HomeMy WebLinkAbout19291214_REGULARThe Begulan' meting of the Council of the Village. of Zdina, vas held in Deeaaber Uth, 3-929 at 2 PI2 In Grznge Hall , Tes-b 50th Stree-b and :rooddale Avex~ue, a 35 I A surety co~pgl-iy bond Qy the Colm%ia. Casualit37 Conpany, as suretp in 'behalf of BUH.GiZkqy, -Justice of the Peace, in mount of 350OeO0 r:as offered, sWch on motion 'by Prescott, Betaccepted, secondedtby ',?illson and carriedo A surety coripaqy bond by the Couhbia Casuality Company, 2s surety in b&alf of Zen BL XooxJe, Village Recorder, in aolant of J:500e0@ vas offered, ad which on motion ??rescot%, Be accepted, seconded by I'iillson and carried* A Gheck rias presented from c.L-P. Brandies, in mount !')26.26 ~ tendered in paynent for the first payment of sfdemlk in sad along Lot 13, block 8, Erotmdale Par% addition, vhich on motibn Prescott , s6c onded '$illson, be accepted, as first pqyYnen%, no interest being chsrged, carried,, . % A letter r;w read signed by AeBeZSXkie, Secretary of the Gountzy C1u.b Assn. suggesting the advisability of a,rx'anging aith county Sheriff for a deputy sheriff for police duty in Xdiiia. The bcord-er stated he had investigzted the matter aid Gi~t such an aim?.ngersent could no% be made and rrotrld 172th Councilrs consent so advise ZIT Zilkie, The Recorda suggested hcving the .r7izole matter of ssseesments and pFyments for S%om sene^, Sznitary Set~er, Curb CC: Gutter in Bair-my Section, CCDs, cudited bj a comgetent and recognized municipal acc.omtant, and that a report be prepar~d and 'be sw.kxitted $0 the CounciJ, at an early date. After discussion it vas moved %y Villson, seconded Preacott, fiecor*der be mpower- ed to engage IlcLaughlin, Xoreen & Conrpay13t, f.Xnneapolis, on be- half of the Council, carried, - I Recwder stated tlie present equipment of his office tms not sfzfficienl or pzoper for filing and preserving village records - and suggested a, steel filing cabinel be procured, and %% YBA moved by Trustee Prescott, seconded -%y Trustee T#U,lson, khat Reconder be empowered to select and purchase a suiitable BLeel cabinet for Recorder izeeds, carried, Application of iTor.l;lzvresitern Bell. fileleiphone Company, for per= mission to erect 3 telephone pole'on Test 6End S$-&,Oakland Ave vas on motion Prescott , seconded, %.ll~~i1, 'be grari"cedr., carried, Application for building permits from John Austin, Em V.BeGarve,y HC Banson and PI BcdQlem, Villson, Be granted, carried* Reciekts l;rjr Recorder sirce last meeting aad turnsd o.rea? Lo %he Village Treasurer, vere as follow on motion Prescot't , cecondeci ~,~,Erandies, Siderrzlk Lot 13, Blk 8, Braimdsle $26* 26 Sacks-Eerkhoff , Plumbing permit, 4605 Eoorlqnd 6*50 Peter Hedblom, BuSZd-ing pemiy, Lo% 28, Blk, 3 Faime 20 00 Con% on page 3& 32.00 Karxy C . Hans en, Edg . p emit . t78rden Ac res 2.00 Korrls Trask, Bdg. pemit 4605 Iioorland 29 00 ChaB, T. Hay, Bag permit, Lot 13 blk 6 * 2. 00 H.GrStevens, Edg permit, Lot l?, B1k f, 2.00 'cr.P,Coog~r, Bdg. pemit, Greenhouse 2.00 piling fees of 5 candidates for village offices o $I.OO ea8 C .F.P~o~cot%, D.P.IIcGuire, Thomas wan, HaD*BY"uggeP aadl 'J'~ '"*P*Garv~, John Austin Jr, Bdg. permit, E 50 ft. of N 318 EIenlshaRd. 2e0Q permit, Lot 9 Elk 22,Pairfax Add, Carl &io Hudson, Edge permit 4619 Dresela 20 OQ 5 5 .Duggall, 5.00 Total In order to better handle the issuance and investigation of Zuture building permits, the following motion vias offered by Trustee Keimmn after a general discua~icsn of the subject by the Council . l"bh.rzt hereafter application%-Ifor building. permitia be firat refered to the resident Truetee for investigation and report prfor.-.t;o issuance of a building permit and for said resident Trustee's recommendation to be made at the following Council nieeting, and that the districts be 8s follow, Trustee Reimann the North East section of the village, &%I North of West 150th Street and East of Highway #5 to extreme vil- -Xage limits, Trustee Willson all South of West 50th Street and Eaet aqd South of Slrgkiway #5 to extreme village limits, Trustee Prescott all Vest and North of ]Hi.&W.Yay #5 to extreme village limits, the motion being seconded by Trustee Prescott and was unanirnouely CizFrieda The Po& bills upon being found correct were on motion Reimann, seconded by TCliTZsern, be allowed and ordered pair, they are &a fol- 1 OW8 W, S. JQY Street Commissioner $60.30 $3, J. Roberts Tractor operator 109a20 A. Wehber Tractor operator 83.80 John Tracy Labor with team 7Q. 20 John Collinw Road labor 37.35 Ben Remle Road labor 34.65 John TrLcy Road labor 5.85 Total $401.25 The miscellaneous bills upon being found correct were on motion Willson, seconded Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, carried., They are a8 follows Lyle signs W. E. Zi egle t V?,B. Garvey Charj Miller dc son Dr Lowell N, Campbell Minneapolis Blue Print Ximneapolis G.E. Co Young fie1 Co Daniel Phillips C.Olson and Sonar. Eo W. Marrl. IS Edinn Grocery George W. Strong Eennepfn County Review Miller-Dzvis Company Rollin Sand(.& Bdg Bk Co EB. Newberg Nlinnehaha Grange Phi IPO t t-Bai ley C e R. Rlscbkbunn J I; o RU tqhl o ge J, 'P. Dalaney George A, Wihlrsom Z;arry:rC. Ma.nsen Ben B. Moore D.F,McGuire Ben Bo Moore Geo A. Willson C.F.Prescott Je Je DUggW St re et Signs!-- $22. 00 Repair parts for tractor 8c plow 129.36 Hardware and Road supplies 9.l.5 Iron washers 0 75 Services Hcaltki. Officer 20.00 Prints of village plats 1.67 November Street lighting 392. X2 Coal for tool k;l.ouse 7e6Q Coal for poor. 14.00 Guard rail installed Interlacken R183.75:. Blacksni thing 4. OQ Gas and oil for tractor 34e73 ' Groceries for poor 29.00 Services village attorney 1929 359.00 Pub. Financial Statement, ballots 112.85 Office supplies 3Q Road gravel delivered 69.00 6 months sent tool. house 3'1.60 Grange hall rent; 6 months,& spe!cia,l meetings during 6 months Spla Officer, gutting up and taking dovm ~L~c~~QII booths Judge annual village election Judge annual village election Judge annual village election Clerk annual village election Clerk annual village election ,President of Council for Decerrriber Treasurer December Recorder December Trus&ee December Trustee December 59. OQ 7.00 5,40 5.40 5040 5.40 5840 35,OO 25eOO 60.00 25. QO 25.00 Cont page 37, Cont, fron page 36. I