HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300111_REGULARThe rsgularmon2lhLy meeting of the CounciS sf the Village of Edina, .was held on Janua~y' 13th. 2930, at 2 PI3 in Grange Xall, ' The meeting wag called to order by President EcGuire after ~ihich the roll rn~ called and those present were NcGuire, Prescott, Siil2son and I1looree Trustee Reinlaxfin ,arrived later, Application in fom by J.T".Delaney, for penflit to erect a garage on his fam, was on motion \?illson, aeconded bgr PrescotL, caPried. Application $n form by Gust Johnson, for pemi& to erect a, two stoqy single dmlling house on lot 5 Auditor's Supo 172, tw~ on motion Rillson, seconded Reimam, be:.g&uited, carried Application in form by Frank 0. Lindahl, for permit to erect 8, g&Y3age #512f *Vest 54th Street, was on motion Ptescatt , seconded lkiYaann, be granted, carried, I This being the firs$ meeting of the calendar year 1930, certain appointments and sals..ries are provided by S'l;ntute at this meeting* 1% m8 moved Rebann, seconded 'Ellson, slzEaqy of Viflwge Treasurer for the year 1930 be fixed at $25.00 pep month, and carried, X'c va~l moved Vill~~ori,salky of Village Recorder for the year 1980 be fixed at #'5e00 per month, seconded by Srescot'l; and carried. It vas moved Prescott, t&%t The Hennepin Coun%,y Revletv, be de- signaled at the Official Village ITewspapep for the year 1930, seconded by fieiana,nn and carried, It; was moved TIIoore, %pat ET^ George ITe Strong be re-appointed Village Attorney for the year 1930, seconded Prescot$ and carried, It vas moved Prescott , thai ALlexander Pc Bradley, be re-appointed Village Engineers, for the year 1930, seconded Reimann and carried, Itt ims moved Koore, that Dr Lowell, 31. Campbell, be re-appointed Village Health Officer for the year 193Q, seconded by TUlson and ca,rried. L ' I It ips moved Rehann, that WeGeChristensen, be re-appointed .l?lwn'B- ing.Inspector for the year 1930 with full. police power -bo enforce It tias moved Prescoit, that the xate of pqy for man with %em be fixed for the ensuing year 0 90p per hourS seconded. by '?iiiZlson and carriedo vil&age ordiances seconded by Noore and carried. ,I Et vas moved Prescott, that lzate OS pay for man on road '5~0x3~ be fixed fcir'f&e ensuing yea2 @45$ per hour, seconded by rl7illson and carried, It wqa moved Prescott, that VeS.Joy bo employed as Street Corn- ni~s&on~~ for the year 1980 at a salary of ()125*00 per cal,6ndw . month and that a daUy report covering sl!. Toad wo& .be sukai-btod by h3.m to the CouncfZ at the regular monthly meetings, seconded ly Eopm and carried, -+ It was noved Willson, that S.J&berta be employed as general utiliQ: man foxa the year 1930 at a salay of $125.00 per calendar month, Seconded by Reimnann and carried, It mas moved Reimann, that Harriet State Bar& of Einneapolis, be rpdesignated as Official Village Depositary for the yea2 1930 a8 per Council Resolution to be adopted later, aoconded by Uoore and qarried.. - Cont. on page 39.. t The surety corAparg bond submitted by J.J0Duggan, Village Tresurer ma an motion Xoore, seconded Presco%t, be rePered to Trustee Qimann fo~ his exanination and report, carriede After lengthy digcussion in %he matter of a Village Earshala, it va3 moved. 1:oore that P.A.Redpath of Mina; be employed as village masshall at a salary of $125.00 per calende2 month, to work undm the general direction of -the Council and prefom such duties as way be required by the Council, marshal1 to furnish his om unifom, village to furnish auto and auto mafntaince, all side ams and hand equLpent for police purposes, seconded by Prescott and carriedo It vas moved Prescott, that Recorder be empowered for and in behalf of the Village of Edina, +to make necessary contrmt vith 2Jorthmst Eel1 Telephone Company, for a single party line tel- ephone to be installed in the home. of the viflzge marshall for officizl business only and to be listed as Xlina Village SoLice Department, seconded by I'lillson and carriedo It was moved Prcscott, that President UcGuirs appoint 8 coiimittee Prom the Council to purchase an auto for Village Earshall, aecond- ed by EToore and carried. Trustees Reirnann, 17illson and Prescotto Xt mz! moved Prescott, that Recorder be empowered to purchase neeensany hand equipment for Village Uarshall, seconded by I7illson and carried, President EcGuire thereon appointed Trustee Reimann 8s committee appointed at last meetiw, reported in part regarding charges ty City of Einnezpolis, for fire ser- vice rendered in Vae Village of Gdina, for period Jlznuaqy 1925 Lo January 1928, and stated he hoped to have a final report by time of next regular council meeting. - Two petitions vith 27 signers, praying for electric service in %he Kirror L&e District ms received and read and 17ag on motion hsinmm, seeondad by Prescott, be refered to Recorder, and carried, Receipts by Recorder since last meeting and turned bver to the Village Treasurer were as Solloss 3.A. Valstrom Edv, Gilbert J.T*Delaney e Builciing pemit, Delaney li'arn Gust Johnson Euilding permit, lot 5 CO Aud'5 172 2.00 Frank 0. Zind&l Euilding pernit 3721 Vest 54th Street 2.QO The Road bills upon being found correct mre on mation fieimann seconded 3y Tillson, be allowed and ordered paid, carried., they are as follono s J .Roberts Tractor operator 3,50 Plumbing pennit 4515 Xdina Blvd Plumbing permit 4630 France Ave Total 917 e 00 Ve S JOY Street Commissioner ij33a60 T 2.80 A. ribber t 0 r Opt3 X'a tQ 3? J* 'imcgt Labor with team 46.10 J. Collins. Road labor 21. 60 :j 12.8. 20 12,60 I Bo lbmp3.e Road labor nA 10 bi31 I The miscellaneous bills upon being -foun@ correct, vere on motion 17ill~ofi, seconded Prescott , be allovod and ordered pa%d, carried, they are as fol&ovw Eiller-Davis Company Steel letter file $35a 65 Eigmeapolia G.E.Coo, December Street Lighting Q12*12 Eennepin County POOP farm sorvice 9x.00 FliilpoQt-?&ley Co Coal for poor Be00 Dr L.E.Cam~bell Services Health Officer 53000 Stockland Sales &q. Coo-, Snot7 Fence Posts 42085 Hennepin County Reviev Published notice 5.40 Cont. on page 40. Con%. from page 39, Security Natl. Bank V.G .Christensen Minneapolis Park Bd. chriE% L&-%’S@ll, c Premium ‘Erea~v.rer~ s bond Hauling snow fence posts Plmibing inspections in 1929 I;a,’bor, planning Ei1l Pond skating -rink Hauling snow fence BbZ of Hyvis Falo trac%o.r oil Salary President January Salary Treasurer Sanuagy Salary fiecorder Januaay. Salaqy Trustee Januaxy 825.00 8.00 4ocoo No further business to come before the mesting hotion to __ adjourn carried at 6 PI& village Recorder. E