2 PUP carriedp 'Trustee Prescstt, RB chaH'mm of the comanittee* 'appointed tt, in- vesfiigate and recommend iri the Matter 0% creating seireral voting districts. in the Village of Edina, stated ke-wats ready to report, and that as it would be neces-eary to gfre six (6) weeks notice: of any change, sufficient time was not at hand In which to make any changes or divisions befope the annual village electiont and suggested the matter be dropped for the time being, The Recorder preaented the manneT in which the special assesmanta for 8ani"cary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Curb and Gutter in FaianPlay Sec- tion, Cunrty Club Dfr;trici, had been handled in the pest.md asked Councilb's direction as to how the proposition should be handled fn the future, After considerable discussion, Trustee Reimann offered the. following resolution- \WmAB, It appears that regular proceedure ha8 not been fellssed in the spreading of the special assessments for Sanitary Sewer, Sfom Selves, Curb and Gutter, for-said improvements in Fafr:vay Section, Country Club District, in the Village of Edine. TE?B?EFORZ, BE IT RESOLVED, by-the Village Council of the Village of Edhna, that the Recorder be and hereby is instructed to spread by October late in my year, any and all of such installments or payments which shall be due or payable on January lst, following, all of which is in accord with established custom and praceedure and with several resolutions by the Village Council of the Vila lage of Edina, pertaining thereto and adopted on October - -_ 23, 1924, Trustee Yillson moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Trustee Preleicott, fiesolution, wkersin there were five ayes and-no nnya- &e3 followah XcGuire Aye, Reimann Aye, Willson, Aye, Prescott Aye, Moore Aye, and RO ordered. . A cormtnunication dated October 18, 1929, from 0. Sb Glover, Supt, of schools for Xndepbndent l3ckibsl District #17, pkesen$Eng. a;rp queat from Sckiool Board( that NNlf Ed Port and Mr Walter Oxboro, be deput%z:ed special village polick officers in order that school property may be better protected, W~B reade On Inotisn Prescott, seconded Relmmn, requeat be granted Recorthr to administer necessary oath, carried. .I . .- Tke vote being upon %he adoption' of the . II d A request from Northwestern Bell lelephone Company, for pemission to place one anchor in West 50th. Street betvreen France Aye ad lialifax. Avenues, tvm an motion Reimann, seconded Preseott, be *grant e$, carried. A request from Mortktwestern Bell Telephone CoBp for permission to . place six poles and three anchose in Reat 56th Street between , Xsrses and Beard Avenue South, was on motion Pse~scott, seconded by Wiiblsora, he granted, carriede A request fam Northwestern Bell Telephone Cos#. for permission ,to excavate for underground conduits as follows- 1Q feet fron curb to prapesty line on North side West 58th Street between Arden and Bruce, 10 fee$ from curb to proper-l;y line on North aide of \Yes.% 58th Street west of Bruce md 4 feet at intersection sf France Avenue Botith and, West 54th Streets, was on rnstion Bematt, wee* ' onded by Relmanm, carried, A requeEst from Bortbtvestem Bell Telephone eo., fer perhiision to place 189 feet of 4'' conduit on VksL side of Prance Avenue at 'the intersection of West 50th Street; also 250 feet of 41t conduit acz"o8s the \%at half of France Avenue and in the boulevard on the north side of West 50th Street, to the second pole weat sf Branee Avenue, VJRR on motion Reimmn, seconded by Preacott, cnrrid Racfepts by Recorder since last meeting and turned over to the Village Treasurer were as f ollavm Continued on page 33. Thorpe Bros For repairs to streets CCD $78.35 J, P, Ass elin VAIlage portion Justice Cour% Pines 66.60 Fred Sampsan For sidewalk 3.0% 42 Co, Agdta 172 .220,73 39.200 35?3,48 : No further busizleas to cone before thls meeting motion to adjourn Young Fuel. co, For 3 klm u~e village tractor 9,oo Geo A, Kingsley ELnn eapo3. i &j G. E. C o For 13 krw yae of village tract& For repairs to streets in CCD trm 160,OL .. Total receipts carried at 1L55 BEI. F t \ Village ‘Recorder, t 1 r e t t t C t