HomeMy WebLinkAbout19291122_SPECIALA-iSPECIfi IdEEZZNG OF TEE COUNCfL OF TE?3 VILLAGE OF EDIITJA, VAS EELD AT TEE Ii0bE.E OB RECORDER MOOFiE ON TIZ EVENING OF BOVEMBIZR 22nd. 1929, FOR TEZ PURPOSE OF AUDfTXEG TEE BOOKS OF RECORDER AND TREASURER FOR PZRIOD DXCWBER 1st. 1929 TO DATE, The meeting was called to order at 8 BN by President XcGuire. The roll on being called found all members of the Council present except Trustee Prescott, who arrived later, The Financial Statement for cu”s_rentrqyear was presented by the ‘ Recor&or, as well a8 the Treasurer’s books. Upon due examin- ation it mas found the books of the Recorder and Tseaaurer were in accord and showed total receipts from a11 mume@ to be $29,!.32,01 tvhic?h included $Ip 49L84 cash deposit .,ia bank 8s of December 1st 1928. cash ~rt hand and in bank ,of $3# 055, Q4, \ Total disburaoments were $26,077,87 Zsazvirsg I NQ outstanding vr&mziants existing and with all current bills paid to date. On motion Trustee‘ Reimam, seconded Trustee Villson, report of Recorder and Treasurer be accepted and ordered publ&&ed, carried, Accordingly tke Annual Ffnahcial S$atembnt of the Village of Edina, VECS published in the official. newspaper of the village The Eennepin Couaty Review, hvchlaer 28th. 1929 issue, 4 I The resignation of P. DEthlgPen as Constable, was received and read; On motion %illson, geconded Reimann, be accepted, carried,* After discussion regarding the spreading of special assessments and papenta for Sanitary Sewer, Stoma Sewer, Curb B Gutter, in Fairway Section,. Countyr Club District, it was moved by Trustee Re,ixnann,j that Recorder and Treasurer be .authorized to accept e2 the 1929 Fairway assessment frqm Thorpe Bros., on same basis aa the 1928 assessment and payment, and not spread \vitki County Auditor, seconded by Willson, and carried.. Ne further buainesR to come before &e meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 10,20 PN, Village Recorder, . Detailed Binancial Stetement of the Village of Edina, with re- ference to Specis1 Assessments for Fairway Section, CCB, f~ year ending November 38th. 1929. i.. .* RECEXPTS November 21,‘ I929 county krearjurer $134.84 Emergency Fund 32. a8 I1 (I I* In .t; 552a1B Tborpe Brae,, Curb 8c Gutter, Princ. 1678,92’- Thorpe B~OBG Sanitary Se~tes, Print 994092 I8 If In t D. 329.47 1) It In t 564.69 Thorpe Broa, Stom Sewer, Princ 1710,65 Total m*r -. B~$~BIJRSEMEXTS ‘Nbvember 21, 1929 Nargarct; LThorpe, Cu.rb & Gutter, Bond 81500.@ Int. 551,23- It It Total. $54!?0CQQ \ VblXsge Reeorder