HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300412_REGULARI I Irieuaace ~QUC~-*COVCT~ZI~ renowax insFrance of $ZQOe. On Village Toef Hou~~, .$lOOO. on ELI% toola and equipment and $ZOOe an snow fence located myvhere in village, togather with bill. for sane in. moun3 $28.84 vas presented by Blackburn Nickels'& Smith, On motfen Refmmn, seconded \'i%lSaon, be accepted and invoice paid, carried, It was moved Reimam, seconded \7bIlaon, thai a 15 gallon Babcock fj~e ex%$ngufsbez and b of Pyrene type, be purchased and carried in police car, carried. Application N-YI Bel$ Telephone Company for permission to set 1 pole and trim tree Weat 532d, and Kellogg, S-raayan -motion Preseott, seconded Reimmn, be granted subject to approval Trustee Villson after Bn- spection and carriedo After discussion it was moved Prescost, ,seconded Noore, that the Village Health Officer, be requested to wubnit a nrittgn report on disposal plant serving the Country Club District, togather with my recmmenda$iana, carried4 lEtez-eons€derable diacuasion on the advisability of Gving a fact- finding survey ordered by the Village Councfl, Recorder '61oore offered the motion "That a fact-finding survey Village Courncib to aacertabn varioua facts inttha many Smpor.t;anC iseues confronting the residents of Edina and,probbm? that vould arise in connection with the setting up of a proposed nev villeg~13 at a cost not to exceed $S0OOt3 %me vas declared LorsP;, The Road bills upon being found correct, were on motLor! ?rescotit, seconded Willson, be allowed and ordered. paid, which carried, They are as fallans t t , I be prepared on behalf of -%he There being no second fo the motion Gen Utility man Stree.P, Commissioner Village Erashall TracP,aP operator Road Labor with team Road labor Road labor Road labo? Road labor Road labor with tern Salary April Trustee Salary April Trustee Salary Aprfb Truotee Salary April Trua'cee Salary April Treasurer Salary Aprll 2resident Total The matter of extending electric service in the Nizror Loks district toas discussed, after nhich it nss moved by Preacott, ssconded.T!illson, that the Village order igstalled in an& almg Ealoneyr Seth, 4th asld 5th Stree?ts, 8 street lights of 2QQ CP each subject to the electric service lines,gaing in in the near future, andt carried. Xinutea of the meeting held on Sllarch 8th; were.read ebnd,apgroved. Receipt8 by Recorder,sfnce laot meeting and turned over to the Vjjllage Treasure2 were as follsns. F.C.Balcl<:rin, Plumbing permi& 450q Drexel Avenue CCB $6 o 25 Car1ssn Brcm, Plwnbung permi$, 4503 Bruce Ave CCB 6.OO 10 CJLHmsery, Bailding pernit, 4514 Wooddale Ave 2b OQ C.LL&neen, Building permit, 4621 Drexel Ave , J*%Eesl%e, Building permit 4504 Drexel Avo , i PbA,Redpath, Por 1 SP; Paul telephone call ?a 2151 2:: J.R.Richie, Building pernip 4618 Drexel Ave * t 2.08 J.R,Richfe, Building permit 4626 Drexel Ave 2,oo CoGeClark, Iitailddng permit 550 ft N on Grandview from 64th 2. OQ ITALCmper,, Building permit 3-& HE* Sec 29 '211'7 R21 2,QO G80 Paetzel, Building permit, Lot 5 Blk 1 Tin dale Add 2*08 Simon Strand, Building permit Sec 30 T28 R24 2eOQ 2. QQ 2,QO hdrus Th~~pe, Sly* Sle Ssc 18(Golf Club Eouse 7 Errnest Peterson, 5849 3eard Ave . Bdg, Permit Total $i 34.35 . , 48 No .further business to cone before the regular meeting of April IbZtk.1, 1930, motion to adjourn carried at 11.55 PM. 0 Village liecorder, Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on Nay 10th. 1930 at 8 P1M in Grange EalL 3 The meetingomas called to order by President McGuire and the roll upon being called found all nenbers of the CouncAI present, A petition was presented by Mr Olson and Mr Andereon with sbaut 35 signers asking for electric service along West 'IOtki, Street from prance Avenue to Cakfabl and Yequesting what ever assistance the CouKikiI could give in pr~curplng the servi c e. After discussion matter WBB turned over to t t tke Xecosder for his EtLtentiond Two membersof the Bmf%y Welfare Association were pres&% with reference to the placing Era Adelaide Mastine at the County Paran. Discuasisn bringing aut the fact the- Paanily Belfare Association had, agreed to either take care of Ers TJartine or put her to work if the Village would place her husband Albert Hartine in the County Fsnn at the exRenee of the Village of Edina,, and thst as of thie date Xrs Martine 'was not assumed to be a resfdeqat of Edfna, At this point the Vekfare Association spokesam made the f sllowing propoe- ition to the Village Council- '"That Mrs Eartine be placed at tke Helanepin County Farm on the understanding the Fawily Welfare Association will reimburoe the Village of Edina, fop her hop from nonth to month and as long as it advisable for = Mrs RIax?%itie to remain at the dounty Pamff0 &%BE furthes discussion TsurJtee Prescott made a motLon to accept the.abr%vs progasition in reference to Mrs TJiartine, seconded by Trustee tirilloon and carried, Recordezl to so advise Misa Alfredta DRV~B, Bureau Secretary, Famfl~~ Welfare Ahssociatisn. Dr F, Dentan mite, President of. Counrty Club Association, VPB presented and spoke before tbe Council with reference to financing as well at3 a general program of supervised play ground8 for the children of Edfna and School District #a'?, during the su~mer monthso All rnembkrs of -the Council favored such EL program and assured Dr White the Council would on behalf of the Village, pay far the time or services of the man'wnboes duty it would be to mainbin order8 super- vise or'dffect and adofd injury to psoperty, if the CsuncaSl had a right to do sc. Recorder to obtain necessary infor- tnation or ruling a8 the case may be and report to thci Cmbcil. at its next meeting, T Mr Wa Ne Cooper ad C,A,Bolm, appeared before the CounCiib with a regues.t; a road be built across the Cooper property and submitted 8s sketch thereof. moved Prescott, seconded N~dre and carried, that the Vkllsgo Engtnnes submitt his recommendation as to locatiori and cost5 at the next meeting of the Council, After discuas:an it .%vas 1