HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300308_REGULAR1 44 Minutes of the regular rneetiing of the Council of %he 'JilPage of 2%Rroa, held on March 8th. 1930 at 2 PM in Grange Hall, . .__ . .. .. The meeting waa called to order by Trucltte Prsscott whereupon President XcGuire arrived and assumed the chai~r. Tne roll upon being called found all present except llrmatee Reirnann. Mr Bjsrk, appeared before the Council. rbquestin'@; that E~nk and Griffith Streets be graded togathea: with some filling in the narrow placeso . He was assured by the Council such work would be d0ne as socm'as possible. Xr Chss Ve Tarbox, appkared before the Council re-application for building pernit on lot 16 and chicken coup on lot 17, Brook- side Heights, which on motisg more, seconded Wi113on, be @anted, carried unaminotlsly and so ordered, was received and placed in vault, I i ' Auto registration card, A-25209t3Q9 covering Village Police ear: It was moved Prescott, that the miscellaneous bills were upon due examination and being found correct, that they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by WiIlsoas; and carriedo They arc as follow , Twfn City Ins Company Anto Eiabe Ins. premium $12. 90 Mi 11 cr- Davi s Company Office supplies le75 League Ninn. Xunicipalities, Copies of proposed ordances 5.80 Alexander & Bradley Engineering services 20.00 Mennepln County Revfevr Published Notice 6.00 Philpott-Bailey Co Coal for poor Jany bc Peby 63.60 Dr L.X. Campbell Services Health Officer 15.00 C.P.Anderson Co 1st Aid kit Police car 4, QQ Ninneapolis G, E. Company February Street lighting 407e60 Chas Olson 8c Sans Blacksmithing 3.90 We I?, Garvey 'F~ardwars & supplies 6.32 Edina Grocery Groceries for poor 19.10 '. -I E. W. HWYPS Gas & Oil 17.98 N-SV .Bel1 Telephone Co Chas Olson & Sons Repairing tractor snow plow 38,77 P. A, Redpath Village Marshall Peby-Idarch 125eQ0 V?. So Joy Street 'Commissioner Feb-Xar. 125.00 8. Je Roberts General Utility man Beb-Xar 3.25. 00 \\ -:- Installing t service Village Xarshall telephone 11.25" Country Club Carrage Gas Oil & Auto supplies 8. a7 AIII. Fc .UCGU$,~~ SslakytrPrpekdenB March 35eOO J, Je DUggW Salary Treasurer Xarch 25eOQ Ben E. Moore Salary Recorder %larch 750 00 ce P*Prcscott Salary Trustee March 25 00 25.00 Goso Ae WillSOn Salary Trustee Narch 25.00 J,E. Roirnann Salary Trustee March Total $1,227.04 The Road bills upon being found correct, were on motion Willson, seconded Prescett, be allowed an'd order paid carried, they are as follows A. 'Webber 6. Tracey J. Collins Jo Tracey 23. Remple Tract'sr operator $19060 Labor vfth team 31.. 5 0 Road labor 10.80 Road labor 7.20 Road labor ---- 3.60 Total $72,70 d Application in form from Andms Thorpe Const. Company, to rebuild Country Club House, destroyed previously by fire, was on motion Willson, Seconded. Prescott, be granted, carried unminously. Application in form by E Peterson, to move and alter house nor; located at 5849 Beard Avenue S0uth, wat3 nn motion Willson, Prescott, be granted, carried unaminously. secondea 45 Receipts by Recorder oince Isst meef%ng and turned mer to Tillage Treasurer am as f01lOtr~l Carlmn 9ro8, Plumbink permit 4609 CaScQ Ave. 86eOO Bowler 8c Xartin (' H 4512 t'JooddaEe Ave 6.08 Frank T. Nelson If (I 4636 Drexel, Ave 60 00 State Treasurer, 1929 Cigarete licenses 45.80 Zack Peterson, 500 fP, snow fence and 30 posts 36.10 Chao PI, Tarbox, House 10% 16 and chicken coupe on 10% 17, Block 7 Brookside Bg D. 4*00 Erneat Schnidke, House on Willryan Ave, 7th lot 2.00 b05.10 I 1s North of \"Jest 64th St. * Totax The matter of closing to road traffic the nooden bridge at Inttrl&ckcn Road by M.N.and S. Rye, ma8 discussed at Length, whereupon Bt was moved Xoore, that Prerjfdent be appointed a specials committee, to take the matter up with Hr Strong, Village Attorney, and report back to Council, seconded by Prescott. and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting held on February 8th. weze read and on motion Prescot3, seconded Wi11son, be approved, carried, Xrs Vhipplc, on behalf of the Family Welfare Bureau, appeared before the Council with reference 'CO an imbecile child of George Bansone After discusoian it was agreed that Ura Vhipple, 170Uld furnish the'Recorder, letter from County Attorney and Sup% of School District #a7 as me11 as a let- ter from hear bureau on the general situation after t7hfch Recorder would take the matter up vith the Goverfiaro ?resident HcGuire anrljounced he had been requested'by . the Chairman of the Zoning Commission, to.nWe tmo additional, members to the Zoning Commission, and with the consent Q% the Council t~ould name Kr J.A.Jarvis and Xr Geoo 30 objection, Reccnrder to advise Ulr Jarvis and 1,rir.VeSsey. Application in form by Ernest Schraidks for building permit on Willryan Ave, 7th lot North of IFkst 62nd street, ivas on motion Prescott, seconded Raimznn, and unaminouisly carried. 1 Vesaey, It was moved Reimann, seconded Prescott, that Recorder be empowered to purchase three No Parking signs to be%placed on 17ebt. side of 'Clooddale Ave North of West 50th Stseqt, to replace those previously there, carried. It vlas moved Prescott, seconded Willson, Recorder be em- powered to purchase 1 copy of the Einneaota Year Boo% from League of Hinnesota Nunicapilaties, carried, It vas moved PreEtcott, seconded Tbillson, that April meeting he held at 8 PE in place of 2 hn on the second Saturday as heretofore, carriedo ~?o fuP.t;l?er business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried, at 6 he c t Village Recordero