HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300208_REGULARNd$nu%os of the regula2 meeting of %he C@unci3. of the
Grange Bbl at 2 PM, P
Villago of Edina,, held on February Btki,. 1938, in
&finu.t;les of the regular meeting held on Decembex! l4th, 1929, were read -and on motion Prescott, seconded Willson, he approved
road carried,
&Tinutea of the ~e&lar meeting held in Januaqy ~~tb, 1930, were read and on motion Reirnann, setcondo8 zreaeatt, be approved as
Ninutes of the special meeting heid on Februnrydth, 3.930, we1ipe
redd and on motion Reimam, secoqded Pmscolt, be approved as
The read bill13 upon examination and being Pound correct were on
motion Prescott,;,, seconded Willson, be allowed and ordered paid,
ce,rr%eda ~
read; carlt%edm
read, emri ede
The miscellaneous bills as approved, on being found correct,
were on motion Heirnann, aecsnded Willson, be allowed and ordered
paid, carried,
75* QO
35. OQ
2. Ul
45. OQ
Continued ob page #43.
D. P.McGuire, President Be bruary $35 , OQ
J, JeI&ggariE, Treasurer Februmy 25.00
George A. '#i13son, Trustee February 25,00
J.E.Reimmn, Trustee February 25.QQ
Dahlberg 53ro8, Xnc, New Police car and equipment
43 \
Ben 33. Hoor0, Recorder Pebruzrp ?50 00
C.F.Prescot%, Trustee February 25, QQ
Edina Garrage, Chins fop Police car 4.40
as per advertised bids 55Qe 45
P,A.Rqdpsth, Rcfund for offgcer8 cap dc Belt 8850 - Total $ 1.933.24
It mas moved Preacott, seconded Willson, Village EfarshalT qedpath, be reimbursed $830 for OfficerPs cap and belt
88 it was coqsidered, Officer's ,equipment, car%iede
Application in fsm by J. Costello, for building pez~mBt t~ qrectc q one story barn on Laura Quady property on Trance kve South of I7ersty 50th Streee, also ,signed as giving coaaent by
surrounding neighbors and property omers, was on notion
Reimanr?, seconded Preacott, be granted carried,
1 Upon tbe suggestion of the Village Attorney,, tltlrough the
Recorder, f% was moved Reimann, seconded Preocott, =that Rec-
arder be instructed by the Village Council to instruct the
I Village EZaPshietXL,, that .the Police car in his custody to be
used only for afffcal business and &s directed by tke Council
and to Becure a aiti;r,ed acknowledgement from the llarshall ke
bkbd duly received the, order, carried.
.To Bay, had not been naed as &*-member of the Zoning Cornissfon and nith Council's consent would do so at that time. \There- upon President EcGuire, duly named Xr Chas 9.1 Fayp to &Le
2onJ;ng Commission of the Village of Edinz.
' Presfddnt EcGuire, stated that through oversight, Lls Chas.
at Tke qatter of PobfCk&en was disclaseed at; length by %be CoukcbL aiker which Trustee Relmmn, moved, PI[.R.Bsas, ZoReBlackburn and
S,J,Roberta, bo appointmi Policemen for the balance of the year
1930, to serve and have police powers to preserve the peace 'and
protect property t7ithin the lirflits of the Village bof Edlna,
scecnded by Prsncott, and carriede I
AppliCa%$on in form by Carl E. Ransen, fortpermit to erect a
stucco houes on Lot 26, Block 9, Fairway Section, CCD, appravec
by ReGident Tmste& t7as on rmtion Bntescott, aeconded Vi13,son,
be granted, earried unaminously, 1
Application in form. by J. C.Vlardell, for permit to erect 8. kiouae on Eat 33 Block 9, Fairway Section, CCD, duly approved iby the resident Tmstee, mas on motion 'Preacott, seconded \7illson, .
be granted, Carried unaminoualy,
Receipts by Recorder since last meeting and turned over to the
Village Treasurer, mere as follows
Clayton W.Anderaopl, Grading on Ealifax Ave $27 . QO Carlson Bras, Plumbing permit 4507 Bruce Ave
J. Costello, Barn on Quady property, France Ave South /a*oo
of Vest 50th Street 2,OQ
Carl Edo hnsen, Bdg. Permit Lot 33 B1k 9 Faimay CCD 2, SO
2.00 Bdg Permit Lot 26 Blk 9 Fa%att.rap CCB
I Total $39eOO
C No further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn
+ carried at 5,25 EL
Village Recorder.